Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recipe For Disaster in 1 Hour

So here are the directions for creating a wonderful disaster in your nation.

1) Add 3 cups of "ability to abuse the truth"
2) Add 2 tablespoons of "denial", be careful not too much, very potent
3) Add 1 pound of "desire to look better than others"
4) Add 2 tablespoons each , greed , avarice, lust for power, sloth,
5) Add 1 cup of "lack of curiosity", this recipe does not require "due diligence" to hold the mix together

   Take the first five ingredients and mix with blender on high for 2 minutes, once the mix has an even brown appearance and smells like the bog of eternal stench you have your "politically correct" sauce.

 Now we add the disaster, typically in the past the disasters chosen were one ingredient, but the "cooks of the world" now seem to enjoy multiple disaster recipes. I will give the recipe for my favorite disaster.

1) I always add a large number of politicians lining the bottom of the pan with them, pour a layer of "political correctness" over them so they can absorb the sauce. The number of politicians depends on the size of your pan.
2) I like to add teachers and University professors here the number again dictated by the size of the pan, add more of the "politically correct" sauce, you may have to add more sauce on this layer, professors and teachers absorb the sauce really well.
3) To ensure a thoroughly wonderful disaster I add lying , twisted clergy here, 1 layer the size of the pan. No sauce yet.
4) To complete the disaster add 1 cup of "our fractional knowledge", if you don't have that a half cup of "science " is a good substitute

 Now add the "politically correct"sauce to the layers of "clergy" and "our fractional knowledge"
Now pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees and we will prepare the topping. The topping is what makes the dish worth the time)))

1) Add 1 teaspoon each racism and false racism
2) Add 1 teaspoon cowardice
3) Add 1 teaspoon false education
4) Add 1 teaspoon indoctrination
5) Add 1 teaspoon false religion( I use islam it is the greatest for disasters)
6) Add 1 teaspoon entitlement
7) Add 1 teaspoon capitulation
8) Add 1 teaspoon no moral compass
9) Add 1 teaspoon self righteousness
Mix these ingredients together using a hand whip, whip until smooth and creamy, then pour onto the main ingredients in the pan.

Sprinkle with hatred, blind ignorance, wanton stupidity then put the pan in the oven for 60 minutes. You will know when your disaster is about done by the stench emitting from your oven, don't worry that is normal and your disaster will be thorough. After 60 minutes pull your disaster out of oven and slice into circles, serve with strong liquor and potent drugs and you will be the talk of the neighborhood. Enjoy!

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