Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mortis Altus

 Intelligence can be intimidating, prophetic intelligence is just scary.....with that in mind I will address two issues.
 Lets start with Faith, it is fine with me for people to believe as they wish. We were given freedom for a reason. I get it , some people need concrete evidence to believe in anything. Funny thing about that , people end up believing in something they cannot see or define anyway. You can point to all the evidence and clearly define and explain its meaning and people will still not believe. Lets face it, many more are programmed to be skeptics rather than believers, its easier. Most people choose ease, humans are generally lazy. To be a believer requires work, you have to study and learn. To go out and evangelize requires Faith and motivation. I get that sometimes the Evangelists zeal maybe  more than an atheist can tolerate, but they really do mean well. I think that is where my problem lies though,with most things. People attempting to force their agenda and beliefs down others throat. That includes all the inane arguments atheists bring to the table. Most are just talking points they have picked up here and there. When you challenge them they are hard pressed to do anything but raise the volume of their pathetic argument. No facts, no homework just blather and rubbish. So to the atheist world I say, be prepared, there will be no mercy. If you are not dressed for the show and standing at the door waiting to be ushered in, the door will be closed and locked and there will be no mercy. Mortus Altus.....
  And now to the gun ownership argument. When the proverbial dung hits the fan and protection is needed , who will the anti gun lobby run to for protection? To gun owners of course. They will feel their best chance of survival rests with people who can protect themselves from danger. They will look to the gun owners and see people who by their own hand can protect themselves, and hopefully others. It is going to be interesting when when the whole bunch see that they cannot save themselves under any circumstance involving their own hands. No weapon in their arsenal is going to be powerful enough to save them. No, mankind could launch every weapon we have at once and we would lose, miserably. That is what is coming. To those who don’t believe the holocaust happened, well you will get a taste of that, in fact it will be much worse. The holocaust will look like a party. The only people who will be saved are those dressed for the show, guns are not part of the outfit. Guns are a tool, I believe in gun ownership. I know the weapons limitations as well as my own. Don’t get caught with your jaw on the floor and your lantern empty......Mortus Altus



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