Monday, January 23, 2017

The Crusades Misconception

  I believe in God. Specifically Yahweh, the God of Israel, the God of the Prophets and the the Apostles. I believe in His Son Yahushua( Jesus' real name), my Savior and the Savior of all who choose Him. I believe in the Ruach Ha Kadesh, Set Apart Spirit( Holy Spirit). I believe in the relationship our Father wants to establish with us.
  I believe in the freedom given all of us by the Father, we are given the freedom to choose. We are able to make choices and decisions all the time of our own free will, right or wrong.
 I believe in the freedom of speech, as long as what you are saying is true. When I see pictures like this one that I found on a social media site I am reminded how information is manipulated to make the victims look like perpetrators

The picture above has a little truth with a lot of poison, in other words, there is just enough truth to make it seem legitimate. Yes, religion is the problem. As far as Christians being terrorists for 300 years someone is going to have to explain to me how that conclusion was drawn and on what history. 
      Before I go on let me be clear that I recognize the wanton carnage the Christian armies brought to the Middle East, war is ugly. I could go into a list of massacres and "mistakes" the Christian armies made, that is not my point here.
My point here is that the Crusades were a defensive action taken against the muslim hoards who had terrorized their way throughout the Middle East, Persia, North Africa lopping off heads of Christians and Jewish people who dared defend themselves. The muslim offensive went on from the 7th to the 11th century with no Christian army once rearing its head in defense of Christianity or Judaism. Yet todays narrative is still that the Crusades were somehow an unprovoked assault on a peaceful religion in an area of the world at peace. Not true. Religion is the problem, right now the biggest problem religion happens to be islam, as it has been for 1400 years. Check your facts before you post.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


   I would like anyone reading this and anything else I write to understand that I am a registered independent and don’t draw a line in the political/philosophical sand, in other words for me this is not a game. I vote based on the facts in front of me not some us and them scenario. I rarely agree with any politician because politics is a self serving industry and we are it's bank account. For the past 8 years I have written and talked about how bad Obama has been, I did give him a chance, before that I spoke and wrote about my dislike of George W. Bush. I don’t care what party is in charge, if you are weak, incompetent, out of touch and have put yourself in the public spotlight you are fair game. My opinions are fair game. Next week the Republicans and Trump are on the hook. so.....

  In life everything is a process, we do things in procession, mostly. Sometimes we deviate from a known process with some expected and unexpected results, sometimes some surprising results. Selecting leaders is a process. 
  When we are alone we are the leader( if you believe in God you are never alone). When there are 2 people someone will lead and that process will work itself out quickly. The more people added to the process the more complicated the process becomes simply because of the differing opinions and views. I would say in groups of 100 or less leaders usually step up and take over and most people recognize and accept them. When there are more than 100 people the process has to be agreed upon by all( unless you are part of some warrior tribe where one person is ruthless and has the best weapon), a very tough job.
  During the inception of our democracy our leaders saw fit to put a process in place that would be fair to the entire nation. The electoral college was put in place to cover the people in rural areas so that their voice was not marginalized by the large metropolitan populations. At the time it was fair. Do I think it is fair now? On one hand we have a large rural population today that should not be marginalized by metropolitan populations, on the other hand we can't just say that the popular vote doesn’t count. 

  We have had several election outcomes that were won based on the electoral college, the popular vote would have put someone else into the White House. Yet we have had most elections where the winner took both the electoral college and the popular vote. Based on that assessment I would say the process functions as intended, but is it still a viable process in our time. 
   I believe for right now, unless someone figures out another way to ensure that rural America has a voice, the process is viable. I admit it is ugly when someone wins the presidency in this fashion. Some processes just are not perfect, but they are intended to bring about certain results, our current election process brings results. Perfect or not it works. 
     I find it very funny listening to people prior to elections, this particular election the Republican voters were concerned about Trump losing the electoral college and winning the popular vote, it turned out this time the Democrats should have been worrying. At a personal level my gut instinct says there is something not quite right with the popular vote results, in the world of the Democrat party and progressives zombie votes count. The dead vote.

  I would ask anyone reading this to think to themselves would it be fair for one state or city to swing the vote of an entire nation. I say no, that is my opinion. California brings the most votes of any state and has the largest number of electoral delegates. If California secedes as the progressive totalitarian douche’ bag leaders of this state want, the Democrats would probably have serious difficulty winning any national election, that is a mathematical fact. I can assure you California is not reflective of the rest of the nation and that is why the electoral process needs to remain in place, whether a Democrat or Republican win. 


