Saturday, May 28, 2016

Cause and Effect

Imposing taxes in order to oppress people and fatten your money coffers is a sure fire way to get a reaction from good hard working people. The imposition of the Tea Act(1773) and the Stamp Act, along with other acts, was done to oppress and fill coffers. There was a reaction, it didn't go well for the oppressors.

At the time of the Revolution only about 20% of the people were actually actively involved in backing the fight for freedom, the rest either backed the British or were indifferent.

When leaders allow slavery to take place in their nation as an institution there will probably be some acting out. Slavery has taken place on almost every continent by many peoples, only one nation on this planet has ever looked itself in the eye in the mirror, then spilled its own blood to make right.

How many men laid down their lives to put the institution of slavery into the history books. What other nation has ever had the courage to confront itself?

When you force people to pay for something they either don't want or need, and you make it more expensive while telling the people it will be cheaper, there will be a reaction. Obama is an oppressor and a divider. He had an opportunity to prove the Republicans wrong, he really could have done it in resounding fashion if he had any testosterone flowing in his body. He failed. He is a failure as a leader. Obama, just like communists and islamists, knows this country can be taken down by its' own laws from within if the people don't pay attention. The enemy has been at the wheel for almost 8 years, we won't know the full extent of the damage for a long, long time. Obama belongs on a garbage barge.

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Theory of Duh

I am an American, I am not a felon, I am not a criminal, I am not a gangster or part of some nefarious militia or religious cult, I pay my taxes and try to be a good neighbor, I am not nosy, 
I am not a murderer, I am not a rapist, pimp or pedophile, I don't steal or rob. I understand right from wrong. I would never hurt anyone unless defending myself or my loved ones. I own guns. For sport. For hunting. For personal and property protection. Guns are tools. I don't misuse my tools, whether screw gun or handgun. Our Father teaches in the Commandments" Thou Shalt not Murder", I believe in God. I believe killing is necessary at times, but should NEVER be taken lightly. What you are taking is something you CANNOT replace, give it thought and be thankful. The founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms not for hunting, not for sport, not to kill one another or commit crimes.

 We were left the right to bear arms to protect ourselves against a government that wants to take away our arms. The one and only reason a government would have to take away the guns from its' people would be to take even more rights, without guns they KNOW we can't fight for our rights. I would hope that every American, especially our armed forces, understand why they are armed. The rulers of this nation live on the backs of people who REALLY work and struggle every day. These are the people the government chooses to punish, and when the workers complain, well its time to silence them, take their guns and they will shut up or we will shoot them. I for one plan on continuing living free and my plan is to die a free man, plans don't always work out. If I am going to be branded a criminal just because I am a gun owner, I accept. I have no plan or plans of attacking any person, peoples, groups or even government entities. That would be stupid, I am just one man and have no plans of joining any quasi military militia type group in some take over, as long as I am left alone I would be happy just paying my taxes. If any man, men, groups or government entities decide to come for my guns......well, again I am not stupid.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Don't Panic, We Are Already a Socialist Nation

