Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Chicken Came First, Disconnected Thoughts...

  We argue, we fight, we have community riots, we have skirmishes, we fight civil wars, we fight wars between nations, we fight world wars all in order to drive out evil. So how is that working for us? The evil always seems to survive, become stronger , more aggressive and off we are again to fight. With each individual war that good wins it seems to lose the overall war because evil rises up again, new, different and more alluring to people. I am under no illusion about what I am seeing, I always like to say my life is overwritten but in reality all is overwritten, that is if you read. If you don't read you may be in for some surprises.


   The world appears to be a big place, unfortunately it is not big enough to give us quarters from evil there is no place to run. Our cultures and societies are the current that our lives get swept into, just like a bird taking flight for the first time we have no choice but to jump. Most people jump in fight a little and then "mature" into accepting things the way they are. It makes for an easier journey through life. Could you imagine what you would face if you actually planted your flag against society and then even went fully against the current? What type of strength and courage would that take? If you saw a steamroller coming at you, would you lay down in front of it? Its already been done. When our time comes we won't have to manage budgets, productivity, efficiency, our appearance, situations, people, fear  or courage. You will have to manage faith.
   You see how ISIS tortures and kills in many "colorful" ways. You have read about the Holocaust. Combine the two and multiply by 7, you will have the world that is in our near future. It won't be long term, acute maladies never are. Our society already has the power to crush people and their souls just through sheer ineptitude. Imagine how it would be if society actually takes aim at something or someone. It has.
    I am a social person, a people person, I enjoy talking and sharing. I am not anti social, I am very private. I enjoy letting people know that I believe in Scripture and have faith. I don't know more than anyone else particularly, I do read. That is the problem with what our societies teach as values. Society does not value reading, intelligence or curiosity. Society wants you to "obey", "follow the rules", "don't question authority", "conform". If you read you lead. A reader is a leader, not necessarily but sounds cool! Society is attempting, and succeeding, to turn people into creatures of limited intelligence who have no faith and will conform and do as they are directed. So who leads society?

   Scripture is clear on who the "prince of the Earth" is and what he is up to. Step back and take an objective look at society, if you can. Then read a little history. Then read Scripture. It might take a few times but you will get it, be persistent, read, learn. You will understand the continual fighting is like a Chinese handcuff and always has been. When we fight we show a lack of faith, but we have to fight to make it to a certain point in history for the expected intervention. Yahushua understands our plight, he promised to come back. I have faith. When our Father planted life on the Earth he didn't plant a bunch of different eggs all over the planet. The chicken came first.

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