Sunday, January 15, 2017

Pacifiers and Diapers

8 years ago conservatives I know claimed Obama was not their president, I said "give him a chance". I did. On June 9th 2009 Buraq Obama threw the USA under the bus in Cairo using historical lies, half truths and disgusting moral equivalences, that is where he lost my support, a tangible historical metric, not some " I need a pacifier" moment right after the election.

I have a very good understanding of history and a very good understanding of what islam is. Obama was not and is not stupid. He allowed Dahlia Mogahed to write his Cairo speech, she believes we should implement "sharia" law in the USA, she has a cozy realtionship with CAIR, she has had Obamas ear for a long time. I have real and tangible reasons for having disgust for Obamas lack of loving the USA.
I am not looking at his weed smoking, coke snorting community organizer days, I don't really care who he was. Obama was hired to lead this nation as president, we are all a sum of who we were and where and what we have experienced, I believe people grow and change, thus I gave Obama a chance as president. Yet these people who consider themselves so "progressive" so much better than an old white dude like me cannot even wait for our new president elect to give them something "political" or "presidential"to hang their hatred on.

Progressives seem to feel entitled to have whatever they want and when they don't get it instead of acting like an adult they resort to whining and wringing their hands and making judgements about those who don't agree with them.
Dear progressives( totalitarians) your time is coming, you offer everything for free. People who are financially responsible and fiscally conservative cannot defeat what you offer, the truth is we offer to you" if you work hard you have a chance to make something of yourself". Progressives offer everything free, kumbaya, no work for anyone, no jails, no restrictions by the "man". Everything will be great. We can just chill and play video games.
One question. Who is going to work to pay for all of the free stuff? Funny thing about progressive/totalitarians, they figure that out pretty quick, Stalin killed 50 million of his own to prove how progressive he was, Mao killed into the 10s of millions to prove how progressive he was, Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 50 million people worldwide proving his progressiveness. You see when progressive totalitarians will not debate on facts and substance or debate at all it is because they don't want push back, progressive totalitarians have no ideas, progressive totalitarians are morally bankrupt and devoid of common sense, they want it their way and their way only. People who have ideas other than the ones progressives espouse are deemed and judged evil, unworthy. Remember, don't be judgmental, unless your progressive, then it's ok because you know whats best for all.

To the progressives I say give Trump a chance, use real instances of a bad president to make up your mind not some childish red line drawn in the sand based on philosophy developed by those fleecing you. Let me be clear, I don't want another seditious coward in the White House, I am ok with type A, passion, fire, a man who speaks his mind regardless. Politicians are all bad, Obama proved he is a great politician. Trump has yet to prove he is a politician.

1 comment:

  1. who gets the free stuff now? Us working stiffs are paying taxes so big money doesn't have to...system is fucked....Trumo has shown his ass more than enough times for people to see what he is...God help us all
