Thursday, July 28, 2016

Political Incorrectness Equals Truth

Cowardly leaders....listen up....

                                Cowardly leaders of the West are not only allowing this,
                                       they encourage it.....nuff said let the picture talk.....

......this is what a vote for Hillary will get you, ask Europe how that s working out for them......

....inside every progressive hides a totalitarian....

.......they are never held to account for what they say....... they just continue to lie......

...wake up and smell the burned toast America.....

The New Totalitarians

 In order to steal peoples freedoms and rights you either have to stage a bloody revolt, that would lead to purging, or you have to manipulate a system or systems to achieve your goal without the populace noticing. Obviously a revolt is war, not many would openly advocate for war. So the easy way is through manipulation. The goal is to create a centralized dictatorial government that imposes itself on the masses, subservience to the state becomes mandatory.

  So how do you convince the people that a "big centralized" government is what they want. How do you lay out a plan that makes the people beg to have their freedoms and lives stolen? Reverse psychology, give them stuff. Show how generous a "big government" can be. Don't worry about the theft of wealth from others who work and struggle daily to fund this nonsense. A step by step approach is required to convince the people this is what they want. You steal a little money and a few rights, not much or many, just enough to get the people to complain. Let that settle, let the people get used to the "new way" and once they are, a new assault. This is a measured, step by step approach to conditioning people to accept their own demise. If you drop a frog into a boiling pot of water it will jump out immediately, if you put the frog in with the water cool and turn up the burner the frog gets used to the heat and eventually cooks to death. This is how our freedom is being stolen, gradually, in stages proceeding step by step.

  Here is the plan of the enemies of freedom: they are focused on using taxpayer money to better society, they say they want to advance science and technology, they are for economic development, they want social organization, they try to convince everyone that their goal is to advance the human condition. It all looks good on paper and sounds good in speeches, but there is a truth between each line that the enemy speaks, and that is the only truth. People enjoy beautiful arrangements, flowers, music, words etc. Manipulators use arrangements to condition, listen to the speeches of our politicians. Beautifully hollow words leading to nothing and a waste of time.

    This poisoning with words has been going on since the very beginning. The reason man is getting fidgety is because now there is a huge amount of poison being delivered with very little good. The soul can sense things, even if it can’t quite see them yet. There are people who can see clearly what is going on and what is at stake here. There are people who have been bought or convinced that what they see is good, even though they know in their heart it is not, they are comfortable in their rut. The clock is running on freedom. Once the enemy have completely taken over they will make large institutions play by their rules( actually already happening with the media), many people suffering under this system will be happy to see large institutions get punished because they are being punished, schadenfreude, blind to the reality of what they see.

    So let me define the new totalitarians, the goal obviously is power. Unrestricted. They believe a centralized oversized government is what we need. Of course we will pay for the privilege. They want everyone beholden
 to the state, subservience, they give you just enough to stay alive if you, obey. They assert that the advancement of science, technology, social development and society building and economic development most important to the human condition, which is of course their greatest desire. They don't want descent, they want a dictatorial system of rule. Take their guns. If they speak their minds , make it a crime and arrest them. Sound familiar? Nazi Germany, China, Iran. That is what the new totalitarians want because they are dividers, they take the spoils and divide it, the nation be damned. The new totalitarians don't look like Stalin or Hitler or the ayatollah, no they wear suits and dresses and speak much like you and I. It is just the new totalitarians also think they know what is best for you and I, what we should think, say and should all be for the state. These new totalitarians use terrorist and criminal tactics along with slander and liable in order to take over power. They use terrorists to terrorize embracing the evil and then they turn around to the victim and play victims advocate. These are the groups and people that want to dictate to you while they fleece you of your wealth, it is simply greed and avarice.

    The time is coming when these totalitarians will have full control over this nation, your only hope will be to move, be nimble. Hold onto weapons, learn to reload cartridges, learn to live off the grid. Freedom may not always be pleasant, but it is worth having. Kneeling before liars and idiots is not for me. Let the new totalitarians have what they want, they will not hassle the people in the country for a while, just not enough people to worry about. Don't let that last sentence lead you to think that any complacency is ok, it is not. Time has a way of catching up to you, sometimes quicker than you think. We could soon look like Iran or Nazi Germany, the right type of people are at the helm, hang on.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


    I just spent a little time learning about the perspective others have of the world. It was astounding. With very few words and two videos I got an impression of what the world IS to people in other lands. I thought I was well traveled and have heard many different views, apparently if you really want to get how the world looks to others either go there or make friends with people living there and get there take on what they are living.

