Saturday, November 14, 2015

Bound and Determined Discipline

I like I know why there are so many Subs and so few Doms.....if you can't live without your phone for 5 minutes....if you can't live without Facebook for a day.....if you can't sit with yourself for a period of time, maybe you need to be subdued for a while.....

It really has a lot to do with being in the present. I find parallels between bondage and meditation because of the idea that you cannot really know yourself until you learn to feel comfortable with living inside yourself for at least an extended amount of time. In a generation where we are constantly relying on instant gratification, we spend next to no time sitting with our own intellectual minds. Ideas are expected to erupt instantly, where as most artists in history took years to develop even one idea. So while meditating you are to completely live inside yourself with no sense of past or future, once you view yourself from this perspective you can then realize your limits and start to ask yourself what those are in terms of mentality and physicality. When you are rushing around and you are looking for instant reactions, lets say you hurt yourself, you gash your finger.. This makes you slow down. What are you to do? How will this heal in time? It won’t. You are forced to let it heal, and by this we get a hint of our limits. Our patience. I find these small things, like wounds and season changes and sickness to be very humbling.

While bounded you must live completely in the present in order for anything to be affective. The idea is that no matter how much you panic, or try to get out of it- you won’t. You must practice patience and will power to stay within yourself, just like meditation. I find that bondage is a form of meditation. Whether a partner is involved or not, your perception of the self while under extreme restraint is different than under extreme discomposure of the mind (like we experience through this technological age.) Through both bondage and meditation we are forced to live in the complete present; through pain and pleasure in order to fully experience what our bodies can ultimately absorb. If we spend just a portion of our days to really take in our world, or what our bodies can really feel, instead of instantly gratifying ourselves sexually, intellectually, and spiritually.. Imagine how much we could really connect to each other. Imagine how much we could expand ourselves. 

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