Monday, June 13, 2016

So Whats It Gonna Take....?

Honor killings. Time Square Bomber. Nidal Hassan and Fort Hood. Boston Marathon. Those are the ones that actually make the news here, except for the honor killings, which ARE going on in the USA. Now we have 53 people murdered by another adherent to islam. Yes there have been other RANDOM killers, but there is one group that is consistent and a known quantity and our government is not only closing its eyes and ears to the truth, they are inviting this evil into the country at our expense.

   To liken Buraq Obama to feces would be an insult to feces, at least a dung heap is useful. Obama is a sick, twisted liar who is gleefully destroying this nation, not only financially but in a security sense.    Any and all folks who would like to brand me racist for my views on islam or Obama need to know this. Islam is not a race, it is an evil ideology. I detest islam just as I detest nazis, to me they are one and the same, there is no difference. So my views on islam are not racist, maybe you need to educate yourself on the menace.
   As far as Obama, it has nothing to do with his race, whatever he is. It has everything to do with watching an idiot play video games with the nations future. It has everything to do with a coward who calls people out and then folds. It has everything to do with someone who says he is educated acting like he he just graduated pinhead school. Gutless, mindless, shiftless, ignorant and really just UNEDUCATED. Those adjectives transcend race, they describe many.......
    What Obama said is "we are not an exceptional nation", we deserve the same trauma other nations deal with, so says the leader of our great nation. I believe his inviting islam into our nation in the guise of humanitarian aid shows just how far off this mental midget is. Islam is intolerant. Islam and democracy are not compatible. Don't give me that "its only radical islam". There is only islam. Now our president has done what no European monarchy would have ever done, invite the enemy into the house. Obama and his protoge' Hillary are financially intertwined with Saudi Arabia and Qatar where gays are executed for Hillary received 25 million dollars from the Saudis and 10 million dollars

from Qatar. She claims to be an advocate for LGBT but takes money from people who routinely murder these people for existing. And Buraq( Buraq is actually mohammeds horse) Obama is as deeply indebted to islam as anyone.
     So is it going to take a mall being taken out by muslims to wake America up. Maybe a sporting venue, with thousands of casualties, will we wring our hands not wanting to hurt some groups feelings because they are murdering us. Maybe a giant music concert. Stores full of shoppers at Christmas. Because our idiot leaders cannot call a menace a menace without wringing their hands for fear of losing constituents or money. Maybe another group of planes falling from the skies, or some tanker trucks driving through a large metropolitan area detonating randomly. Maybe a cruise ship.
   I don't really care who people vote for, this is a democracy and you are entitled to your vote. If you have children or grand children you had better be thinking long term, if you are voting for people who in the guise of being "humanitarian" are bringing in people with a long history of violence, subjugation and imperialism, you are condemning your descendants to misery.
     I don't know what it is going to take for others, I for one am done with stupid. Vote your conscience. Voters may or may not be the problem, I am more of the mind that we have gutless leaders looking for wealth. For wealth they will sell this nation out. Obama is the consummate coward, he has his marshmallows ready for the burning malls......


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