 As sad as it sounds, the title to this writing is true. Europe is Socialist in the guise of democracy, our politicians have wanted to revert the USA back to Europe for a long time. They have succeeded. In Europe the leaders tell the people, they don't let them vote. European leaders go behind closed doors and set policy with no input from the people, and when they come out from behind closed doors the people are told what they will be dealing with, like it or not. Right now in Europe people are being evicted from homes they have lived in, sometimes for decades, to give the home to refugees. Refugees who openly tell the people that are helping them that they hate them and will destroy them given the chance.
    The leaders know this. There is a reason for this. It is no longer just a global economy, politicians are now playing their politics on a global scale. No longer do politicians of their land care about their people, now the equation includes anyone who will listen, so the attempt to appeal to the masses worldwide has begun. It is like being a worldwide pop culture icon, if you can do something to make a multitude of nations react you are a superstar. "To Represent" is just a nice slogan. The truth is that all is driven by profit.
  We like to think this won't happen is the USA, land of the free, but it has begun. I would love to blame Obama for this, all I can say about our shiftless president is he fully took advantage of a situation clearly laid out by his three immediate predecessors. I can say Obama is a disgusting traitor not just to the USA, but to humanity. We have situations in the USA where islam is not just being given a pass by our leaders, they have actually taken to ruling the roost in areas. Now we have "leaders" who are negotiating with our "representative government" behind closed doors about the future of the communities they "represent" without the input of the people. Sounds like Socialist Europe. Why are we giving islam this exceptional accommodation? Of all people to give this exception to, why a people that have vowed to destroy us from within using our own political processes against us? Satan has the throttle to his train cruising full speed ahead. To even try to logically explain this behavior by our leaders there really is only one explanation, our taxes are now being used to bribe our leaders into relinquishing our rights to others. Death for profit. Evil leaders.
As long as we the people choose to sleep behind the wheel politicians, will rob us with our eyes opened. They are sick twisted morally perverted human beings who see things from only one vantage point, personal gain and profit. The only good men in politics get out. The ones that remain, well they are bought and paid for,  just like the news.
   Politicians have created an industry, much like insurance, where we send the money but never really realize anything from it. They have processed, canned and bottled the product, freedom and democracy, so well that it really only exists on the label, the ingredients are either poison or artificial. I see them leading us into a time more like tribalism and feudalism then a free progressive society. Yes I used the word progressive, I didn't poison it they did.
    Look at society around you. Here comes my "judgmental"self. In my opinion people of today , in appearance and behavior, smack more of individual serfdoms, kingdoms and tribes rather then a cohesive society. I blame this on weak leadership and weak parenting. Leaders no longer lead. Parents no longer parent. No one is taught to respect elders or authority, they are shown by example to be selfish, self centered greedy, shallow and both helpless and violent.
   To those who revere freedom, never give up, there is a fight coming and it will be ugly. My plan is to die a free man. To those who revere their politicians and leaders, you have already given up. Anymore politics for those who vote has become an "us and them" game, much like having a favorite sports franchise. Unfortunately the stakes are much higher here, but the people don't care as long as they have backed a "winner". Well the game has led to this, we have become a socialist nation, and I don't see it getting any better. Our educational system is really a glorified babysitting service, people are no longer taught to learn, they are taught that there is no value in learning. People no longer educate themselves at anything, why educate yourself on politics, go  vote based on emotion, bye bye freedom. With our eyes wide open we have had freedom taken right out of our hands.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Original 9/11

  People seem to think that our problem with islam stems from the US policies in place around the world. That would be a lie. Sadly our politicians like to perpetuate the lie, and really their inability to acknowledge historical truths puts the USA and all our allies in danger. The problem with islam began at islams inception. Islam is an intolerant imperialistic ideology based on lies that benefited one man, a greedy unhappy, grasping, covetous, hateful old man. So since the 8th century there has been a defensive war waged against the imperialistic ideology islam. The war has never ceased, it may have dampened down from time to time because islam got driven back and out by brave peoples, it is still being waged by adherents to islam today.
  Islam got its first beat down by Charles Martell, "Charles The Hammer", in Tours in 732. "The Hammer" understood what islam was then and it has not changed in the1400 years since being founded.

  Being chased out of France did not quell islams desire to conquer Europe. Let me be clear, islam has always had the desire and the numbers to conquer Europe. Every invading army that islam entered Europe with was overwhelming in numbers, yet they could never get the job done. Which brings me to this statement; "evil cannot win in a face to face match, it requires trickery, lies and subterfuge to even have a chance". That statement in no way means evil cannot win battles, it does all the time. We all know in the end counterfeits are just that.
  The original 9/11 took place in 1683. The Ottoman muslims had been slowly devouring Southeastern Europe and were on the verge of entering the rich lands of Austria, Germany and France which they so coveted. The focal point was the city of Vienna( Wien), an army of 140,000 ottoman turks were at the gates of Vienna. The 15,000 Viennese who stayed to defend their homes were on the verge of collapse, suffering through an almost 4 month siege.
   With the ottomans digging tunnels preparing to destroy the defensive walls, which had been breached, defended and repaired several times, an army of 50,000 came to the defense. On September ,11 1683 under the leadership of Polish king Jan Sobieski III an army of 20,000 Polish soldiers, 18,000 Saxon soldiers, 9000 Bavarian troops and the balance being Austrian mounted an assault on the ottomans that ultimately drove the ottomans out of Europe.

  The Polish king leading his Hussars led the charge, melting the ottoman lines into a mass of panic. A defeat so fast and decisive the ottomans left their weapons, equipment and slaves. The defeat was so complete that the Pasha had the armies leader executed in Hungary. As the Europeans ran the ottomans out of Europe, those who had converted to islam were either converted back or sent  packing after their allies. You see the old European leadership was not politically correct and had the courage to call evil, well, evil. Anyone reading this would do well to do a quick historical check on islam to see its true nature, it is not a religion and it is absolutely not a religion of peace. Their quran teaches them to lay low when the enemy ( non muslims) have the upper hand, to lie until they have the upper hand.

