Monday, February 13, 2017

Palestinians /Philistines

So for me to have to hear or read anything about the plight of the Palestinians gets annoying. Lets start with basic history. Philistines were a seafaring people who arrived in the middle east as "outlanders", they fought with the Israelites from about 1150 BCE to about 900 BCE when they disappeared from history. There have been Philistine graveyards found that show these were seafaring people, probably from Crete.

  So the people claiming to be Philistines/Palestinians are Arabs. The land of Israel was renamed by the Romans, they named it after the Israelites mortal enemies as an insult and as a way to remove Israel from the history books. They named it Palestine after the Philistines. I am sure there were Arabs living in Israel, but it was not their land. Arabs in the region did not use the term "Palestinian" until after 1948, obviously for political reasons.
  The truth is before WWI Jewish people were returning to their promised land, Israel. The Arabs of the region were more then happy to sell their useless desert land to the Jewish immigrants, they thought they were getting over on the buyers. Those who purchased the land worked it and made Israel a modern, productive and dynamic land. The Arabs then realized if they had made any effort at all they could have had this paradise, too late they sold it. Now they want a do over. This is who the new Palestinians are, Arabs, muslim Arabs.

  In Scripture Joshua was told to clear the land of Israel of all of the peoples residing there, he was told to destroy them. Our Father does not like human blood sacrifice and that is why Joshua was sent into the land of Israel. Destroy the people who "walk their children into the fire". Joshua was given specific orders on what region to clear of these people, sadly he did not finish the job. The new Palestinians strap bombs to their children and then celebrate death, just like the peoples Joshua was told to destroy.
   So if the real Palestinians were actually the Philistines from Crete and the Aegean sea region, what is the motivation for the these Arabs claiming to be "Philistines". I believe that the "Palestinian identity" is just a political attempt to counter "Zionism". They are a weapon being used to disrupt Israels inherent right to its land. Lets be real, the new Palestinians are Arabs so they are not Palestinians at all, they are Arabs. They sold their land to Jewish settlers who worked to make their land into something. Now the Arabs want the land back since all the work has been done. The new Palestinians are a direct reflection of islam, lazy, useless, violent and evil.
  My last word on the subject, for now. When you try to make moral equivalences like the following, building a settlement for people to reside in is the same as a person strapping a bomb to their body and blowing themselves and many innocent people up, you are lost. What is worse there are actually people in this world who agree with this rubbish. Anyone defending the "modern Palestinians" is either not curious about history and the truth or they are part of the modern " we create and believe our lies movement". This type of movement is something that liberal progressive totalitarians are good at.

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