My Nutty Opinions

  I live in and really do love California, the “Golden State”. It is beautiful and has every climate you can imagine, beaches to skiing. As a place to live it is great, until you get into the politics, which you have to because you are confronted with the fat ass bureaucracy every day, the premium taxes we pay lead me to tell visitors “welcome to the country club”. The current California sociopolitical crisis appears to be that Donald Trump won the election. Now in order to throw their tantrum about the election California politicians are throwing everything within reach. First California politicians want to secede from the Republic, as though spending time and money on something so inane had any value. Second they want to make California the first sanctuary state, I wonder if it will go to vote or if it will be done the "progressive" way, behind closed doors with no input from the public, can't afford any push back. Worthless crybaby politicians and actors are at the helm of this state. 

  I see so many worthy things that should be addressed yet we are now actually contemplating, spending time and money, on seceding from the Republic and turning California into a sanctuary state. Why are these politicians entertaining thoughts about doing these things? Because of an election outcome. This is so beyond any reality on the ground, people so out of touch with the reality of what is happening around them, but then I have always said the weakest people seem to run to politics to hide from reality. Hiding behind power makes perfectly good sense to me. Political ambition is failures last residence. The only people who are less productive then politicians are actors and performers. 

  Yet in California actors and performers get to direct the social narrative, with political cooperation, as though they were some genius philosophers who hold the magic wand that fixes all. Sadly the people believe the nonsense. Why? Because actors, politicians and performers have the spotlight through media and we as humans are being directed to the media. Because we see it in print or on TV or on the internet or hear it on the radio it must be real. The media holds more sway than what our parents, grandparents and other members of our life and what they have witnessed.
  We trust trash more than truth. I am not a big fan of the Roman empires social structure, they were generally cruel, but in their defense life is hard and can be cruel. The Romans did have some things right though. In the Roman empire the lowest people in society were actors. Why? In a practical society not working means no production which means not eating. Real work is toiling for food, shelter and clothing. Most people today, including myself, don’t know what real work is. I know I do more than just act. 

  I know what acting isn’t, it isn’t work. Every human on this planet gets up every day and plays their role, we act, often we have many roles to play. So we pay people to watch them be human, it is entertaining and entertainment does bring value. Entertaining doesn’t produce anything real. Acting doesn’t necessarily require genius, ethics or a good work ethic although a good understanding of the human condition shows above average intelligence, actors are not writers. Memorizing lines and scripts does require some intelligence, not necessarily intelligence to lead, parrots memorize. Welcome to the United States of America you are entitled to your opinion. 


Pacifiers and Diapers

8 years ago conservatives I know claimed Obama was not their president, I said "give him a chance". I did. On June 9th 2009 Buraq Obama threw the USA under the bus in Cairo using historical lies, half truths and disgusting moral equivalences, that is where he lost my support, a tangible historical metric, not some " I need a pacifier" moment right after the election.

I have a very good understanding of history and a very good understanding of what islam is. Obama was not and is not stupid. He allowed Dahlia Mogahed to write his Cairo speech, she believes we should implement "sharia" law in the USA, she has a cozy realtionship with CAIR, she has had Obamas ear for a long time. I have real and tangible reasons for having disgust for Obamas lack of loving the USA.
I am not looking at his weed smoking, coke snorting community organizer days, I don't really care who he was. Obama was hired to lead this nation as president, we are all a sum of who we were and where and what we have experienced, I believe people grow and change, thus I gave Obama a chance as president. Yet these people who consider themselves so "progressive" so much better than an old white dude like me cannot even wait for our new president elect to give them something "political" or "presidential"to hang their hatred on.

Progressives seem to feel entitled to have whatever they want and when they don't get it instead of acting like an adult they resort to whining and wringing their hands and making judgements about those who don't agree with them.
Dear progressives( totalitarians) your time is coming, you offer everything for free. People who are financially responsible and fiscally conservative cannot defeat what you offer, the truth is we offer to you" if you work hard you have a chance to make something of yourself". Progressives offer everything free, kumbaya, no work for anyone, no jails, no restrictions by the "man". Everything will be great. We can just chill and play video games.
One question. Who is going to work to pay for all of the free stuff? Funny thing about progressive/totalitarians, they figure that out pretty quick, Stalin killed 50 million of his own to prove how progressive he was, Mao killed into the 10s of millions to prove how progressive he was, Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 50 million people worldwide proving his progressiveness. You see when progressive totalitarians will not debate on facts and substance or debate at all it is because they don't want push back, progressive totalitarians have no ideas, progressive totalitarians are morally bankrupt and devoid of common sense, they want it their way and their way only. People who have ideas other than the ones progressives espouse are deemed and judged evil, unworthy. Remember, don't be judgmental, unless your progressive, then it's ok because you know whats best for all.

