Saturday, February 25, 2017

Prayers For the President?

  I get it, pray for the President so he has success. Not a bad thing on the surface. It can be a problem though if people waste their time praying for leaders and not participating in a relationship with the Father. We have to have faith in the Father not our leaders. Israel got in trouble in the Old Covenant when the people got jealous of other nations for having a king, they did not realize or accept the fact that they already had the ultimate leader. They wanted to be like everyone else not seeing that they had been set apart for a reason. Sadly Gods chosen people are not unique when it comes to human nature and the human condition, we are all weak.

  The lesson, when you read the history of Israels leaders during the time of the Prophets, is that leaders are human, fallible. There were very good leaders and very evil leaders, a mix which is a direct reflection of humanity. Yahweh wants us to trust him, but because we are obstinate, unfaithful and untrusting children he has time and time again shown his love for us by conceding to our childish demands. He allowed the children of Israel to choose a leader.
  When I read post after post on social media about "we need to pray for our President" I cringe, pray for yourselves, pray for God. People absolutely do not read Scripture and if they do they are not understanding what they are reading. Look, I am glad Trump was elected but that could change. In my opinion he will probably be the last President who is not a liberal progressive totalitarian. There are too many people who want everything without having to work for it and right now that is what these political piles of feces are offering. It is very obvious that I feel politicians are barely a notch above hollywood, they are trash.

   When the politicians who are offering everything for nothing get to lead this land in a more permanent fashion all that free stuff will change. The upper echelon will be entitled to all the free stuff. The middle class will be destroyed because you cannot have a slave caste if there is an honest hard working middle class in this day and age. Those societies that cling to caste systems have either imploded or are in the process of imploding. The liberal progressive totalitarians will use the police and military to subjugate the people, enslave them, abuse them so they can live a lavish liberal progressive lifestyle. The only people that will need real pay are the upper class and law enforcement. The new slave caste will live a lot like the Jewish Holocaust victims had to live in nazi death camps, only that will be the "societal norm". Most people reading this will find it hard to believe, this is some lunatic fantasy, I accept. If I can reach just one person with the truth though, I have doubled His treasure. The truth is the time is short. People think things, events and people of significance "telegraph" their arrival. Take an objective look at the events of say the last 100 years. Look at the advances humanity has made in that time relative to the previous 2000 years. There is a serious logarithmic change. It is a timing thing. Everything has a reason and a purpose. The Fathers schedule is perfect, his process is on schedule.

   Prayers for the President. Fair enough. Remember when things really turn bad those leaders we pray for can do nothing for us, they are flesh and blood like you and I. When things are out of control they will be doing the same thing the rest of us are doing, trying to survive, The elite just get a first class ride to the end, they are guaranteed nothing more than you or I. We would all do well to pray to the Father for our souls and the lives of those who are in our immediate circle, then those outside our circle, then think about praying for leaders. There are people and groups of people who are into "social engineering", the Bilderberger Society, the wealthy and elite class of the planet believe they set world policy. They are as much in control of things as you or I.  I have nothing against praying for the President. Praying is a good thing. Praying for others is also a good thing.  Prayers are worship. Worshipping leaders is, in my opinion based on my understanding of what I read,  not good and it is not something our Father has a great appreciation for. Be careful with your prayers. Be careful what you ask for.

   What I read and how I understand it tells me that things will change very, very quickly and profoundly. Prayers for the President? Keep focused on the reality coming......

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