Saturday, April 1, 2017

Top 5%

  How does this happen? The people selected to "represent" the people, the individuals voted for by the people are all non representative of their constituency. Every last representative at the federal and state level are abundantly wealthy. The people they represent make an average of $50,000 a year per household, they have to manage food, housing, fuel, electricity, child care, companies that demand more for less, taxes, taxes and more taxes. So how can a politician who deals with none of these issues, because those are the perks that come with the job of politics, represent people who have no choice but to deal with this mess? They don't.
  In theory our government should work well, we the people send them tax money and they maintain the infrastructure for business and national security. That is all government should be. Governance requires honest people, ethical people. Apparently honest and ethical people don't get into politics.      Sadly we have people who actually believe you should take hard earned wealth away from hard workers and give it to people who have no desire to get out of bed. The people who want the hard workers to pay are the people we have elected, they see no value in work to succeed. They want to enslave everyone. You enslave the hard workers by stealing their hard earned wealth, you enslave the poor by giving them just enough to make them beholden to you.
    It bothers me to see people so absorbed by politicians. Politicians trash each other and the people. In 2009 Obama got trashed over and over again without being in office long. He lost me at the Cairo speech, he flinched and showed his hand. I gave Obama a chance. Obama turned out to be a politician. Hillary Clinton is a politician. Bernie Sanders is a politician. Trump still has to prove to me that he will not become a politician. Politicians do not represent you and I. Notice how all politicians oppose President Trump, in my opinion that speaks well of Trump and poorly of our government representatives. Politicians represent themselves and the industry of politics which we are entitled to vote for and pay for. For anyone to believe a politician cares about their welfare or the overall welfare of the nation is beyond belief. They are in the business of enrichment, themselves and the "special interests" they are beholden to. Yes politicians have to stoop down and speak to us deplorables every election cycle, it must be odious to them to have to actually address us. The rules of the game dictate that politicians must engage the people occasionally, so our reward is to have politicians ask us for money so they can win our vote so  they can then legally fleece the people of their wealth. Politicians of this nation have taken to not abiding in or by the laws on the books. It is obvious by the nations condition. Politicians appear to be above the law, the same laws that you and I have to abide by and pay for, over and over and over and.......
   Wake up people, your representatives don't really represent you. They couldn't prove it if they wanted to.

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