   Islam cannot stand against us in battle or debate, thus the violent outbursts and violence. When confronted it has no rationale for itself and can only lash out. As I stated earlier, the only way for islam to win is to cheat, and so it has. The coordinated invasion of Europe going on today, with the blessing of European leadership could never have happened through battle or debate. It is happening because the people of Europe have had their freedom stolen by perverted politicians who have either not learned from history or are being compensated by someone.
    Europe was victorious on 9/11 but has ultimately lost the war. The United States lost on 9/11 and now our leaders want to do to us the same thing European leaders have done to their people, lose the war. These posts are wake up calls for anyone reading them, your leaders will sell you out in a heartbeat, they are not leaders.....I don't know what they are.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Equality Thoughts

  I can remember as a child how the world preached equality, we are all equal, we are all the same, no one is better than anyone else. I have come to the reality that we are not all equal or the same. In my opinion teaching equality is detrimental to mankind. You see what we are pretending to teach and what we are really teaching are not the same. We are pretending to teach a "colorful" way, what we are really teaching is much more drab and gray. Like the people who hijack the rainbow in the guise of  acceptance, tolerance and equality,  we use the rainbow to cover something unpleasant and dysfunctional. Equality was the first shot across the bow by the progressives 50 years ago and was used to lay the groundwork for the modern "political correctness" movement. Words matter.
   The truth is we are not all equal and teaching that to children is unjust. Every person is unique and brings unique and special skills and intelligence to the table. Having said that, there are genetic misfires, they become criminals, typically people who have some sort of sociopathic tendencies due to physical injuries, emotional injuries or biological injuries. Often these people can be helped and put on an acceptable path of independence. Some cannot and those have to be dealt with legally, often with reasonable force due to unreasonable behavior.  People are not equal.
    What goes on in the heart and mind of people is not equal, never was and never will be. What people think, believe, do, accomplish and fail at are not the same. If by equal I am being told I don't have the right to publicly berate someone for no reason, I already know that, If by telling me I am equal to others to keep me from thinking I have the right to kill them, I know I don't have that right. This "we are all equal" thing is a conditioning, don't ask me what for, but it is conditioning mankind for something. I , for one, don't need conditioning.
    We are not equal. I am not saying I am better than everyone, I am saying I recognize people who are more and less creative, more mathematical, better artists, better singers, better musicians, better drivers , better hunters, bigger, stronger, better looking, more assertive, kinder, gentler, etc. I would have to say if you don't recognize these things in others you are already in the fold of the "brainwashed", sorry.
   As I go through my day to day life I come across people who are more educated than I am, people who are less educated than I am etc. Do I see them as more or less than myself? No. Are they my equal? No. Equality is nice, sort of like uniformity, everything looks the same , moves the same, sounds the same. Robots are equals to each other, televisions and cars are equals to one another, or are they? If something that we have designed to be equal is not, what does that say about the ones doing the designing and building?
     I know many would like to argue the point that we are equal and to those I say; "Prove it". I don't have to prove anything, it is as obvious as day and night are different that we are not equal. Not even twins are equal. Yet society continues to drone on and on about equality, if you don't believe in equality you are evil. People who tell the truth in this day and age are set on fire by politicians and the media, and those two groups have more groups beneath them. It appears to be easier just to conform to society as opposed to stand up against it, just the vast quantity of people who adhere to what society prescribes makes it catastrophic to stand up against it. To stand up for what is good and right puts us in danger. To make blanket statements to children like "you are all equal" is dangerous, it allows them to stop trying, to stop dreaming, stop competing.
    What we need to stop teaching is arrogance and selfishness and self centered behavior. It appears we cannot do this because the younger generations have already fully bought into the filth, why not? Politicians the media and Hollywood working in synergy have indoctrinated at least portions of 4 generations, and I have very little hope for the younger generations. We should teach selflessness, kindness, courage, perseverance, honesty, dignity, respect. Look at what is on your television some time. Look at what people think is funny. Look at what is popular. See any selflessness being taught? How about kindness? People can't think about those things when they are constantly trying to keep up with what Hollywood and pop culture are telling them they need to have and look like to be accepted. So how can we all be equal?
   Believe it or not there are still people who have not been swallowed by the beast, they live independently, not bothering anyone, not subscribing to societies rules per say. They may follow the law of the land, or not. How can these people be equals in society? I would say anyone attempting to fit into society is probably the equal to others either attempting to get into society or already part of it. I would further say that all of those "in society" , the civilized ones, would ridicule those not "in society" as though they were not equals. There will come a time when those civilized folks from society will become so detached and misguided that they will fear all outside their group. Fear and greed will lead to the destruction of those who are"not equal".
   Equality sounds real nice, just like tolerance. It doesn't take much sugar to hide poison. It doesn't take much poison to kill. We have many thoughtless people at the helm, people who have influence on many others through politics, the media and of course Hollywood. I believe in freedom. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in freedom of conscience. I believe in freedom of religion. I believe I have the right to fight to defend those rights. I believe I will pay my taxes and listen to "One Tin Soldier". Peace.