Sunday, January 31, 2016

Much Questioning

   I do often offend religious people, they feel I somehow assault their sensibilities because I question their dogma. I make clear that the root word for religion is "to bind" and I then make clear that The Father has never taken anyones freedom of choice away. We can make all the right choices or all the wrong choices, the Father wants us to learn, some have more time than others. If you are willing to pay the price, then let it be, the Father weeps for all he loses.
   I question if you know that the saviors name is Yahshua/Yahushua why would you continue to verbalize "Jesus"? If your name was Robert would you want to be referred to as Shawn? I will make my point once more, there is no letter "J" in Paleo Hebrew/ Aramaic either in script or phonetically.....period.
   I question all of these churches with their huge castles of worship, with lavish lifestyles afforded the pastors, reverends, priests and ministers by the people they supposedly shepherd. In the time of the Prophets and Apostles, teaching was something you did, but you had a day job, The Savior did not come to start an industry.
   I question the people who in some twisted zeal for evangelism, more zealous then thoughtful, sympathetic or empathetic, turn more people away from the Father then towards him.
   I question the stubborn ones who actually see the light and the truth and refuse to embrace it. I respect their independence, but at some point you will have to choose sides.
   I question the educated who would rather mislead using incomplete "logic" rather then embrace their spiritual side, they won't believe something they cannot measure or see. Faith and Trust do not exist, they are merely relative. If something becomes inconvenient they talk around it.
   I question the ones who have been spoken to and don't speak out, we are not spoken to with the intent of keeping silent, tell what you know, you are under directive.
    I question the politicians who embrace evil, like islam and multiculturalism, and force it upon the very people who elect them to protect them from exactly that.
   I question the people who continue to believe that politicians have the peoples best interest in mind and vote for obvious traceable liars, over and over again, expecting different results every time.
   I question the people who can justify not showing hospitality, the simplest of dignities that we have to extend, even when we have nothing, it reflects our society. Sad, very very sad.
   I question a society that makes murder acceptable depending upon who it is and how well they can defend themselves, more money more justice? No justice no peace! How about know justice, know peace through the Father.
      When will people realize what really matters, our relationship with the Father and our relationships with others. Are we dedicated to our relationships?  Are we honest in our relationships? Are we loving and empathetic? Are we engaged and curious? Are we trusting and gracious? Are we strong yet tender? Would you be willing to lay your life down? Got a match?

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