   Our news media has made out the Russian Ukraine war as some kind of legitimate war. After talking to people there and seeing some very graphic news videos I must say, we are well off. That is a crime what the Russians are doing, actually it is their leader, he appears to be a sociopath like most leaders tend to be.
  I don't really know much yet but I am going to look into what is going on there. What I do know is that people have a completely different view of world events and world history when you start moving eastward out of what was once the western block(NATO). I was given an outlook and impression that frankly shocked me. I likened Putin to other despots, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and I got, what I perceived as pushback about Hitler in both verbal response and then to follow up a very interesting video, it focused on the good. I understand where and why the perception is what it is, Stalin and the communists were very very hated. To many the Nazis were the good guys and apparently there is a continuing perception in an undercurrent kind of way that this is still true, it is very subtle, almost reverse psychology, or maybe it is just counterintuitive to me. Still very different and very interesting.
    I can see how the USA can easily be made an enemy by people who will really probably never set foot on this continent. It is easy for people in foreign lands to say things about far away nations because they will never really have to back up what they say, the news is in bed with the liars. The liars get the power and pay the media off. Our media lies to us daily. They lie about Israel. They lie about Europe. They lie to us about politics and the state of our nation. Politicians and media executives try to "lead" by misleading, they steal power, money and lives in order to live their "well established lifestyle". The media are as much pigs at the trough as the political porkers. I am not really sure which one is a parasite to the other.
   When I watch what is going on in Europe and realize that this is the dream of our progressive leaders, I think of garbage barges. How dare these greedy people stand in front of the masses declaring we should do this or that while they are not held to the same standard, or any standard at all as in the case of Hillary Clinton. Congress needs to be cleaned out of the lawyers and doctors and the other Harvard, Princeton, Yale groups. Lets put some ordinary people in their place, they must have common sense and be able to do basic arithmetic, I am tired of the wealthy using our government to get wealthier, and I am NOT picking on Trump. He has shown me he is willing to pay his own way unlike others. That is why the democrat party and the republican party don't like Trump, he is rich, he has what they want. Their avarice is greener then green.

  What I learned watching the videos out of the Ukraine is that this is what is coming to this nation. Our current leadership is going to make it happen. They are currently sucking up to and inviting a cancer into a peaceful nation, or at least it was. We are headed for terror and civil strife, if not civil war. It is what our leaders want, a crises, something to divert our attention from what they really want to do, steal.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cowardly Leaders

   How do the weakest, mentally anyway, people become leaders of people. How is it that the mental midgets lead the good people. Well when you have so much weakness to hide you become adept at misleading people, you have to in order to keep people off the trail of your weakness. They put their nose to the grindstone and get themselves into positions where they are in control. Now think about that, a person educates and works themselves for selfish reasons, to run and hide. When you are in control nobody can question you because you have the power to affect their lives profoundly. These "leaders" learn a script which is honed and polished for the rest of their lives, it sounds educated, its just rehearsed. Beautifully worded empty speeches, speaking in colorful entertaining circles, no hard truths because those would have to be backed up which requires work and courage.

    Its much easier to just speak to each group in their own venue, tell them what they want to hear and move on. Its not like to have to back up what you say right away, there is a time factor. People understand that change requires time and we are willing to give leaders a chance. A chance most leaders take full advantage of, unfortunately it becomes their personal vehicle to wealth and more power. As the "leaders" spread their word more people believe. There is a drop off as the people initially engaged begin to realize that even given time this leader is not going to change a thing. In order to prevent the drop off  the leader needs to modify his story, come up with a new one, create a crisis, do and say anything to buy more time in power. If you watch and listen long enough they will counter their very own points and opinions, that is because they don't take account of what they say. They don't think they have to. You see, somewhere along the way to the top, hiding their weakness all the way, they forget they have a weakness and become omnipotent in their own minds. That is why they know best what is good for you and what is not.

