Sunday, January 31, 2016

Much Questioning

   I do often offend religious people, they feel I somehow assault their sensibilities because I question their dogma. I make clear that the root word for religion is "to bind" and I then make clear that The Father has never taken anyones freedom of choice away. We can make all the right choices or all the wrong choices, the Father wants us to learn, some have more time than others. If you are willing to pay the price, then let it be, the Father weeps for all he loses.
   I question if you know that the saviors name is Yahshua/Yahushua why would you continue to verbalize "Jesus"? If your name was Robert would you want to be referred to as Shawn? I will make my point once more, there is no letter "J" in Paleo Hebrew/ Aramaic either in script or phonetically.....period.
   I question all of these churches with their huge castles of worship, with lavish lifestyles afforded the pastors, reverends, priests and ministers by the people they supposedly shepherd. In the time of the Prophets and Apostles, teaching was something you did, but you had a day job, The Savior did not come to start an industry.
   I question the people who in some twisted zeal for evangelism, more zealous then thoughtful, sympathetic or empathetic, turn more people away from the Father then towards him.
   I question the stubborn ones who actually see the light and the truth and refuse to embrace it. I respect their independence, but at some point you will have to choose sides.
   I question the educated who would rather mislead using incomplete "logic" rather then embrace their spiritual side, they won't believe something they cannot measure or see. Faith and Trust do not exist, they are merely relative. If something becomes inconvenient they talk around it.
   I question the ones who have been spoken to and don't speak out, we are not spoken to with the intent of keeping silent, tell what you know, you are under directive.
    I question the politicians who embrace evil, like islam and multiculturalism, and force it upon the very people who elect them to protect them from exactly that.
   I question the people who continue to believe that politicians have the peoples best interest in mind and vote for obvious traceable liars, over and over again, expecting different results every time.
   I question the people who can justify not showing hospitality, the simplest of dignities that we have to extend, even when we have nothing, it reflects our society. Sad, very very sad.
   I question a society that makes murder acceptable depending upon who it is and how well they can defend themselves, more money more justice? No justice no peace! How about know justice, know peace through the Father.
      When will people realize what really matters, our relationship with the Father and our relationships with others. Are we dedicated to our relationships?  Are we honest in our relationships? Are we loving and empathetic? Are we engaged and curious? Are we trusting and gracious? Are we strong yet tender? Would you be willing to lay your life down? Got a match?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Guess My Kryptonite

We all have our weaknesses, our personal kryptonite. In my world I have many weaknesses which, like most people, I am able to either overcome or at least mask. As young people we typically have enough fire, strength and energy in us to just batter our way through life, everything is new and we are more willing and able to absorb "punishment" for our behavior. We learn as we get older.
  So , obviously, "kryptonite" is something that can weaken us as people. In my world the only weakness that is deadly is spiritual weakness. If you are a believer you know that the Father wants a relationship with us, to walk, talk and share. In order to have a relationship you have to commit yourself, your time and energy, to get to know the one you want to relate to. Over the past 15 years I have taken time and made efforts to get to know our Father. The relationship requires continual attention.
  So what is my kryptonite? Anything that steals large blocks of my attention away from the relationship. Sex, drugs, rock and roll, alcohol, just a few of many. Which one is my kryptonite and which are just the tools and means to execute my distraction? It wouldn't take any critical thought to figure that out. As a young man I blocked out large periods of time for my kryptonite, for that there was major physical punishment, but my kryptonite is very compelling and I was willing to pay the price.....for a while. I still have the compulsion but have found discipline and control are almost as compelling and a lot less painful. That doesn't mean I can't fall victim to myself again, chances are I will, but having learned discipline and control the chance of "getting away from myself" is low.
   So we know that my kryptonite is painful, but is it physical pain or spiritual or both? Both. I don't have an addictive personality, I do have obsessions and compulsions which make kryptonite scary. It would take nothing for me to be led "down a path". I have to be aware and engaged at all times. I can be caught by surprise, my kryptonite is very compelling and I am a physical man.
   So here is my point, kryptonite can be anything. I don't have to tell anyone what my kryptonite is, we all have a different weakness. What we do need to be is aware of our weakness and not let it dictate or lead. Don't allow yourself to be distracted from what is important, you can still have your fun, just don't let it consume you.
   People will interpret Scripture as they will, they may want to heap guilt upon others for their behavior out of jealousy or some warped sense of "evangelism". Let me be clear, your relationship with the Father is your own, unique and special to you. Nurture and cherish it, take time, pay attention, listen. Don't let the beautiful glow of kryptonite distract you.....too much.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lazy People

So today I was being trained on an optical inspection machine, not a comparator, this machine can be programmed. There is actually a "lazy" feature, which brought me back to some conversations I have had.  I have had a few people engage me over how lazy people actually make things easier and better through better processes. I have had to give this some thought because on the surface the logic "seems flawless".  The lazy feature in this inspection machine actually is like a quick start, so in that it really does streamline a process. Then it hits me, typically the people who engage me in this argument are lazy. Sadly I have had the misfortune of working with some of them and some are family. I have witnessed their "streamlining process" and that is where the logic falls apart. Unlike the lazy feature in the optical inspection machine, which streamlines the process of using the device, lazy people streamline their process by putting their work off on others. It is just that simple. Just because you streamline your personal process does not equate to benefitting the rest of the team. By off loading work load on others you do not increase efficiency, you show your deficiency. My opinion.

