Saturday, May 28, 2016

Cause and Effect

Imposing taxes in order to oppress people and fatten your money coffers is a sure fire way to get a reaction from good hard working people. The imposition of the Tea Act(1773) and the Stamp Act, along with other acts, was done to oppress and fill coffers. There was a reaction, it didn't go well for the oppressors.

At the time of the Revolution only about 20% of the people were actually actively involved in backing the fight for freedom, the rest either backed the British or were indifferent.

When leaders allow slavery to take place in their nation as an institution there will probably be some acting out. Slavery has taken place on almost every continent by many peoples, only one nation on this planet has ever looked itself in the eye in the mirror, then spilled its own blood to make right.

How many men laid down their lives to put the institution of slavery into the history books. What other nation has ever had the courage to confront itself?

When you force people to pay for something they either don't want or need, and you make it more expensive while telling the people it will be cheaper, there will be a reaction. Obama is an oppressor and a divider. He had an opportunity to prove the Republicans wrong, he really could have done it in resounding fashion if he had any testosterone flowing in his body. He failed. He is a failure as a leader. Obama, just like communists and islamists, knows this country can be taken down by its' own laws from within if the people don't pay attention. The enemy has been at the wheel for almost 8 years, we won't know the full extent of the damage for a long, long time. Obama belongs on a garbage barge.

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