   Eventually though the word game does fully does run its course and the leader needs to come up with new and colorful ways to maintain power. One is have a coup d'etat. One is to legally usurp the law. One is to introduce a new demographic and promise them more then the working population get after a fruitful days work. Pander to these people and if anyone stands up to question this, now you have a target. That is when the words hatred, sexism, racism, everyism, are introduced into the mix, just to keep the good people off balance. Those words stop debate because nobody wants to be labeled as a hater, sexist or racist. Eventually the demographic change becomes enough of a problem to create tensions leading to civil strife, possibly even civil war.

      Now the leader is fully in his game, he can now disarm the people and then begin the purge. Hitler was responsible for 56,000,000 deaths in Europe, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 50,000,000 of his own people, Mao Tse Tung who knows, we didnt find out about a mass starvation until 40 years after it happened, probably hundreds of millions of his own people. Look at the leaders of the world now, they are just as mentally unfit as the mass murderers I just named. Merckel, Obama, Erogan, Putin, all put their peoples needs on the back burner in order to further their own selfish desire, more power. Given the opportunity, in my opinion, these people would murder their own people if they thought they could get away with it and remain in power.

     Look at the world today, the mess we are in is a direct result of our leaders cowardice. They want to be everyones friend so they can garner votes so they can maintain power, but as we all know you cannot be friends to and with everyone. They may draw lines in the sand showing conviction but when it comes time to stand they buckle. Taking a risk could put them out of power and then their weakness is again exposed, cowardice, selfish gutless shameful fear of their own people. I believe Erogan has begun his reign, who will be next, apparently the people are ok with these leaders so we have what we ordered. I will not resign myself to this insanity. I will keep my faith and my hand on the pulse, I will remain nimble and prepared. Our leaders fear us, that is very very dangerous, Liberty is not free......

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Rant: Secularist Founding Fathers....Not

Years ago one of my favorite bands wrote a song named "Welcome to The Party", it spoke of the evils of the Republican party, I really enjoyed the song then and still do now. I don't necessarily believe the Republican party is any more or less evil then the democrat party. The democrat party in my eyes is in your face, they want to take every right we have away to wrest control away from the people while out of the other side of their mouth they are the advocates of our rights, fighting for "do as you feel", "truth is relative" "evil is relative" "we want to take care of you" "let the government.....""go to any restroom you feel like". My apologies to anyone who has voted democrat for president over the past 30 years, but you have been supporting the removal of God from our schools and other learning institutions, removal of God from our politics and government. How is that going? It has actually been going on for quite a while, at least since the 1940s. Let me be very clear, our founding Fathers did not advocate separating God from government or education, they understood what happened in Europe, the bloody religious wars year after year. That is what they wanted to avoid, they did not want to remove God from the forefront of our nation, they just did not want religious bloodshed. Our current coward in chief has done everything they would never have, the people who support this pathetic president are cowards themselves. Lets see what real leaders think and say.
    Here are some quotes, that might startle some readers, from our founding Fathers;

1.It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible."  George Washington
2. “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained”   George Washington
3. “I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them.”   George Washington
4.The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.     John Adams 
5. The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.    John Adams
6. Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited. . . . What a Eutopia – what a Paradise would this region be!    John Adams
7. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.   John Adams
8. As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and His religion as He left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see     Benjamin Franklin
9. Sensible of the importance of Christian piety and virtue to the order and happiness of a state, I cannot but earnestly commend to you every measure for their support and encouragement      John Hancock
10. I recommend a general and public return of praise and thanksgiving to Him from whose goodness these blessings descend. The most effectual means of securing the continuance of our civil and religious liberties is always to remember with reverence and gratitude the source from which they flow    John Jay
11. The practice of morality being necessary for the well being of society, He [God] has taken care to impress its precepts so indelibly on our hearts that they shall not be effaced by the subtleties of our brain. We all agree in the obligation of the moral principles of Jesus and nowhere will they be found delivered in greater purity than in His discourses    Thomas Jefferson
12.  have sometimes thought there could not be a stronger testimony in favor of religion or against temporal enjoyments, even the most rational and manly, than for men who occupy the most honorable and gainful departments and [who] are rising in reputation and wealth, publicly to declare their unsatisfactoriness by becoming fervent advocates in the cause of Christ; and I wish you may give in your evidence in this way       James Madison

I respect both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson for being, acting and thinking free

