Saturday, November 14, 2015


Tolerance. The word that the politically correct wield at all in order to drive their agenda. "What agenda is that Gentilesven?" you ask. Control, power, wealth, with an emphasis on CONTROL. In order for you not to be judged intolerant you must tolerate everything. Do not dare to speak the truth, you intolerant neanderthal. You must tolerate murder in the name of religion, you must tolerate reverse discrimination, you must tolerate child molesters, you must tolerate rapists, you must tolerate people who hate you based on(fill in the blank), you must tolerate whatever the government decides to force upon you, and don't you dare speak out in your own behalf. That means if they want to take your money and spend it on illegal immigrants or on an illegal war or on their yacht or pay for sex with an under aged page then you just shut up, they know what's good for you better than you do.
You must tolerate the term intolerant racist if you speak out about the evils of islam, amazing, I didn't know islam was a race. You must tolerate being called a hater if you describe someone by color( unless they are white, of course), even if it is required. You must tolerate being called a "breeder" if you are not a homosexual, heaven forbid what would happen if you actually opened your mouth and had an opinion about what was said about you. You must tolerate having money taken away from you in order to give an illegal immigrant health care, education, food, shelter, a car, a home and some extra money to send back to their nation of origin( or if your muslim you send it to your imam in Pakistan so he can give the money to a terrorist group to kill you) I could go on and on about what the PC want you to tolerate.
Sadly, many people are pushed into silence for fear of being labeled intolerant. What happens when people are silent? Study Germany between 1933 and 1945. Oh that could never happen here. Right. Wrong.
The agenda is set. Allow illegals into the country to shore up your voting block, tell them it is the racists who don't want them here. Kiss up to the (put your oppressed group here) because they can run to the ACLU( whom you need in your pocket to help steal the peoples rights) along with all the other down trodden groups(ethnic, religious, homosexuals etc.)
Just like too much of a good thing can be bad, too much tolerance leaves an imbalance. There is a reason for intolerance, just as there is a reason for tolerance. There are things that can and should be tolerated ands there are things that should not be tolerated. I have listed a miniscule list of things that the PC culture wants to force you to tolerate.
I think it is time for a little intolerance( not violence, intolerance, there is a difference although the PC would have you believe they are the same) Here is a list of things I cannot tolerate any longer: Fighting a war that was started based on lies, GWB lied, he knows it. Look it is very simple, if Iraq had weapons of mass destruction then why would you send 100,000 plus troops into an area where these weapons can be used on them, that would be immoral, and if they were not there it was a lie. Islam is a religion of peace, it is a noble religion. My ass, read their book(s), they teach their children murder and rape and pillaging is good. Illegal immigrants are not the problem. Really? Next time I am paying taxes I will send you the bill. If you want to support illegals take them into YOUR home and pay their way, if you are unwilling to do that then shut up, I did not ask them to come here and by definition they are ILLEGAL( next PC move will be to come up with a less "oppressive" term, illegal its so... so ... well , illegal). I can no longer tolerate a government that serves itself at the expense of the people. We have a president who could care less about what the people want, a congress that has nothing planned except to collect their pay and take extended time off, hell, they got elected, they don't need to do anything else. They want to shove crap down our throat while taking everything we work for to sustain their lifestyle( see the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Kerries, John Edwards, Dick Cheney, the Clintons etc. etc. ad nauseum) . I cannot tolerate the media, they lie and then they lie some more then they cover their lies with more lies( kind of like politicians) until there isn't even a trail of crumbs back to the truth. These arrogant people believe they can sway what happens in the world( and they actually do). When the media doesn't lie, it forces immorality onto the people under the guise of entertainment( sadly there is a market for hogwash). I cannot tolerate the racists who murder, you are entitled to your opinion, not someone elses life. I cannot tolerate the people who feel they are entitled based on race, religion, etc.( see islam) I cannot tolerate people who use the term "nigger". I have heard black people say "white people cannot use this word , it is our word"( see NPR radio June 2007) . Here is something you all need to know, it is NOT your word. It comes from the German word "negger" which means "negro", it was not and is not a derogatory term in German, the word was misunderstood by English speaking people who turned it into a word of ignorance. If you want this word , well you can have it. Why anyone would want to use a term of TOTAL IGNORANCE on themselves is sort of like me wanting to build a water treatment plant in my back yard to prevent my restroom from stinking after I have defecated. I cannot tolerate homosexuals telling me that homosexuality is natural, that it is good, that there is nothing wrong with it. I am tired of them screaming that they cannot tolerate people like me( heterosexual). Do what you want in the privacy of your home, I cannot see you there, so I don't care. When you go to the streets and try to shout down the truth it just shows how out of touch you really are. I cannot tolerate the anti-abortionists who try to "save " people from themselves and the unborn babies they carry, look, I understand what you are trying to accomplish, I don't believe in murdering babies. The truth is Yahweh has given us freedom, we can choose to do right or wrong, it is each INDIVIDUALS choice and we WILL pay for making the wrong choice.We also have a Savior. Yahweh sent Yahushua to save us from ourselves if we so choose, so how can any man stand in the way of the Savior and his relationship with any individual. When that individual stands in Judgement are you going to push the Messiah aside and say "I'll take over here Yahushua", my guess is that would be the fast track to the abyss. I cannot tolerate the clergy who have been lying to the masses. God has a name, Yahweh. He wants you to know it, he wants to have a relationship with each and every one of us. The clergy( all religions) would have you believe you have to go to church/synagogue/mosque in order to be with God, wrong. Yahweh hates religion, politics and the media because they all LIE. They have replaced Him, His Word and his feasts with false doctrines, false festivals and false names( there was no Jesus, the letter "J" was not concieved until the 15th century by anglo saxons, there is no Jehovah , lord presents its' own problems just by defintion, God does not want to be our "master", this is not even addressing the real name Lord Baal). I cannot tolerate the organizations that want to take my rights away while promoting evil. Organizations like the ACLU and CAIR and LA RAZA. These entities promote their own agenda and steal our rights at the same time. How can you have muslim prayers in schools when other religions are denied the same right. I guess if you get cash from the Saudis it goes a long way, ask CAIR. I guess CAIR is sharing the wealth with the ACLU. LA RAZA presents its own problems, they haven't figured out the war is over and they lost. I cannot tolerate the tolerance afforded to muslims when they themselves are the most intolerant and murderous group on the planet. Our government chastises Israel for defending itself and sends money to the idiots attacking them. 
There is soooo much more to be intolerant of , this post will be continued at a later date!

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