Saturday, February 20, 2016

Human Waste

  Human waste. Politicians and Actors. Hollywood and Washington. I could stop there and it would be understood, but I like going in depth or as I like to put it "in rant".
   Let me be clear all people bring value to the world at some point in their lives, most people try to bring upon positive change to help all. History shows that it only takes a small group of malcontents to ruin things for everyone. It is amazing how large groups of healthy, intelligent, productive and generally kind people can be oppressed by small groups of useless, lazy, violent, fork tongued and greedy people. There are times when good people have struck at their oppressors and won their freedom, but freedom requires vigilance and often the freedom is not long lived. Freedom requires the good hard working people live their lives as they wish with a continual eye on the state of freedom in their society. The people must have a willingness to engage any entity attempting to destroy the harmony and freedom of their society to the point of fighting and spilling blood. If you don't have the willingness you capitulate and become a slave.
   The forefathers of the USA fought for their freedom and then allowed the following generations to inherit the responsibility for maintaining their freedom and that of following generations. The truth about free societies is there are things that come along with the inheritance of freedom. There are some things that a free society needs to be able to tolerate. Freedom of expression. Freedom of belief. Freedom to reasonably protect oneself. Freedom to pursue joy, love , happiness, good health and prosperity. There are bad things that a free society cannot tolerate. Murder. Rape. Pedophilia. Intolerance of others right to freedom of expression and belief. There are rare circumstances where expression can test a society, as long as it does not incite violence it should be tolerated. There are rare instances where belief can test a society, as long as lying, murdering, raping and enslaving are not directives it should be tolerated. I know it is hard to believe there are evil "religions, but there are, sorry islam.
   When Americans go to work everyday we believe our taxes, the taxes taken from our wages and from our purchases are going to maintain a certain aspect of our lives. Roads. Military. Police. Firefighters. Infrastructure. Freedom of expression and belief. A social net for those who have fallen on hard times. That is not what our money is used for. Our money is used to fund an industry. An industry that produces nothing. In the real world this industry would fold within days. It continues however, with the good hard working honest people funding it. We continue to fund this industry as it gives the very money intended to maintain our free society, to the very people who tell us how they are going to destroy our free society. So now politics is an industry that not only produces nothing, but it introduces wolves to the ranch stating wolves have been misunderstood for centuries.
   History shows that the people who attain power are typically the ones who want to do the least and get the most. They are willing to murder and destroy, lie and cheat, anything in order to maintain their life of ease and luxury. A life funded by those they oppress. There has to be a willingness to use violence, but if you can achieve control without better yet. The forefathers fought, following generations lost sight of what it took to lead, they gained control in a bloodless handover. The people handed over power to shiftless conmen because it was easier to live life and not have to worry about the responsibility of freedom. That was easy to do when there were 30,000,000 people. Not so easy with 350,000,000 people. We the people allowed the conmen to set up a system to fleece us of our money to support their lives and make decisions about our lives. The system has become so elaborate and steals so much money it cannot even tell us where the money all went, hence the need for more of our money. Hence the state of this nation and the world.
    If you had ten men and gave each man 10 acres to feed himself and his family you would end up with 2 families that watched the others work and maintain their fields. The two families doing nothing would tell the working families what a great job they are doing, even giving them tips on how to be better and more efficient. Come harvest  time while the eight families work and harvest the two other families party and enjoy life. Come winter the two families who have done nothing all year other then to pursue their own fun now come to the working families and ask them if they could only spare a percentage of their goods they would make it through winter so they can plant and harvest next year. They go to all of the working families playing on the workers sympathy, at the end of the day the lazy families have more than the people who worked for everything. Sound familiar?
  This is the game Washington is now playing, no shame, right in our face. Their attitude:"What are YOU going to do about it?" They are banking on us, yes We The People, to drop the ball and allow them to rob us of everything we work for. The industry is now promising "free" everything in order to maintain power and control. If you can get the people to believe we have enough for everyone to get everything free of course they will vote for it. The government is standing on our farm, taking our produce, produce we worked hard for, telling us it will help our people and nation and then giving our produce to the enemy. IN YOUR FACE!
    So here is my intolerant take on this industry I call politics. Politicians spend years in schools learning how to speak around the truth. They spend years learning yet not applying their intelligence to the good of all, they see politics as a vessel for setting themselves up at the peoples expense. Instead of bettering our nation and applying their intelligence in a practical and pragmatic way they set up systems within systems using legalese to ward off any scrutiny. They are pigs at the trough.
    I believe we need "practical people" in positions of representation. People who would appreciate a hand in fostering a free nation. People who understand freedom is a responsibility. People who understand they represent their constituents. People who can succeed at simple arithmetic. The people in positions of representation and leadership in this nation now should be relegated to a garbage barge, tarred and feathered and pushed off to sea stripped of their citizenship. Human waste.

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