Sunday, January 15, 2017

My Nutty Opinions

  I live in and really do love California, the “Golden State”. It is beautiful and has every climate you can imagine, beaches to skiing. As a place to live it is great, until you get into the politics, which you have to because you are confronted with the fat ass bureaucracy every day, the premium taxes we pay lead me to tell visitors “welcome to the country club”. The current California sociopolitical crisis appears to be that Donald Trump won the election. Now in order to throw their tantrum about the election California politicians are throwing everything within reach. First California politicians want to secede from the Republic, as though spending time and money on something so inane had any value. Second they want to make California the first sanctuary state, I wonder if it will go to vote or if it will be done the "progressive" way, behind closed doors with no input from the public, can't afford any push back. Worthless crybaby politicians and actors are at the helm of this state. 

  I see so many worthy things that should be addressed yet we are now actually contemplating, spending time and money, on seceding from the Republic and turning California into a sanctuary state. Why are these politicians entertaining thoughts about doing these things? Because of an election outcome. This is so beyond any reality on the ground, people so out of touch with the reality of what is happening around them, but then I have always said the weakest people seem to run to politics to hide from reality. Hiding behind power makes perfectly good sense to me. Political ambition is failures last residence. The only people who are less productive then politicians are actors and performers. 

  Yet in California actors and performers get to direct the social narrative, with political cooperation, as though they were some genius philosophers who hold the magic wand that fixes all. Sadly the people believe the nonsense. Why? Because actors, politicians and performers have the spotlight through media and we as humans are being directed to the media. Because we see it in print or on TV or on the internet or hear it on the radio it must be real. The media holds more sway than what our parents, grandparents and other members of our life and what they have witnessed.
  We trust trash more than truth. I am not a big fan of the Roman empires social structure, they were generally cruel, but in their defense life is hard and can be cruel. The Romans did have some things right though. In the Roman empire the lowest people in society were actors. Why? In a practical society not working means no production which means not eating. Real work is toiling for food, shelter and clothing. Most people today, including myself, don’t know what real work is. I know I do more than just act. 

  I know what acting isn’t, it isn’t work. Every human on this planet gets up every day and plays their role, we act, often we have many roles to play. So we pay people to watch them be human, it is entertaining and entertainment does bring value. Entertaining doesn’t produce anything real. Acting doesn’t necessarily require genius, ethics or a good work ethic although a good understanding of the human condition shows above average intelligence, actors are not writers. Memorizing lines and scripts does require some intelligence, not necessarily intelligence to lead, parrots memorize. Welcome to the United States of America you are entitled to your opinion. 


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