Friday, June 16, 2017

The Freeloaders

Apparently I have not been paying attention. There has been a paradigm shift that I overlooked. Now it is the people who work and pay taxes that are considered freeloaders. The fact that people with jobs work more and more for less and less escapes those who are entitled to elite welfare or even regular welfare. Those in charge who collect elite welfare sit around all day figuring ways to relieve us of the burden of money.
   Kalifornia politicians are so out of touch with reality I wonder if we shouldn't drug test them before they take office. They don't fix the infrastructure of the state with the money they are given, they coddle illegal aliens and criminals while punishing the people who pay. They have at least three road repair taxes in our gas prices and yet none of that money goes to road repair. You will see road repair going on in the big metropolitan areas, this is done to give people the impression that tax dollars are actually used for what they are intended, but the reality is money for the "road repair" is already being siphoned away for "special projects". Code for "the sanctuary state". Kalifornia is a state where the politicians do double duty, politician and criminal.
   So now our wonderful Governor calls those of us who are employed and pay taxes "freeloaders" because we complain about being financially raped. The governor wants to believe raiding the people financially is a victimless crime. He believes that somehow we will not miss eating or having a roof over our heads. No wonder Kalifornias politicians want to secede from the union, they cannot continue their activity without scrutiny from the Feds, who see something is obviously wrong with the state of Kalifornia.
  I get up every morning to go to work. I pay taxes everywhere I spend money. These taxes pay the states bills and keep the states government working. These taxes pay the wages of all the state employees including the governors.

    I am not a freeloader, state employees are, the truth hurts but it is the truth. Jerry by definition is a freeloader.....

  1. a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

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