I am always amused as to how progressives would have you believe that our founding Fathers were  secularists, but that is not true. It is obvious by these quotes. All of these men have many quotes, some are in favor of separation of church and state, some against. All in all though if you read what these men had to say they are believers, not secularists, not atheists but Christians in both walk and talk. Here is one progressives like to throw out there about John Adams:
"the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion"
Now think about that statement, what context could it be in. The context is exactly what progressives don't want you to know, this quote was made in 1797 after the Treaty of Tripoli(1796), one of the many treaties with the pirates of the Barbary coast made between 1786-1816. Now no progressive would want you to know that the pirates of the Barbary coast were........muslims, shocking. John Adams was saying and signing what he had to in order to free American sailors kidnapped by the supremist pirates, he pulled a muslim on the muslims and lied to get what he needed. This goes right in line with the progressives line about Thomas Jefferson owning a quran. Jefferson wanted to know what was motivating the Barbary coast pirates and he found out and learned how to deal with them, he was not as many would have you believe a believer in the quran. 
   Believe what you will about our founding Fathers, they believed in our Father in Heaven. When this country has been strong it has been because people had faith. Our country is becoming weak because people don't believe in the Father, they believe in something but not Him. 9/11 was more than just a terrorist attack, it was an announcement that the Set Apart Spirit is slowly moving away from us because of the choices this nation and its leaders have made. We have thrown Yahweh out of our learning institutions, our government and soon out of our nation. We are importing people who happily blow their children up ( human blood sacrifice) and want us all dead, we kill 400, 000 babies a year, we are allowing deviants to dictate. Of course everything I am saying is hateful, but I would rather be given a hundred lashes of painful truth over a kiss delivering a lie, but thats just me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black Lives Matter.....


....and no other lives matter. According to this group because I feel all lives matter I am part of the problem. I am sorry, as forgiving and as understanding as I try to be this is just beyond any madness or stupidity one could imagine. A planet of 7 billion people and only 1/3 matter. Let me be clear, if this truly is a stance you take, not only do you NOT matter, you have now become an enemy of humanity. Any kindness, forgiveness or understanding should not be wasted on people who purposely choose to be lost. I have tried in my mind to play devils advocate and see this from their perspective, but I can't because the stance is so selfish and self serving as though these people were royalty and we should pay them homage. Now they have taken to open warfare against our society, our law enforcement.

  By definition law enforcement enforces the laws to keep society safe. By their own definition black lives matter adherents say they want to kill white people, law enforcement etc. This means they are enemies of the state and society. I didn't choose this, they did. They have chosen to hate. Of course president Obama has had a huge hand in this, sowing a divisive environment. This president has done more to hurt more people then any leader I have witnessed. He was given the presidency to make positive change. He has destroyed, to the best of his ability , all this nation was attempting to correct. And let me be clear, he has done absolutely nothing to help the black community in the USA. Obama loves islam and the quran, you might want to look and see what those muslim haters have to say about black people in their un"holy" text. It is an eye opener and Obama loves it.

   I say let the black panthers and black lives matter take over some states, then we nuke their sorry inhumane carcasses and send them to judgement. If war is what they want all I can say is be careful what you ask for. Black people account for about 13% of our population. They deserve every right that every other citizen deserves, nothing more, nothing less. Yes there is still racism in this country and in this world. I wonder why the "black lives matter" idiots did not acknowledge the murder of 6 black children in Illinois, oh thats right they were murdered by....blacks, that doesn't count. I wonder why they don't scream about all of the Africans who are enslaved today in muslim countries, literally they are slaves, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Qatar all practice slavery and have for 1400 years , the cost to Africa, more than 130,000,000 black lives but don't look there.
   I believe in Scripture. I believe all are equal before our Father. I believe in forgiveness,  I don't believe in murder. There is a big difference between murder and killing. We kill for food and for self defense. Murder is a selfish act. What black lives matter and the black panthers want is to murder, they are basing their victims on the color of their skin, they are 100% haters....of themselves, they are the racists that they fear.. When you voluntarily give up your humanity so you can legitimize murder you should not be surprised when you are met with force. That force should show you what you show others, no mercy. Mercy is for the weak.

   I blame our leaders for what I see in society. They set the tone by openly lying with no remorse, they commit crimes without accountability. They come out with divisive speeches and divisive tones in order to divide and collect votes. Let me be clear, Buraq Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders deserve to move in with black lives matter and the black panthers. Don't let me forget the republicans, they claim to be "Christian" and moral,  yet they are as much of a problem as the people I named, they lie to the people and cheat the people just as badly as the democrat party, their hypocritical behavior is only out done by the democrat party.

