Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Border Rant

( Updated; I am a United States Citizen now)
Before everything gets blown out of proportion, I am an immigrant, a card carrying member, totally legal and working on my citizenship ! O.K I admit it, I am from Europe I don’t count. The great thing about this nation is that I may not count as an immigrant to this societies’ standards, but I am still entitled to "free speech". Soooo.... I would like to know how a person, whose very first act inside this nation was to break the law, is entitled to a portion of the money I pay in taxes. Before I go too far let me make clear that this rant is not about people from other nations, it is about the people in this nation. I understand why people want to come to this nation. I love this country, this nation, the United States of America. It is a beautiful land, large, it feels free. The people are diverse and generally friendly and tolerant. I also know there are people who are coming here to harm this nation because they hate what it stands for, something they can never have, even if they lived here, freedom. This freedom was not achieved easily, it has cost a lot of blood , sweat and tears. . We have had leaders who stood up for this nation, who had integrity. We have had leaders lead this nation to the top , and sadly we have had leaders take us down the wrong path. It appears our "elite leaders" have decided over the recent years that maintaining the sovereignty of our nation was somehow "politically incorrect", somehow the people who are paying their salary don’t seem to matter once they are "hired" to their high paying , tax free , special privileges and moneys, position( maybe it’s the special money ! ). From top to bottom, our nations leaders are taking a pass on their responsibility to us. Their responsibility is to their constituents. Our national leaders refuse to show any kind of "bolas" when it comes to the issue of this nations sovereignty. I would like to hear just one more "expert " tell us how" if we don’t fight the terrorists over there ,we will have to fight them here". Knock knock knock, hello, news flash, the enemy is here. They are crossing the chalk line we call a border. Our border is not about depriving any particular race of people a better life, it is about protecting that better way of life, it is about protecting the ideals of this nation, freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom to worship, or not, freedom to travel where ever you want, freedom to work , to live and pursue happiness( or not ! ). Freedom for all! There are many people from all over the world who are illegally crossing our nations borders, whether by land or by sea. At this time it appears to be our southern border with Mexico that has the most activity( all of our borders need to be sealed). Sure we could blame Mexico and its’ people. We would be wrong. It is not just Mexicans and it is not their fault. We are not crossing their border, because if that were the case, it WOULD be their fault, they would have to stop it. The truth is , it is OUR border THEY are crossing, so WE have to stop it.( when I say they, I do not specifically mean only Mexicans, or even people from Central and South America, there are Asians and Africans and Arabs and Russians and terrorists). If we want to have control over our sovereignty we have to do whatever it takes. It is up to US ! We can stop it, if we want to. If you listen to our inept leaders "there is no way to stop it "or "it would be cost prohibitive"( right , the government is frugal). Look, the example has been set. Look back to "old" East and West Germany. What separated those two nations for all those years other than ideology. A fence. Not just a fence, a double fence with a wide path in between, with towers that had overlapping and clear views. with a well maintained dirt road running the entire length.( I am not going to recommend land mines, unless we go to war ! ). "Oh my we cannot militarize our border". HELLO! The border is already militarized, the smugglers have better weapons than our border patrol and law enforcement, they are brazenly attacking them and chasing them from their facilities. Militarize it, what better place to build Army and Air Force posts along with reservist bases. Why should anyone outside this nation have any say about where we station our military in our land. As long as we don’t plan on invading Mexico or Canada what harm can a fence and our military do. Hurt our neighbors feelings ? Sorry. I predict we will all get over this. I am asking our representatives to do the job we are paying them to do, protect the welfare and safety of the people who pay for everything. This is about keeping the enemy out , protecting our way of life and what is ours.

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