Saturday, February 18, 2017

Upside Down Flag...Dam

  I have been seeing people fly the upside down flag recently, they are protesting the election results. The upside down flag is a distress signal. I know we are a nation in distress, but the people flying the flag in this way are not seeing what I am seeing. They are flying the flag in distress for an entirely different reason than I am, Donald Trump will do well and he is not the problem.

   Since the election the people who voted for Hillary have been unable to grasp the fact that she lost, period. Yes the system for voting, in particular the electoral college, needs to be looked at.  So now I have done my part in acknowledging the voting system has some issues, nevertheless Trump won under the established system. My ire is with these people who refuse to look and see the reality of their behavior. The whiners seem to think they are accomplishing something. They ARE  accomplishing something, they are making themselves and their cause look very pathetic, feeble, weak, unable to withstand debate and scrutiny.
   The funny thing about these people is that they scream and shout about tolerance, then they show no tolerance themselves. Instead of a strong, intellectual thoughtful and measured approach to the problem as "the opposition", they act like children throwing a fit. The whiners can only tolerate those who think exactly like themselves. The whiners remind me of islam or the Inquisition. When the whiners take over, this country will see what the Inquisition was like, we will experience nazi America, we will live Stalinist America where descent will be answered with bullets and bombs.
    I do not tolerate everything, I am up front about that. I do not have any tolerance for islam or it's adherents, I understand islams directives, statutes and history. I have no tolerance for evil. I have very little tolerance for politicians. Seeing my fellow Americans so misled and confused by politicians is horrifying. Until the American people can look at an election in an objective manner this country and our people will suffer. We the People need to understand what government is there for, we the People don't seem to understand. In a free society We Are The Government.
  Government exists for several specific reasons. To provide an infrastructure for business to be conducted successfully. To provide military strength to keep the nation safe and sovereign. To provide a means for diplomatic contact with other nations. To provide representation to the People in all arenas. There are people who believe government should do more then that, they are wrong, my opinion. Government should establish a sociopolitical climate that affords everyone an opportunity to make a living, government should not provide a living, my opinion. I can tolerate others opinion and engage them on it. Right now my community is living out the reality of governance gone very wrong. Not my opinion, sad fact.

  The dam in my community has a damaged spillway and the emergency spillway has been compromised to the point where almost 200,000 people had to be evacuated from throughout the flood plain. The dam has been in need of repair for years, the state government has known of problems for as long 16 years. Yet year after year they chose to give money to people who are here illegally and ignore the very people providing the politicians the money they are squandering. Instead of protecting the people that pay the bills, they took the money to win hearts and minds, sick. If you tolerate stupid this is what happens, the people of California elect these twits. As long as the people will tolerate this, the criminal state government will continue and they will get worse. They will take all we give and demand more.
   The dam repair and fix will amount to the money California has spent on illegal immigrants over the past 20 years. If I had been Donald Trump I would have told Jerry Brown "no ask your constituents for the money, the USA is not going to pay for your states unconstitutional behavior" and I would have been within my rights, if I were Trump. One day Jerry Brown is #notmypresident the next he is asking "not his President" for help. Trump loves the USA so he is not going to let Americans who voted for him down, even those of us in California, thank you Mr. President. So now the entire USA will pay for what the politicians in California have been doing for years, creating a "long term man made human disaster". If you cannot see the irony, how pathetic politicians are, you have bought into the narrative, hence my upside down flag. Help.

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