Friday, May 20, 2016

The Theory of Duh

I am an American, I am not a felon, I am not a criminal, I am not a gangster or part of some nefarious militia or religious cult, I pay my taxes and try to be a good neighbor, I am not nosy, 
I am not a murderer, I am not a rapist, pimp or pedophile, I don't steal or rob. I understand right from wrong. I would never hurt anyone unless defending myself or my loved ones. I own guns. For sport. For hunting. For personal and property protection. Guns are tools. I don't misuse my tools, whether screw gun or handgun. Our Father teaches in the Commandments" Thou Shalt not Murder", I believe in God. I believe killing is necessary at times, but should NEVER be taken lightly. What you are taking is something you CANNOT replace, give it thought and be thankful. The founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms not for hunting, not for sport, not to kill one another or commit crimes.

 We were left the right to bear arms to protect ourselves against a government that wants to take away our arms. The one and only reason a government would have to take away the guns from its' people would be to take even more rights, without guns they KNOW we can't fight for our rights. I would hope that every American, especially our armed forces, understand why they are armed. The rulers of this nation live on the backs of people who REALLY work and struggle every day. These are the people the government chooses to punish, and when the workers complain, well its time to silence them, take their guns and they will shut up or we will shoot them. I for one plan on continuing living free and my plan is to die a free man, plans don't always work out. If I am going to be branded a criminal just because I am a gun owner, I accept. I have no plan or plans of attacking any person, peoples, groups or even government entities. That would be stupid, I am just one man and have no plans of joining any quasi military militia type group in some take over, as long as I am left alone I would be happy just paying my taxes. If any man, men, groups or government entities decide to come for my guns......well, again I am not stupid.

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