Thursday, February 9, 2017

Not Really a Challenge

I am always up to being engaged in dialogue about most things. Typically when we as people talk we exchange ideas so we can relate to one another. Once we relate we enjoy exchanging information, ideas and of course gossip. I enjoy learning so I am kind of an information junky, even when it is useless, spurious and irrelevant information. So when my curiosity dials in on something I go for it in an overkill type way.
  I was raised by socially liberal German parents, they basically allowed my sister and I to run our own program as we were growing up as long as our school grades were good and our rooms were clean. So as a child and adolescent I was learning all kinds of things on my own. My extended socially liberal German family and parents taught peace and tolerance, it was very important to them, be tolerant of those who are different. I was taught color was just that and nothing else. I was taught that all religions are good and that we were to be very tolerant of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism islam and Christianity as well as Hindus, Buddhists etc.
   At the time as a child I took it as "that is how things are", we tolerate. I must say as a boy I was fascinated with war so I read a lot about it. War had nothing to do with tolerance, I could see that. So something was not correlating with what my family was teaching. As I studied and read I learned that my family was missing half of the point, peace and tolerance takes two parties. Peace only comes when both parties agree to it. Tolerance is a gesture of kindness and acceptance.
   Sometimes you have to fight for what is right. I don't mean like the sorry small minded immoral totalitarian cowards burning down the USAs inner cities because they don't like who got elected as President. I mean fight evil, true evil, to the death because what you are facing is not to be tolerated. If there were a menace that openly threatened your freedom, your right to exist, living and believing as you do, what would you do?  Would you fight for your freedom or would you cower in fear? Would you allow the menace to rape your women? Would you allow the menace to rape and abuse your children? Would allow the menace to indoctrinate your children into the evil? Would you allow the menace to strap bombs to your children and walk them into the fire? Would you allow people to be killed because they don't hold the same opinion, belief or moral code? Would you fight to stop evil??
  I believe in general most people would stand up for their rights and freedom. I believe their would be conscientious objectors, I absolutely respect that. No one really wants to have to fight. Many believe there are alternatives and sometimes there are. Not always. What would have been the outcome of Europe if Charles Martell(832 AD), Jan Sobieski (1682AD)or the United States (1941AD)had not intervened when evil raised its head. I chose those three purposely because islam and nazi Germany are very much alike. Totalitarian, restrictive, intolerant, and of course supremacism run wild.
   Europe would look a lot like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey or Somalia if Charles Martell or Jan Sobieski had decided not to fight for their freedom. Europe would be a corrupt, unproductive wasteland like any number of islamic nations, yes the oil rich states "appear" to be productive but really remove the oil and they fail. If the USA had not intervened in WWII we would all be speaking German and that would not have been a good thing. During WWII the nazis and islam were already co-mingling, can you imagine the outcome of that. And despite all we know, all the history and all of the current events, our elected officials would bring islam into our nation and roll out the red carpet.
   What is worse is that the media actually backs these politicians and their view. Then the worst of all, human nature and the human condition, everyone believes what the media delivers without any due diligence at all. Picking up a history book would be too much, it's not trust it is lazy when you don't fact check obvious nonsense and of course the media wouldn't lie.
    I understand what the liberal progressive totalitarians in this nation are trying to say, they are saying we are a nation of immigrants and we should be open to all oppressed peoples. I fully agree. The reason islamic nations fail is due to the ideology they have elevated to a religion. So they are oppressed by their own beliefs, cultural norms and social order. Funny thing about that is, they are both running from it and have full intentions of forcing it upon all who invite them in. So my dear liberal progressive totalitarians have some psychobabble to unravel and rebuild. No one person or nation can help individuals or groups running from themselves. They need to fix what is broken back where they are from, not unroll and  implement the very travesty they left behind. Many islamic groups in this nation have vowed to do just that, using our freedom and laws to steal our freedom and our rights. Many muslims agree that is what should happen. If you need a good example of politicians working with islamic groups to steal peoples freedom and security look at Europe, soon to be an islamic continent.
   So from here on in I would encourage any liberal progressive to engage me on the subject of islam based on established facts. Please don't confront me with emotional "can't we all just get along" "we are all the same" etc. nonsense. Please don't confront me on how the "Palestinians" are oppressed. Palestinian is actually Philistine and history records that Philistines were not Arabs, hijacking a name does not make you legitimate. The Arabs in Israel are not oppressed by Judaism or Israelis, they are oppressed by islam. Please don't confront me on the Crusades unless you have done your homework. Islam was destroying Persia, the Middle East and North Africa killing Christian and Jewish people for 400 years before the defensive action of the Crusades was approved by any pope. I agree the Crusaders made some very bad and evil choices at times, I do not excuse those actions in any way. Please don't confront me on what islam has contributed to the world, be rest assured that most good that has come from islam was either stolen or coerced out of other conquered peoples, not to say that islam has not made contributions. I ask please to not confront me with emotion, but if you do I am up for it, it is just not really a challenge.

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