Now That is Control

     Take a look into history and you see that there have always been people in positions of power. People in power are usually not the best people for the position. They seek power for a reason. Why would one seek power? Because they don't really have it within themselves. Those in power, in my opinion looking through history, have been the weakest. There are exceptions. In order to maintain control the weak must prey on the strong. That would not work in nature, but it does with people. With minimal numbers and tenacity the weak can destroy the strong. Nazi Germany is a great recent example. An insecure, hateful self destructive  and weak man destroyed more than a nation by stealing something he did not have inside himself, power. Hitler took power the old fashioned way. Weak does not necessarily mean stupid, it may not be genius but it can be very clever, as evil usually is. Hitler learned to speak, he learned the Germans "emotional language" and preyed on that. He was able to "mesmerize" the German people into believing something wholly untrue. Strong people were destroyed in his wake. Some by choice, some incidentally. Can you imagine the damage he could have done with our modern media!
      Now look around you. Look at the worlds leaders. Listen to what these leaders tell their people. Think about the people, groups and money behind these leaders. Now think once more about who really leads in our modern times. Who or what makes daily contact with people, offering news, opinions and insights into the world. Let me be clear, the "who" is bought and paid for by wealthy people/entities. It breaks my heart because I do enjoy watching television, but television and video are what are dictating what we think, how we behave, right, wrong, morality and immorality, good and evil. It guides the peoples votes, it tells us what to wear, where to eat and hang out, what to drink, what is healthy and unhealthy. It allows people who lie into our homes. Because we see it we believe it. Hence our lack of Faith in this day and age. We are being misled through magic, sorcery and trickery of the eyes. How hard is it to elicit emotions from people? Using sound and image is the most powerful way to influence someones way of thinking and living, look around you. Sound and image are being used to "instruct and condition" human beings. Think about the people behind the cameras and productions, then think about the wealthy owners behind them. People who own the communications companies tell their employees what will be news, what the opinions will be, who will receive political cover, what is right ,wrong, good and evil. Whether it is actually "right" or "wrong" "moral or immoral" is not important. The producers, directors, camera operators and actors carry out the owners orders. If you were to point out to them that what they were doing was wrong, you would hear something about a paycheck and the bosses orders. Reminds me of post WWII Nazis excusing their behavior because they were taking orders. Yep that is exactly where I just took this.
    Our leaders are bought and sold. Our news is bought and sold. Our leaders work to ingratiate themselves not to the people they lead, but to the wealthy people who influence through implied threat of a ruined image reaching the masses. We are being guided by the weak. Hollywood tells us daily that "we just don't have enough" if you just had "more" all would be well. Politicians promise to help you get "more", Hollywood and politicians working in synergy. There is a level of leadership behind the two that pulls the strings. I picture  a society that looks like Tantalus, all good things always in your face just out of reach. Keep the masses in control. Obey or suffer.
   I don't particularly admire Ancient Roman society, but they had it right in their thoughts about actors and the people associated with that business. In Roman society actors and such were the lowest form of living life. I admire intelligence, but I also have a practical side that says acting doesn't really produce anything useful.  In our modern times these same actors reach the masses with their opinions. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. What makes Hollywoods opinion better then say, yours? Hollywood reaches the masses, you don't. Hollywood hires actors whom they can"direct" to get the masses to admire them. Actors will say anything for money, it is their job. Some might be a little more discerning then others, but that really is the job. I give you money, you say what I tell you to say and be convincing. So actors learn then know the "emotional language " of their audience. Whether it is a news anchor or a sitcom/movie actor, they know how to "speak" to you. Just like good ole' Hitler knew how to speak to the German people. TV/video knows how to speak to the masses
     Back in the day taking power required having a large enough force of like minded people with weapons who could swarm the unaware and force them to join or die. You could see this force coming and could have possibly fled. With mass media and mass communication, "you cant run from trouble cuz there ain't no place that far". Mass media has already conquered us. The media plant the seed and the people do the dirty work, willingly. We socially judge and self police based on Hollywoods standard.
     We bow to the media and hang on their every word. We go to the movies and allow our emotions to be swayed by grifters. We shop at...... We eat at....... We drive a.......I own a ........all these things make us acceptable because "that movie had it in it" or "that star wears...." or " I have to look like"..... "I have to eat and drink...." my image my image my image. This is how obedience is instilled. I guess most of us are feeble minded enough to purposely step into the trap and stay there. Anyone who actually is "gifted" is in peril in this society, TV will exploit them and then destroy them. Back in the day special people were burned at the stake, this served two purposes, one is it got rid of people who were smarter than the leaders and secondly, it showed the masses who was in charge. Today we don't burn anyone at the stake. If you don't conform you will be destroyed or relegated to the fringes of society via mass media.  Once your image is shown on TV in negative context.......there is no return. You will have your image and reputation destroyed, you live the rest of your life burning at the stake. Now that is control.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Pop Goes The Culture

