Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Original 9/11

  People seem to think that our problem with islam stems from the US policies in place around the world. That would be a lie. Sadly our politicians like to perpetuate the lie, and really their inability to acknowledge historical truths puts the USA and all our allies in danger. The problem with islam began at islams inception. Islam is an intolerant imperialistic ideology based on lies that benefited one man, a greedy unhappy, grasping, covetous, hateful old man. So since the 8th century there has been a defensive war waged against the imperialistic ideology islam. The war has never ceased, it may have dampened down from time to time because islam got driven back and out by brave peoples, it is still being waged by adherents to islam today.
  Islam got its first beat down by Charles Martell, "Charles The Hammer", in Tours in 732. "The Hammer" understood what islam was then and it has not changed in the1400 years since being founded.

  Being chased out of France did not quell islams desire to conquer Europe. Let me be clear, islam has always had the desire and the numbers to conquer Europe. Every invading army that islam entered Europe with was overwhelming in numbers, yet they could never get the job done. Which brings me to this statement; "evil cannot win in a face to face match, it requires trickery, lies and subterfuge to even have a chance". That statement in no way means evil cannot win battles, it does all the time. We all know in the end counterfeits are just that.
  The original 9/11 took place in 1683. The Ottoman muslims had been slowly devouring Southeastern Europe and were on the verge of entering the rich lands of Austria, Germany and France which they so coveted. The focal point was the city of Vienna( Wien), an army of 140,000 ottoman turks were at the gates of Vienna. The 15,000 Viennese who stayed to defend their homes were on the verge of collapse, suffering through an almost 4 month siege.
   With the ottomans digging tunnels preparing to destroy the defensive walls, which had been breached, defended and repaired several times, an army of 50,000 came to the defense. On September ,11 1683 under the leadership of Polish king Jan Sobieski III an army of 20,000 Polish soldiers, 18,000 Saxon soldiers, 9000 Bavarian troops and the balance being Austrian mounted an assault on the ottomans that ultimately drove the ottomans out of Europe.

  The Polish king leading his Hussars led the charge, melting the ottoman lines into a mass of panic. A defeat so fast and decisive the ottomans left their weapons, equipment and slaves. The defeat was so complete that the Pasha had the armies leader executed in Hungary. As the Europeans ran the ottomans out of Europe, those who had converted to islam were either converted back or sent  packing after their allies. You see the old European leadership was not politically correct and had the courage to call evil, well, evil. Anyone reading this would do well to do a quick historical check on islam to see its true nature, it is not a religion and it is absolutely not a religion of peace. Their quran teaches them to lay low when the enemy ( non muslims) have the upper hand, to lie until they have the upper hand.

   Islam cannot stand against us in battle or debate, thus the violent outbursts and violence. When confronted it has no rationale for itself and can only lash out. As I stated earlier, the only way for islam to win is to cheat, and so it has. The coordinated invasion of Europe going on today, with the blessing of European leadership could never have happened through battle or debate. It is happening because the people of Europe have had their freedom stolen by perverted politicians who have either not learned from history or are being compensated by someone.
    Europe was victorious on 9/11 but has ultimately lost the war. The United States lost on 9/11 and now our leaders want to do to us the same thing European leaders have done to their people, lose the war. These posts are wake up calls for anyone reading them, your leaders will sell you out in a heartbeat, they are not leaders.....I don't know what they are.

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