To the progressives I say give Trump a chance, use real instances of a bad president to make up your mind not some childish red line drawn in the sand based on philosophy developed by those fleecing you. Let me be clear, I don't want another seditious coward in the White House, I am ok with type A, passion, fire, a man who speaks his mind regardless. Politicians are all bad, Obama proved he is a great politician. Trump has yet to prove he is a politician.

Black and White

 We all live in a colorful world, actually there are about 7 billion different worlds on this planet. Every life experiences the world from its own perspective, every life has the freedom to experience life in their own way. Life in and of itself is very colorful, the different experiences, emotions, perspectives and perceptions.

   Having said that, there are dimensions to life which are black and white, there is right and left, up and down, hot and cold, and then there are things we think are black and white like right and wrong, good and evil, they should be black and white. Progressives have allowed good and evil to become "relative", progressives have made right and wrong "subjective", there is no black and white in the progressive world. This is why progressives will conquer the world, they are offering everything to everyone for nothing with no rules or promise of payback without ever having to follow through on their promises. They don't have to prove anything to their voters, intentions are good enough.
   Sadly this is the state of humanity today, people don't care about what is really happening as long as the leaders are promising something different. The people feel as long as leaders promise there is change over the horizon all is well. Hope is not a good business plan. People are creatures of habit and there are those who know this, they know people would rather believe what they see then to believe what they know. People can be led down a path, dangle gold in front of the masses and see what happens.

  Progressives want you to believe that everything is colorful, that black and white are old views that are not relevant in todays world. They want us to believe that a black and white outlook on anything is an archaic way of looking at things, even good and evil and right and wrong. The established rules are based on black and white so they are out dated and should be made irrelevant, there are ways to handle everything without consequences. That is the progressive way, "we are entitled without consequence" is the progressive mantra.
    When people don't have the desire to follow the rules and laws you have a chaotic, dysfunctional and dangerous society.  We all have gray areas we function in, whether in our familial life or in society at large. I have gray areas that I function in, is what I am doing right or wrong? Am I offending my neighbors? Am I being a good neighbor? We all know deep down inside what is right and what is wrong.
  I believe the founding fathers left enough gray areas in the laws for the country to grow. The laws are not ambiguous and the Constitution is not a living or morphing document. The Constitution is written to allow all to live as they will in their own homes and on their own properties as long as they are not a blight or danger to the community at large, in other words do as you wish but be a good neighbor. The laws are established to let those who refuse to be good neighbors know that there are consequences to being a bad neighbor. Progressives don't like consequences.

  When there are consequences to our actions we learn from our mistakes, we gain strength through struggle. When consequences cause us problems we learn not to make those mistakes again. When there are no consequences people don't learn and they continue to fall. Our society is falling, like a once mighty star, like many great empires before, we are crumbling. We are crumbling because lazy , greedy people are at the helm. Don't get me wrong, I have hope in our President elect, Donald Trump, I have no hope for the people opposing him. That is the problem, eventually the lazy greedy liars will have total control of this country, it is only a matter of time. Then you can tell Mrs. Obama about no hope. Once the progressive totalitarians have full control of things  all will change, very fast.
    The progressives are peddling a colorful future, a world of ease and luxury for all with absolutely no cost. How can anyone go up against that? The sad thing is, once the progressives have total control, that colorful world will quickly become black and white and red, with the severest consequences saved for those who oppose their "utopia". The ones who buy in will become enslaved to those of the "elite" class. The way our society treats people who have ethics, who want to raise their children and families properly, who have faith, who don't commit violence and theft upon society is pathetic. How much worse will it be when the progressive totalitarians have full control? Our society only respects thugs, criminals, charlatans, actors, pop culture which is costing us all. It costs us our freedom and it costs them their soul. We all know where this is headed.
   So it is very simple, those who understand black and white is part of the color spectrum are the "bad guys" and those who want to eliminate black and white from the color spectrum are "the good guys". It's "Black and White".