 I am beyond done with commercialism and pop culture. Don’t get me wrong, I still go shopping, I still listen to music and turn on the TV. I am tired of the two working in synergy with one another to work people over. I am sick of seeing people being driven to “look a certain way” or “be seen in certain things” in order to be acceptable. You have to eat “certain things” in “certain places” to be seen as “someone”. If you don’t conform you are relegated to the so called fringes of society. I am so appalled by some of the behavior I see in people that at times I have difficulty wanting to deal with anyone. That is impossible though, especially knowing I have to engage people in order to be helpful. I wonder if people ever consider what the Father would say about our dress, or the cars we drive, or the food we eat. Would it matter to him? Its about whats on the inside. 
   Back to my ire. The inside is exactly what commercialism and pop culture attack. They have to in order to gain “control”. If corporations and pop stars could not gain “control” they couldn’t sway you to buy their product. There is so much money at stake that destroying people from the inside using the outside is justified( with manufactured food we are literally destroying ourselves from inside out). Lets face it , we are social creatures, we desire acceptance. Humans can be lazy, shallow and superficial, most corporations and pop stars know this and prey upon it. I am sure at one point or another corporations and pop stars have good intentions, but when they see the money, they fall under the moneys control.It really is a “human” thing.
    All of what I have written is not justification for not participating in society, actually it is justification to engage people harder so they can find the truth themselves. I believe people who recognize destructive behaviors, trends or patterns in society should engage people, inform them, give them facts, offer an opinion, point out the obvious and be gracious about it, just don’t capitulate, you have a duty to your fellow man. If you help someone see clearly they will have the ability to guide themselves. When we see clearly we make better decisions, then we can help others.
Most pop stars and corporations only help people for tax relief. Expecting help from the greedy is counterintuitive anyway. I am sure many would say seeing clearly is “subjective”. Those would probably be the same people who feel the truth is “relative”. You might have an argument, but that would be with someone else, not me. 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mortis Altus

 Intelligence can be intimidating, prophetic intelligence is just scary.....with that in mind I will address two issues.
 Lets start with Faith, it is fine with me for people to believe as they wish. We were given freedom for a reason. I get it , some people need concrete evidence to believe in anything. Funny thing about that , people end up believing in something they cannot see or define anyway. You can point to all the evidence and clearly define and explain its meaning and people will still not believe. Lets face it, many more are programmed to be skeptics rather than believers, its easier. Most people choose ease, humans are generally lazy. To be a believer requires work, you have to study and learn. To go out and evangelize requires Faith and motivation. I get that sometimes the Evangelists zeal maybe  more than an atheist can tolerate, but they really do mean well. I think that is where my problem lies though,with most things. People attempting to force their agenda and beliefs down others throat. That includes all the inane arguments atheists bring to the table. Most are just talking points they have picked up here and there. When you challenge them they are hard pressed to do anything but raise the volume of their pathetic argument. No facts, no homework just blather and rubbish. So to the atheist world I say, be prepared, there will be no mercy. If you are not dressed for the show and standing at the door waiting to be ushered in, the door will be closed and locked and there will be no mercy. Mortus Altus.....
  And now to the gun ownership argument. When the proverbial dung hits the fan and protection is needed , who will the anti gun lobby run to for protection? To gun owners of course. They will feel their best chance of survival rests with people who can protect themselves from danger. They will look to the gun owners and see people who by their own hand can protect themselves, and hopefully others. It is going to be interesting when when the whole bunch see that they cannot save themselves under any circumstance involving their own hands. No weapon in their arsenal is going to be powerful enough to save them. No, mankind could launch every weapon we have at once and we would lose, miserably. That is what is coming. To those who don’t believe the holocaust happened, well you will get a taste of that, in fact it will be much worse. The holocaust will look like a party. The only people who will be saved are those dressed for the show, guns are not part of the outfit. Guns are a tool, I believe in gun ownership. I know the weapons limitations as well as my own. Don’t get caught with your jaw on the floor and your lantern empty......Mortus Altus