Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mr Khan and Mr Con 2 for 1

So before I go into the truth, I want it to be clear that I respect the fact that the Khans' son was killed fighting for the USA. When you live in this country you have the right and obligation to defend it and freedom. On this note I commend the Khans.
  Enough niceties. This man, Mr Khan, got up in front of the DNC and had some pretty bad things to say about Donald Trump. The dumocrats ran this man out in front of everybody either without vetting him properly or they just don't care. Mr Khan is a staunch advocate for sharia law. He has done extensive writing on how sharia should be over all other worldly laws, he likens all other laws to "human laws" as though sharia were divine. There is nothing divine about sharia or islam. Mr Khan believes sharia should supersede the Constitution. He is an advocate for the very jihadis that killed his very own son. How can this man be taken seriously? I realize his son died in combat. Many sons have died in combat.
   What this episode of the "Keystone Dumocrats" showed is they either are not intelligent enough to do a proper background check on their speakers, or they don't really care about the USA or the Constitution. My money is on the latter. What was also interesting is that the wife stood by his side and said exactly.....nothing. Sharia compliant.

   Speaking of sharia compliant, our gutless commander in chef sent the Iranian regime 1.7 billion dollars in cash on a plane in January. It is the "first installment", supposedly to reconcile a weapons deal that was halted in 1979 due to the islamic revolution. So our president just paid the Iranian regime hostage money, we get four states prisoners. It only gets worse, in islam if you are not muslim you are expected to pay a poll tax as an infidel. This poll tax puts infidels in a state of inferiority , paying the tax shows you are WEAK. Guess what our spineless leader just did. Obama also played games with the law, legally no one may send dollars to Iran, no one may do business with dollars in Iran per our law. Obama spent our money buying Euros and Swiss Francs to send to the ayatollahs. Funny thing about money, there was a dead guy on board.

   I am a registered Independent for a reason, both parties are reckless with the nations treasure, I say this often, if this were a race the democrat party would be way out ahead when it comes to being reckless. Not absolving the republicans of anything, there is still a glimmer of hope for them, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel going out due to budget constraints.

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