Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hollywood Strike?

Really? Honestly?! They are "the base for the entire modern American culture"? They speak for humanity?  Ok I would get it if they produced our food or electricity or oil or anything practical or useful. They are entertainers. Not farmers, not manufacturers, not police officers, not doctors. So I would say by preponderance of the evidence they have nothing to make a strike effective. Who cares if some overpaid underworked ivory tower living hypocrite doesn’t “work”? These people are not part of the real world. How does their opinion mean any more than that of a common worker? Do I really need the tripe that they produce to make it through the day? The funniest thing about this is that they are serious, like somehow the world will stop if there were no new movies, tv shows etc. I am sure the advertisers might complain but I could care less about advertisers, they are as bad as actors.
 Advertisers use psychology, imagery and sound to manipulate, in particular children which offends me. 
 Back to the Hollywood strike. Please do, honestly pop culture is one of the biggest corrupters of human beings. Hollywood plays a very big part in pop culture. Everyone wants to belong and we all can relate to music and movies, so pop culture helps us relate to one another in "pop cultures'" way. Hollywood believes they are dictating, they have forgotten that they are actually portraying, copying, imitating, counterfeiting not leading. Let them strike and feel what the weight of a feather does on a scale.

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