Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Diabolical Thoughts About My Phone

I just went through a period of time, short time, about 24 hours, without my cell phone. Now I have to say I do not have an addictive personality, but that was an awkward 24 hours for me. I was exposed to myself, wow. I don't really like establishing patterns, but we all do regardless of how hard we may try not to. I check my phone for the time constantly.

I check my e-mail and Facebook just before I go in to work. I don't get service inside our plant, but I still pull out the phone to.....check the time, there are clocks all over the plant walls????? At lunch I go out to eat, wherever I am I pull out my phone, check my e-mail and Facebook and Linked-in and Bandmix and.......the time. I go back to work and....yep...check the time. I don't even want to admit how many times I pulled that phone out of my pocket today knowing full well it was deader then a door nail.

Holy horse puckey I am like a well conditioned monkey.WTF. My biggest concern last night while the phone was dying was....nope not the time, but time had something to do with it. My alarm. What a joke, I very rarely sleep up to my alarm. I didn't miss the phone ringing, I didn't miss getting texts....but e-mail and social media, wow! How boring lunch and breaks can be when you want to read and don't have a real book or newspaper.

Yeah I use my phone to read and update myself on what is going on in the world. 20 years ago I rode my bike to work with some books and a newspaper in my backpack. I sure did miss having a newspaper today, of course if my phone had just not died,

why can't they just invent a nuclear battery cell for our phones, screw fertility, were doomed anyway. I am sick of having to charge it and having my clock/book/alarm/newspaper////////// friggen die on me. LOL.
Having all this fun at my expense is healthy, I am really just LMAO at how absolutely "drawn in" I am. Being how I am I will now break all of these "habits", that is just what I do cuz thats how I am! I have kicked other habits to the curb, this one may be the toughest. Oh I will still use my phone,  but it is time to buy a new watch band for the old MoMo.

Maybe buy an alarm, don't ask I have no clue why I would buy something useless to me but I would. Start buying the newspaper and heading to the book store. Buy a new backpack. Put a seat on my bicycle, or sell it in San Francisco. Buy a new bicycle. I wonder if Motorola still has some of those 1990 brick phones? That backpack is starting to sound heavy.

Maybe I will just upgrade my phone Friday, yeah that is exactly what I will do......uuugh.... the convenience........uuuugh.....the inconvenience........ I keep hearing these tails about guns killing people.........phones addicting people..........gaming junkies. I think we need to start keeping these inanimate objects at arms length, maybe locking them away and tossing the key, poor poor people. I appear to be one of those poor poor people, my phone has kidnapped me and is holding me for ransom, the phone and its cohorts have agreed to let me make monthly payments. I love my phone.

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