Thursday, July 28, 2016

The New Totalitarians

 In order to steal peoples freedoms and rights you either have to stage a bloody revolt, that would lead to purging, or you have to manipulate a system or systems to achieve your goal without the populace noticing. Obviously a revolt is war, not many would openly advocate for war. So the easy way is through manipulation. The goal is to create a centralized dictatorial government that imposes itself on the masses, subservience to the state becomes mandatory.

  So how do you convince the people that a "big centralized" government is what they want. How do you lay out a plan that makes the people beg to have their freedoms and lives stolen? Reverse psychology, give them stuff. Show how generous a "big government" can be. Don't worry about the theft of wealth from others who work and struggle daily to fund this nonsense. A step by step approach is required to convince the people this is what they want. You steal a little money and a few rights, not much or many, just enough to get the people to complain. Let that settle, let the people get used to the "new way" and once they are, a new assault. This is a measured, step by step approach to conditioning people to accept their own demise. If you drop a frog into a boiling pot of water it will jump out immediately, if you put the frog in with the water cool and turn up the burner the frog gets used to the heat and eventually cooks to death. This is how our freedom is being stolen, gradually, in stages proceeding step by step.

  Here is the plan of the enemies of freedom: they are focused on using taxpayer money to better society, they say they want to advance science and technology, they are for economic development, they want social organization, they try to convince everyone that their goal is to advance the human condition. It all looks good on paper and sounds good in speeches, but there is a truth between each line that the enemy speaks, and that is the only truth. People enjoy beautiful arrangements, flowers, music, words etc. Manipulators use arrangements to condition, listen to the speeches of our politicians. Beautifully hollow words leading to nothing and a waste of time.

    This poisoning with words has been going on since the very beginning. The reason man is getting fidgety is because now there is a huge amount of poison being delivered with very little good. The soul can sense things, even if it can’t quite see them yet. There are people who can see clearly what is going on and what is at stake here. There are people who have been bought or convinced that what they see is good, even though they know in their heart it is not, they are comfortable in their rut. The clock is running on freedom. Once the enemy have completely taken over they will make large institutions play by their rules( actually already happening with the media), many people suffering under this system will be happy to see large institutions get punished because they are being punished, schadenfreude, blind to the reality of what they see.

    So let me define the new totalitarians, the goal obviously is power. Unrestricted. They believe a centralized oversized government is what we need. Of course we will pay for the privilege. They want everyone beholden
 to the state, subservience, they give you just enough to stay alive if you, obey. They assert that the advancement of science, technology, social development and society building and economic development most important to the human condition, which is of course their greatest desire. They don't want descent, they want a dictatorial system of rule. Take their guns. If they speak their minds , make it a crime and arrest them. Sound familiar? Nazi Germany, China, Iran. That is what the new totalitarians want because they are dividers, they take the spoils and divide it, the nation be damned. The new totalitarians don't look like Stalin or Hitler or the ayatollah, no they wear suits and dresses and speak much like you and I. It is just the new totalitarians also think they know what is best for you and I, what we should think, say and should all be for the state. These new totalitarians use terrorist and criminal tactics along with slander and liable in order to take over power. They use terrorists to terrorize embracing the evil and then they turn around to the victim and play victims advocate. These are the groups and people that want to dictate to you while they fleece you of your wealth, it is simply greed and avarice.

    The time is coming when these totalitarians will have full control over this nation, your only hope will be to move, be nimble. Hold onto weapons, learn to reload cartridges, learn to live off the grid. Freedom may not always be pleasant, but it is worth having. Kneeling before liars and idiots is not for me. Let the new totalitarians have what they want, they will not hassle the people in the country for a while, just not enough people to worry about. Don't let that last sentence lead you to think that any complacency is ok, it is not. Time has a way of catching up to you, sometimes quicker than you think. We could soon look like Iran or Nazi Germany, the right type of people are at the helm, hang on.....

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