Tuesday, July 26, 2016


    I just spent a little time learning about the perspective others have of the world. It was astounding. With very few words and two videos I got an impression of what the world IS to people in other lands. I thought I was well traveled and have heard many different views, apparently if you really want to get how the world looks to others either go there or make friends with people living there and get there take on what they are living.

   Our news media has made out the Russian Ukraine war as some kind of legitimate war. After talking to people there and seeing some very graphic news videos I must say, we are well off. That is a crime what the Russians are doing, actually it is their leader, he appears to be a sociopath like most leaders tend to be.
  I don't really know much yet but I am going to look into what is going on there. What I do know is that people have a completely different view of world events and world history when you start moving eastward out of what was once the western block(NATO). I was given an outlook and impression that frankly shocked me. I likened Putin to other despots, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and I got, what I perceived as pushback about Hitler in both verbal response and then to follow up a very interesting video, it focused on the good. I understand where and why the perception is what it is, Stalin and the communists were very very hated. To many the Nazis were the good guys and apparently there is a continuing perception in an undercurrent kind of way that this is still true, it is very subtle, almost reverse psychology, or maybe it is just counterintuitive to me. Still very different and very interesting.
    I can see how the USA can easily be made an enemy by people who will really probably never set foot on this continent. It is easy for people in foreign lands to say things about far away nations because they will never really have to back up what they say, the news is in bed with the liars. The liars get the power and pay the media off. Our media lies to us daily. They lie about Israel. They lie about Europe. They lie to us about politics and the state of our nation. Politicians and media executives try to "lead" by misleading, they steal power, money and lives in order to live their "well established lifestyle". The media are as much pigs at the trough as the political porkers. I am not really sure which one is a parasite to the other.
   When I watch what is going on in Europe and realize that this is the dream of our progressive leaders, I think of garbage barges. How dare these greedy people stand in front of the masses declaring we should do this or that while they are not held to the same standard, or any standard at all as in the case of Hillary Clinton. Congress needs to be cleaned out of the lawyers and doctors and the other Harvard, Princeton, Yale groups. Lets put some ordinary people in their place, they must have common sense and be able to do basic arithmetic, I am tired of the wealthy using our government to get wealthier, and I am NOT picking on Trump. He has shown me he is willing to pay his own way unlike others. That is why the democrat party and the republican party don't like Trump, he is rich, he has what they want. Their avarice is greener then green.

  What I learned watching the videos out of the Ukraine is that this is what is coming to this nation. Our current leadership is going to make it happen. They are currently sucking up to and inviting a cancer into a peaceful nation, or at least it was. We are headed for terror and civil strife, if not civil war. It is what our leaders want, a crises, something to divert our attention from what they really want to do, steal.

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