Monday, May 29, 2017

Not Only the Worst....

....but the dumbest. I honestly try to find middle ground in order to understand and compromise. Barack Obama proves time and time again that the educational system he went through failed. Obama's world view and moral equivalences are born from that education, very disturbing.

"Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ. So it is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a simple tendency that can pervert and distort our faith." 
                             Barack Obama.

I find it interesting that Obama has never drawn back from chastising Christianity yet never has a bad thing to say to islam. The Crusades were a defensive response to 400 years of unchecked imperialism by islam. I have stated before that there were many disturbing events during the Crusades, those events don't change what the Crusades actually were.      The Inquisition was a response from the clergy to the public, the clergy was afraid their "gig" was about to be up. Scripture was being translated for the common man, marginalizing the clergy. The clergy responded by instilling fear into the people by violence and threat of violence. 
  Slavery and Jim Crow. Again Obama chooses to muddy the waters by avoiding the truth. Slavery in the USA was an industry run by Christians. Slavery in the USA was an institution that the Democrat party defended and fought for. Christians fought against slavery as well, but Barack conveniently omits this. Jim Crow laws, yes, a law devised by the Democrat party to continue to make life difficult for Black people in the USA, and I am sure those Democrats were Christian much like members of the KKK.
  The notable thing about all of Obamas speeches is that he happily chastises Christianity and never addresses the slavery in the islamic world that goes on today. Obama never addresses the laws marginalizing women and minorities in the islamic world. Obama compares the building of apartments to terrorism yet calls real terrorism "work place violence". So is Obama trying to justify islamic violence by pointing out Christianity has problems. Christianity and its' history are to blame for islam and its' inability to get along peacefully? Obama is a divider, along racial and religious lines, which leads me to the conclusion that he perverts and distorts the truth. Racist, supremacist. Worst and dumbest in history. 

           I am so happy that this man is no longer President.

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