Saturday, November 14, 2015

Truth or Consequences?

So what is it going to be, truth or consequences? The answer is ...both. We will reap the consequences of our disregard of the truth, and then we will be confronted with the truth, like it or not. Those who have fervently denied the truth will find themselves wishing they had chosen to fight for the truth.
Lets start with the global warming group. These people have set upon people by using fear. They use half truths and full blown lies to set a scenario of doom that cannot be reversed without all the peoples of the world changing the way they live. I am not saying science is invalid. I am saying science can be manipulated into quite a profitable industry.
The funny thing about this group is that the people barnstorming the world to get the word out are doing exactly what they tell us we should not do. They fly in private planes, are transported in large caravans of gas guzzling SUVs, live in homes so large they could shelter many families. Yet they want to come to your community and tell you that your means of transportation to and from work is ruining the planet, your house is too big, you live a wasteful life that is ruining the earth. They talk about reducing YOUR “carbon footprint”, yet in just one of their crusades to enlighten the world they leave a carbon footprint larger than the average person will leave in years. Yes, they pollute excessively to make you feel guilty about polluting excessively. You see, they know what is best for all of us, how could people like you and I know what these lofty people know.
They say if we do not stop polluting it will lead to global warming. This statement in and of itself is a half truth. Yes our pollution will HELP lead to global warming, along with pollution produced naturally by volcanos, animal waste and gases and plant waste and gases etc.. The result will be something like the last mini ice age that started in 1315. Before that time Europe had warmed to temperatures that are warmer than they are now. England was producing wine that rivaled French wines, which angered the French because they were losing business. Populations boomed. Ice bergs melted. Glaciers melted. The result in the Atlantic ocean was that so much fresh water was released by ice bergs and glaciers it essentially stopped the gulf stream. The gulf stream is responsible for the temperate climate enjoyed by much of North America and Europe. The result, a mini ice age. Climates changed drastically , people and animals died. This is a REAL model of what could happen if things continue as they are, and they will.

Now let’s look at the gay and lesbians who scream that they are an oppressed minority because society at large cannot accept their desire to marry. Really. They claim to be an oppressed minority. If they were not so serious about the subject one could laugh. They claim that by not allowing them to “marry” their civil rights are being violated. As a believer my understanding of the institution of marriage is to “bless those married with children and prosperity”.
First of all I would like to know what they are REALLY trying to accomplish. If this really were about LOVE we wouldn’t be discussing this.If it were about the right to receive benefits like health insurance, or the right to visit their loved one in the hospital, or the right to claim each other for tax purposes, or the right to claim inheritance benefits, or the right to claim life insurance, or the right to prove their love to society ,wouldn’t they be happy to accept the term “civil union”? I am sure that will not do. They want it to be MARRIAGE. You see marriage would make them feel NORMAL, even though they keep saying they are and that there is nothing unnatural with being gay or lesbian, it’s normal, for the Gay and Lesbian lobbies to go through all of this you might think somewhere deep inside they still require that approval from non homosexuals. You have to admit, quite a game. On one hand there is nothing unnatural about being gay/lesbian, on the other hand they demand we accept their behavior without question as normal and natural. What choice do we have? O.Kayyy
Lets face it, this is not about NORMAL or LOVE as much as it is about CONTROL. They want everyone to accept deviant behavior as normal. No questions. No dialogue.No arguments. No decent. The peoples vote doesn’t matter. We want what we want. If any heterosexual brings a logical argument the Gay lobbys' only method of standing up to the test is to SHOUT IT DOWN or whine about human rights/civil rights abuses.
Sex has two functions, procreation and pleasure. As far as procreation goes gays and lesbians are a dead end, lets not argue about lesbians getting impregnated, whatever they say, they still need a male of the species to become pregnant, period( they might never see the male, but a male does provide the sperm). Gay men are the ultimate dead end as far as procreation. So the homosexual lobby has failed the procreation test. Homosexuality is not functional, so it is DYSFUNCTIONAL. What about pleasure, well, I guess pleasure is what you make of it and that is highly subjective, some people find pain pleasant, so I guess all of humanity fails this test or passes it depending on your outlook.
The homosexual lobbies attempt to use “victim status” in a civil rights forum is at best odious. There are real civil rights issues where real people are being hurt and killed. To force society to focus on the gay marriage issue and not on real issues of civil rights abuse is theft, it is irresponsible, it is irreconcilable. My guess is using the word “marriage” is a way to pay back a society, churches and religious people that have long treated homosexuals like less than humans. My personal take is that if a believer in the Savior and Messiah is treating homosexuals badly, he or she has missed the point our Savior was making. Gays and lesbians deserve kindness , respect , dignity and empathy from us not a beat down. This still does not excuse wasting societies resources for selfish reasons, and ultimately, forcing people to have to accept something that is none of their business to begin with. Yes , I know some heterosexuals can ignorant and cruel towards homosexuals, this is totally unacceptable My take is, be thankful that there are heterosexuals.

