Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tolerance and Intolerance. Balance

    This is to clear the air about my personal take on tolerance and intolerance in relationship to society and politics, I distinguish this because I deal with "tolerances" all day every work day. I am not a "progressive democrat" nor am I a "conservative republican", I am a registered "independent". I make decisions based on the facts in front of me, not some emotionally charged "us and them" game. I see how people handle politics and the opinions that go with the political realm, it is as though it were some game on TV and no one wants to be the "loser". Everyone wants to be correct. Everyone wants to be a winner. 
  The truth; not everyone is going to be correct and not everyone is going to be a winner. That leaves a good portion of the people feeling deflated about their own opinion and their future. Why? Because they did not win. That is when the mud slinging begins, winners are usually lacking in grace just as much as the losers. That is the political realm and the people who play in it are, in my opinion, not worried about the wants and needs of the peoples they say they represent. Pop culture politics.
   I personally pick on progressives because they mimic European leaders in word and deed. If you are not lock step with the leaders you are intolerant, they have no real argument, they won't allow debate, facts that can't be countered are shouted down. If you see what a mess Europe is you would understand my disgust for progressive liberals, political correctness and too much tolerance without the balance of intolerance. Progressives see intolerance as the enemy, as evil. I do understand that intolerance can lead to worse things, look at any muslim nation that has Christians in it, there is NO tolerance for anyone outside of islam. Look at Nazi Germany.
  So as a man what should be tolerated and what should not be tolerated? A progressive would see this question as provocative because intolerance has NO place in the world. They would have you think that because you are unwilling to accept the views, beliefs and behavior of obviously evil people that you are evil. Progressives hit the intolerance button over and over without a thought of the consequences. Do I really have to tolerate a pedophile as a kindergarten teacher? Do I really have to accept and tolerate the government imposing murderers, rapists and pedophiles who hate me just because I exist into the society I live in? When nations allow their women to be raped so as not to offend certain groups do I really have to keep silent and show tolerance? I have the right in this nation to point out the weaknesses of our leadership and the potential consequences of their actions, I don't have to tolerate cowardice, this is not Europe.  People who tolerate everything are cowards and would allow the innocent to suffer and die in order to make their point.
   In the progressive mind tolerance is the key to control. If you can berate and castigate people for not tolerating everything you impose on them you can sway public opinion. Progressives paint the people as "intolerant " as though it were evil. It is quite the opposite. Tolerance is used as much as racism. Both are used to try to squelch debate and open discourse by painting people as evil for having an opinion that differs,  progressives are unwilling to tolerate views, beliefs and behavior of others, but  they are perfectly fine pointing out your intolerance.
  Kind of funny when you realize the ones accusing others of intolerance are as guilty, if not more so, as the ones they take to task for that very thing. There is good and evil. Balance. There is right and wrong. Balance. There is correct and incorrect. Balance. Fat , skinny, short , small, black , white, up, down, left, right, pleasant, unpleasant, sick , healthy, peace , war, there is an offset for everything. It is a good thing.     So why do progressives obsess over doing away with intolerance. Because they know that their ideas and plans are intolerable and they don't care. Just like European leaders they are going to impose their world view on everyone, regardless of the consequences. The people don't know whats best for them, only the politicians know what we need and apparently we need to tolerate everything including our own demise.
    Charles Martell fought for France because he could not tolerate having evil imposed on himself or his people. Jan Sobieski, a polish king leading an army of German, Polish and Austrian soldiers and mercenaries fought  at the Gates of Vienna because they could not tolerate being subjugated by evil. Those were real leaders with their peoples interest in mind. They did not tolerate evil. Todays leaders want to force you to tolerate whatever they say to tolerate. Politicians have capitulated to evil, misery loves company, hence the state of our planet. Time to take a stand for what is good and correct.
   This is where I plant my flag. Politicians are evil, I don't need to prove that, just look at the state of the world, islam is evil look at their imperialistic history and what they have and do contribute. Hollywood is evil, they coddle politicians and their sick and twisted agenda, yes they even further the agenda. People who cannot allow others their opinions are evil, the only reason you would not allow others their opinion is to impose your own. 
   I am a very tolerant man, but I will never tolerate what has a proven track record of evil. This is where facts and truth get obliterated by progressives. Facts and truths are "relative" and "subjective". What IS evil? What IS good? I guess that depends on what "is" is. History has to be revised, truths have to be revised, good and evil have to be revised. A turd with confectioners sugar sprinkled over it is now a brownie. No religion could be evil, right? I am also a very intolerant man. Balance


1 comment:

  1. As always, Gerald you have a very good view of the world.
    I consider myself a fiscal conservative, I think the government should run our country the way that I run my family. If I have enough money to afford something we can buy it. If I do not have the money to afford something, I save for our we go without. And I am a very tolerant man to appoint. You do not have the right to tell me or my family how to live our lives just like I do not have the right to tell you. And as far as religion goes I am a Christian. & I still have no right to tell you to be a Christian or do you have any right tell me not to me.
    We as a country have a constitution which governs how our country is ran. Our politicians take a oats to uphold the Constitution and to protect it. We need to replace any politicians that does not honor the oath of office in which state taken.
    Life is not about being tolerant, life is about the fair and true to your beliefs.
    And if you cannot look into history and learn from it, then you will fail in life going forward.
