Monday, July 11, 2016

Random Thoughts; Phone Separation Anxiety

So who might be behind all of this?

Divide and conquer. That has been the game from the beginning. Separate people from the the Father and each other. There have been many clever ways of doing this, the most popular and obvious is war. Have people fight each other over .....something, that will distract them enough to conquer many. We were not designed to be single creatures, we were designed with fellowship in mind. The way the world is headed is a very selfish design, it allows us to ignore one another.
   People are running their lives through a little electronic box in their pocket. This box allows them to address whom they wish and ignore whom they wish. This is the reality of the new electronic world, loyalty, dignity, respect, friendship, love, kindness etc. can be contrived and passed around. You don't actually have to look someone in the eye when you "mislead" them. Honesty has been pissed to the wind. We live our lives through this box, it requires no real companionship, it is with you always, the warm glow of the small screen, the internet access......what more could one need.
  I seem to be watching a world where it is more important to text at dinner time as opposed to actually having a conversation. And let me be clear, with all the actual information on the internet you would think you could have an intelligent conversation with just about anyone.....not. The internet is just another tool in the dumbing down of mankind. I believe many people use the internet wisely, but in general the internet is a community with all the foibles of a community. If the community has no morals.....

   I guess what I am complaining about is that people are perfectly satisfied with the electronic relationships as opposed to actually sitting in the same room with someone. The art of body language, much like written language will disappear, there will be no more beautiful subtleties. The act of looking one another in the eyes is a thing of the past. All you have to do is take a selfie and send it, that appears to be the acceptable substitute to real interaction.
    Don't get me wrong, I use my phone often, for many things. It is a tool. Just like any tool it is nice not to have to deal with it sometimes and I have no problem anymore setting it down. The sad truth is.....the entire world is hooked on their cell phone. No wonder Apple is big, wow. So much for the emotional language and nuances etc. I guess people just have to have something, anything to keep their mental buffer full. People don't appear to be able to be in a room together in silence. There is no etiquette. Would you mind if I smoke, would you mind if I make a quick call? We cell phone users are more rude then any cigarette smoker. Yes the smoke stinks. So does sitting at a table with someone who is talking to someone else not in the room.
  This is how addicted to our phones we are: if the government said you cannot function in our society without a cell phone you must have a cell phone or you are an enemy of the state, you must have a cell phone on you at all times, to conduct business, as identification, it is your banking process, and we will track you everywhere etc. People would superglue their cell phones to their forehead before fighting. I for one am ready to pitch it and fight if that moment were to ever arise, I will not be enslaved by anyone or anything. Definitely not a cell phone. I see something coming, something very evil. It is going to make the holocaust look like a picnic, it is going to make Nazi Germany and Iran look like Rebecca from Sunnybrook farm.

   I am not really into being scary, if you just look around you and observe you will see what I am seeing. Maybe you will see it differently and let me know, I am open to discussion. I am sure what I am currently seeing could very easily evolve into what I described earlier. The evil I see coming is real, I believe in Scripture. How it all evolves is all speculation, but you can draw reasonable conclusions by watching and knowing history, human behavior and the human condition. People really don't change, only time and things change.
   I am becoming suspicious of anything and any product that the government likes. Obviously they like cell phones, they like listening to our conversations and they like knowing they can track us. Obama is making sure everyone has one, like a privilege. That is how it is being received, is that how it is being delivered?
  Phones used to be for communication, now they are more and still evolving. I will continue to use my phone just like the rest of the world. When I see the circus come to town I will be sure to put my phone in the cannon.


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