Next, this will be a quick one. “Politicians represent the people”. No politicians represent themselves, politics is a self serving industry. They say they need more money to help us and then they help themselves to as much of that money as they can. Private limousines, government planes, trips on the peoples expense, trips on lobbyists expense, new furniture for their office, photo ops at McDonalds and then off to the country club for champagne and caviar, affairs with interns and pages and lies upon lies to cover lies upon lies. The government is no longer really running the nation, money is. Does anyone believe G W Bush really cared about common people, I don’t. Does anyone believe Barack Obama cares about the common people, I don’t. Obama touted himself as the candidate of change, did he make any real changes? His administration is just a rehash of what got us to where we are now. Washington insiders, career politicians. People who know how the game is played.
Real change would have been picking people outside of the beltway people who really love this country. Real change would have been to state the truth, income tax is illegal( check the Supreme Court ruling of 1895). Real change would have been to tell the Federal Reserve “ we are done with you and we are not paying you back!” You see the Federal Reserve owns the United States money, which means the Federal Reserve owns the government which means the people are no longer the government, they are the means of “cash flow” for the wealthy bankers and bank conglomerates who ARE the Federal Reserve. These bankers do not have our nations best interest in mind.
Obama IS going to bring change, check that jingling in your pocket, that IS the change. To believe that there is any difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party is to believe pink elephants fly, money grows on trees and Hitler loved the Jewish people. Good luck with that. I am not trying to imply that politicians are monsters,they are human. I’m just saying ‘They are just doin’ their job”.

And now for more lunacy, how about this one. “Islam is a religion of peace”. I may as well start off with the end, good luck with that. First of all look at the behavior. Murder is glorified, honor killings, women are discriminated against, rampant racism and intolerance of other religions and beliefs, lying is honorable and acceptable. How is any of this “peaceful”? Lets face it folks, for 1400 years islam has been doing all of the above. How do you get a man or woman to strap bombs to their body and walk into a crowd of people with only one intention, murder? How do you saw another human beings head off because he does not believe as you do or in a woman’s case , dishonor the man? How can a mother say she is proud her child blew themselves up as a sacrifice for allah and islam? Doesn’t she understand the lesson of Abraham NOT sacrificing Isaac because our Creator DOESN’T want human sacrifice? How do you justify treating women as chattel? How do you explain open hatred of any people, let alone preaching it as some kind of spiritual sermon? How can anyone get upset enough to kill because of some cartoons? Muhammed was not GOD! Why can’t he and his religion/ideology be questioned in open debate? Their only response is to scream about all the violence in the Bible. They miss the part about all those killed in Canaan practiced human sacrifice, but why isn’t that surprising. Since 1979 islam has been responsible for more than 95% of all terrorist attacks. That kind of ruins their little theory about all the violent Christian and Jewish fundamentalists. They say they don’t kill innocent people, but their books tell them only muslims are innocent. Whoops, their spokes people forgot the second half of that. Just remember this, the religion of peace is perfectly willing to kill you to prove they are the religion of peace.

Finally, for now anyway, the media. “The Main Stream Media”.
In order for lies to work, you have to have a means by which to convey information, then the lies. Word of mouth would be one way. To get the information and news out en masse newspaper, television and radio have been the standard for a long time. The internet is new and flourishing, but I suspect( speculation on my part) anyone over 25 years old gets half their information from newspaper, TV or radio.
We all know newspapers,TV and radio stations have owners, owners who have opinions. Owners are beholden to advertisers who also have opinions. There is big money involved. What could possibly go wrong? The USA is a capitalism based, free market economy, so we don’t really care where the money comes from, IT’S MONEY! So lets add some wealthy people from other countries, other countries who may or may not have our best interests in mind. Lets have these people buy into newspapers, TV and radio stations, hire journalists who cleanse/edit/censor the news. This is done so as not to offend or put the wrong spotlight on all or particular people. The media are so used to misrepresenting the truth now, they don’t even really hide it. Maybe they don’t even realize they are doing it. Just two examples from recent headlines; “Youths destroying stores in a major Scandanavian city” or “ Dutch citizen stands trial for planting roadside bombs in Iraq”. Maybe I am just s a bit critical, but it seems to me, in my opinion, when just reading those headlines, on an NBC affiliate on the west coast I was having a hard time picturing large gangs of blonde hair blue eyed Nordic hooligans ( sorry for the stereotype)destroying seven grocery stores in one town. As far as the “Dutch” citizen planting roadside bombs in Iraq, I just can’t seem to picture the “little Dutch boy” with his finger in the dike planting roadside bombs in Iraq.
The United States main stream media don’t have “political correctness” down to the degree the media in Europe do, I have lived in Europe and have family there, but the US media is well on it’s way.
It is truly sad to see, I grew up watching Walter Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley you kind of knew you could trust what they were telling you, so we thought anyway. Maybe that is how the young people of today see current news anchors and reporters.
One thing is certain today though, like it or not, believe or not, accept it or not, almost every bit of news you get today has been cleansed and censored of as much truth as the owner wants. OK maybe not the stock market reports , sports scores or the weather, it would be a little more difficult to half truth a winter storm, but boy howdy if they could!
So what’s it going to be? Truth or Consequences? The truth has its’ own consequences. Avoiding the truth usually has worse consequences. Standing for the truth takes courage, you have to be ready to fight, EVEN IF YOU DON’T REALLY WANT TO. Taking the other path and surrendering to lies and half truths is like surrendering your wife and virgin daughter to be raped, tortured and murdered before your very eyes. Liberty or death! Freedom of speech or war! Freedom of religion or war! Equality for all who wish to live peacefully under the rule of law! I am not advocating violence in any form against any group of people. I AM pointing out how important it is to see how serious the situation has become, IT IS THAT SERIOUS. There IS a reason we have been given judgement, intolerance is not ALWAYS bad. There is only one way, you must find your way back to the Creator .

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