Sunday, January 15, 2017

Black and White

 We all live in a colorful world, actually there are about 7 billion different worlds on this planet. Every life experiences the world from its own perspective, every life has the freedom to experience life in their own way. Life in and of itself is very colorful, the different experiences, emotions, perspectives and perceptions.

   Having said that, there are dimensions to life which are black and white, there is right and left, up and down, hot and cold, and then there are things we think are black and white like right and wrong, good and evil, they should be black and white. Progressives have allowed good and evil to become "relative", progressives have made right and wrong "subjective", there is no black and white in the progressive world. This is why progressives will conquer the world, they are offering everything to everyone for nothing with no rules or promise of payback without ever having to follow through on their promises. They don't have to prove anything to their voters, intentions are good enough.
   Sadly this is the state of humanity today, people don't care about what is really happening as long as the leaders are promising something different. The people feel as long as leaders promise there is change over the horizon all is well. Hope is not a good business plan. People are creatures of habit and there are those who know this, they know people would rather believe what they see then to believe what they know. People can be led down a path, dangle gold in front of the masses and see what happens.

  Progressives want you to believe that everything is colorful, that black and white are old views that are not relevant in todays world. They want us to believe that a black and white outlook on anything is an archaic way of looking at things, even good and evil and right and wrong. The established rules are based on black and white so they are out dated and should be made irrelevant, there are ways to handle everything without consequences. That is the progressive way, "we are entitled without consequence" is the progressive mantra.
    When people don't have the desire to follow the rules and laws you have a chaotic, dysfunctional and dangerous society.  We all have gray areas we function in, whether in our familial life or in society at large. I have gray areas that I function in, is what I am doing right or wrong? Am I offending my neighbors? Am I being a good neighbor? We all know deep down inside what is right and what is wrong.
  I believe the founding fathers left enough gray areas in the laws for the country to grow. The laws are not ambiguous and the Constitution is not a living or morphing document. The Constitution is written to allow all to live as they will in their own homes and on their own properties as long as they are not a blight or danger to the community at large, in other words do as you wish but be a good neighbor. The laws are established to let those who refuse to be good neighbors know that there are consequences to being a bad neighbor. Progressives don't like consequences.

  When there are consequences to our actions we learn from our mistakes, we gain strength through struggle. When consequences cause us problems we learn not to make those mistakes again. When there are no consequences people don't learn and they continue to fall. Our society is falling, like a once mighty star, like many great empires before, we are crumbling. We are crumbling because lazy , greedy people are at the helm. Don't get me wrong, I have hope in our President elect, Donald Trump, I have no hope for the people opposing him. That is the problem, eventually the lazy greedy liars will have total control of this country, it is only a matter of time. Then you can tell Mrs. Obama about no hope. Once the progressive totalitarians have full control of things  all will change, very fast.
    The progressives are peddling a colorful future, a world of ease and luxury for all with absolutely no cost. How can anyone go up against that? The sad thing is, once the progressives have total control, that colorful world will quickly become black and white and red, with the severest consequences saved for those who oppose their "utopia". The ones who buy in will become enslaved to those of the "elite" class. The way our society treats people who have ethics, who want to raise their children and families properly, who have faith, who don't commit violence and theft upon society is pathetic. How much worse will it be when the progressive totalitarians have full control? Our society only respects thugs, criminals, charlatans, actors, pop culture which is costing us all. It costs us our freedom and it costs them their soul. We all know where this is headed.
   So it is very simple, those who understand black and white is part of the color spectrum are the "bad guys" and those who want to eliminate black and white from the color spectrum are "the good guys". It's "Black and White".

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