Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Few Obama Facts pt1

It is fun being challenged about things that get emotionally charged, politics, religion, race, war and peace. I posted an article critical of President Obama and his hand in helping fund muslim charities that actually back murdering Israelis and Americans, among others. I understand the article does not paint a very good picture of Obama, but lets face it do we really need an article to tell us he is a really bad leader, look what he has done, yes lets look at some of what he has done;

A) In 2009 Obama went on an apology tour of muslim nations. Why? Obviously he loves islam more than America. He was so willing to heap accolades upon islam that he used "revised" history to make  them appear like more than they really are. The speech was written by Dalia Mogahed a muslim member of ISNA, she is pressing for sharia law in the USA. ISNA is a front group for the muslim brotherhood. CAIR is a front group for hamas, Eboo Patel does a lot of shilling for CAIR, he also writes in the Washington Post. Both of these people have been regulars in the oval office. Why? I smell a chocolate hot dog.
If anyone would like the text of the Cairo speech with my comments countering let me know.

B) In 2009 I paid $144 a month for health insurance for a family of 4. When the Affordable care act ( Obamacare) was initiated my cost for 3( my daughter had moved out) went to $644, when the obamanation was affirmed( erroneously in my opinion) by the Supreme Court I was sent a letter that the cost for three would be $800 a month. Those are facts. Affordable for who? I pay taxes, a lot of taxes, this was el toro poo poo.

C) in 2009 Major Nidal Hassan went on a shooting spree screaming "allahu akbar" and Obama made sure it was classified as work place violence, if he believed in our military and actually was a leader he would have fought to change that designation, not a peep.  Thirty two of our brave soldiers, people actually serving this country were either killed or wounded and that was the best the Commander in Chief could muster for his troops. Again a good place for lawn fertilizer.

D) Obama freed 5 hardened terrorist leaders in exchange for a traitor( Bo Bergdahl) and called the traitor a hero on the White House lawn with the traitors parents at his side. kaka

E) Obama surrounded himself with like minded people, his choice for State Department was Hillary Clinton. She allowed 4 brave Americans to be killed in Benghazi and then tried to blame it on a riot caused by a video, Obama knew before he made any statements what had happened in Benghazi , yet he chose to lie, and then he sent Susan Rice out to lie to the media for several days afterwards. He did not fire Hillary on the spot for incompetence because birds of a feather rock together......poo poo

F) When Obama took over,  our nation was at a national debt level of just under 9 trillion dollars, Bush spent 5 trillion between 2002 and 2008, that was bad enough. What has been accomplished with all this money? Where did it go? Why aren't we better off? Really! 11 trillion and counting and nothing to show for it. A turd covered in confectioners sugar is not a brownie, unless your a politician.......dung

G) Obama bowed to the king of saudi arabia. Leaders of nations are equals. Our spineless leader apparently believes the saudis are above him, he must have read the koran, that is a good place to find out what islam really thinks of black people, come to think of it that IS why he shiite

H) Has anyone noticed just how bad racial tension has become in this nation since Obama took office, sadly he is not a uniter, he has had plenty of opportunities and has chosen to be a divider, very unfortunate. Instead of taking the high ground at certain times he has chosen to pipe in unnecessarily and made things worse. Travon Martin. Michael Brown. etc. On and on. Horse apples

                 More to come, I will post more on this subject this along with a few other things this writing has reminded me of. If anyone wants to challenge my assertions and my facts I am more than happy go down that path. Emotionally charged nonsense will not be addressed, bring facts, I am opened to other opinions and perfectly happy not agreeing with everyone or anyone at all. If anyone is going to challenge me on islam bring your A game, I know islam is a serious problem. I find dialogue fun and interesting, it is an easy way to view the human mind........

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