  If anyone thinks this is going to get better my best wishes to you, I hope you are right. What I see coming is not unexpected, people seem to think they have time, maybe it will just "go away". All of these evil groups, the latest being black lives matter, are a direct result of greedy, grasping covetous politicians who don't even care about their own offspring. Profit and votes, the only thing that matters. What we are living in now is Obamas dream for this nation, he hates America, he hates white people and black people see that in his emotional language and in his body language and because he is the leader and black.....they follow. Lemmings. I shouldn't insult lemmings.  I have said this before, these politicians deserve a ride down the Potomac on a garbage barge out to the Atlantic with the people on the shoreline launching dirty diapers at them with catapults. We can put black lives matter and the black panthers on the next garbage barge......
                                 How about "Know Justice Know Peace read Scripture , find God....

Monday, July 11, 2016

Random Thoughts; Phone Separation Anxiety

So who might be behind all of this?

Divide and conquer. That has been the game from the beginning. Separate people from the the Father and each other. There have been many clever ways of doing this, the most popular and obvious is war. Have people fight each other over .....something, that will distract them enough to conquer many. We were not designed to be single creatures, we were designed with fellowship in mind. The way the world is headed is a very selfish design, it allows us to ignore one another.
   People are running their lives through a little electronic box in their pocket. This box allows them to address whom they wish and ignore whom they wish. This is the reality of the new electronic world, loyalty, dignity, respect, friendship, love, kindness etc. can be contrived and passed around. You don't actually have to look someone in the eye when you "mislead" them. Honesty has been pissed to the wind. We live our lives through this box, it requires no real companionship, it is with you always, the warm glow of the small screen, the internet access......what more could one need.
  I seem to be watching a world where it is more important to text at dinner time as opposed to actually having a conversation. And let me be clear, with all the actual information on the internet you would think you could have an intelligent conversation with just about anyone.....not. The internet is just another tool in the dumbing down of mankind. I believe many people use the internet wisely, but in general the internet is a community with all the foibles of a community. If the community has no morals.....

   I guess what I am complaining about is that people are perfectly satisfied with the electronic relationships as opposed to actually sitting in the same room with someone. The art of body language, much like written language will disappear, there will be no more beautiful subtleties. The act of looking one another in the eyes is a thing of the past. All you have to do is take a selfie and send it, that appears to be the acceptable substitute to real interaction.
    Don't get me wrong, I use my phone often, for many things. It is a tool. Just like any tool it is nice not to have to deal with it sometimes and I have no problem anymore setting it down. The sad truth is.....the entire world is hooked on their cell phone. No wonder Apple is big, wow. So much for the emotional language and nuances etc. I guess people just have to have something, anything to keep their mental buffer full. People don't appear to be able to be in a room together in silence. There is no etiquette. Would you mind if I smoke, would you mind if I make a quick call? We cell phone users are more rude then any cigarette smoker. Yes the smoke stinks. So does sitting at a table with someone who is talking to someone else not in the room.
  This is how addicted to our phones we are: if the government said you cannot function in our society without a cell phone you must have a cell phone or you are an enemy of the state, you must have a cell phone on you at all times, to conduct business, as identification, it is your banking process, and we will track you everywhere etc. People would superglue their cell phones to their forehead before fighting. I for one am ready to pitch it and fight if that moment were to ever arise, I will not be enslaved by anyone or anything. Definitely not a cell phone. I see something coming, something very evil. It is going to make the holocaust look like a picnic, it is going to make Nazi Germany and Iran look like Rebecca from Sunnybrook farm.

   I am not really into being scary, if you just look around you and observe you will see what I am seeing. Maybe you will see it differently and let me know, I am open to discussion. I am sure what I am currently seeing could very easily evolve into what I described earlier. The evil I see coming is real, I believe in Scripture. How it all evolves is all speculation, but you can draw reasonable conclusions by watching and knowing history, human behavior and the human condition. People really don't change, only time and things change.
   I am becoming suspicious of anything and any product that the government likes. Obviously they like cell phones, they like listening to our conversations and they like knowing they can track us. Obama is making sure everyone has one, like a privilege. That is how it is being received, is that how it is being delivered?
  Phones used to be for communication, now they are more and still evolving. I will continue to use my phone just like the rest of the world. When I see the circus come to town I will be sure to put my phone in the cannon.