Sunday, February 28, 2016

Modern Media Social FX

   Sorcerers and magicians of the past, just like modern media and pop culture of today, had to control people through their "magic". They convinced people to believe what they were saying was true or believe what they were doing was real using whatever tool available. Back in the day fire, smoke, slight of hand and guile were the tools of the trade. Back in the day you actually had to be talented to be evil, or good for that matter. You had to be able to speak and perform all at once to get your illusion to be effective. There were no special effects or gadgets, like we have today, you had to be on your game.                                          

 In todays world things are different. We have in many ways leveled the playing field with the advent of electronic technology. You don't have to play guitar or piano to create music. You don't have to be able to sing, electronics can correct for a bad voice. You don't have to look good, software can "fix" your appearance. You don't have to go to Paris, we can green or blue screen you and make it appear you are in Paris. The electronics, computers and software are all available at the consumer level. You don't have to be talented. You don't have to have a specific education. You can "create right out of the box". You have to be able to learn, but you don't have to have talent. This is the world we live in. I guess the thought is maybe everyone is a Mozart or Beethoven, maybe everyone is an Einstein or Edison. My opinion: I don't believe that machines trump talent.
   The magicians and sorcerers of old were talented and evil, they could mislead people sometimes by the hundreds at one time. Depending on the size of the audience and the talent displayed, word of mouth could make a person very popular and powerful. Get enough followers and you can do many things including take power of a community, state  or nation.

 Move forward to today. Look at what we can do with technology. Look at how you can influence people with sight and sound. With computers you have all the tools you need. You don't particularly need talent to operate a computer and it allows one to do many things. The easiest way to influence people is through sight and sound. As humans we are heavily influenced by what we see and hear, it is not hard to plant a seed into a human mind using audio video technology. You can see how profoundly audio video influences people by examining the gaming industry, they have the psychology down to a science, a scary science. Todays violence has all to do with the mind and nothing to do with any particular weapon. What we are allowing our children to be taught in school.  What we are tolerating in our society. Does the Disney Channel really have to teach children about transgender issues? Yes now you have untalented evil people reaching out to "teach" people.
    There resides my issue. The blatant and wanton destruction of young people. Young people being misled by people with money and control over communication. Young people are easily impressed because of their idealistic nature. Media corporations "create" talking points that "appear" truthful. A dash of truth with a healthy dose of poison. Oh but that little taste of truth is so sweet we gobble down the poison with it, no questions asked. Left is right up is down good is evil killing police officers is good killing bad guys is bad etc. Humans are so desperately searching for truth and love we grasp for anything that appears to be the answer, anything that appears to be the anecdote. We look for anything we can put our hands on for acceptance.
If it "appears" to be good it must be, we don't use our critical thinking, our judgement.  Apathy and  misguided trust that is exactly what the modern magicians and sorcerers need. They need to have a landscape with no critical thought that will tolerate and accept anything. A landscape of no faith. Voila! Television and modern media, the evil octopus.....
Television, the internet and all media in general have been laying out and are laying out the landscape needed for total control. The dumbing down of society begins with the media and what people will support. Watch some of the so called educational shows or documentaries, so full of non sense as to make one want to vomit but people see it on TV or on the internet and it must be true. Get a pop culture icon to push your agenda, true or not, and you receive power through the media. Pander to the media and you become their darling, more power. Funny thing about the media, truth and character don't matter. When you can take a racist like Queen Latifah and make her a cosmetics spokesperson your good, or you make a racist like Mark Fuehrman an analyst on crime for your news service you are good, when you can , in 2016 , have representatives of a group that supports the murder of police officers come out and perform the halftime show at the Superbowl you are good. Heaven forbid we judge though, we must allow the magicians and sorcerers to destroy us in order to prove our tolerance.
      Children see this disrespect being taught and laughed at on TV or at the movies and they become desensitized. They see bloodshed, they see rape, they see robbery, they see poor grammar, they see disrespect of all institutions. The games they play teach violence and anti social behavior. If you say anything about this you are intolerant and judgmental all around evil. I would never impede anyones right to creative license and freedom of expression, what I question is what society deems good, acceptable and tolerable. I question what society values. I question what people support and what they don't support. Thugs and gangsters are put on a pedestal even by our president while the very people tasked with keeping us safe , to keep order in society are vilified. This strange dynamic is clearly a media/political driven phenomenon. Right is wrong, wrong is right. Hollywood and Washington.
     I was young once :) I would never deny someone their right to youthful exuberance their right to rebel. I have a rebellious and dark streak through me, total disrespect was never part of either. I know how to deal with things in an intelligent manner, so does pop culture, but obviously it doesn't pay well. I am glad I am not young, to watch people, including my children, going through this soul grinder is tough. Just as the Nazis were remorseless, pop culture will not stop until all submit, bow down before the media you serve. The sorcerers and magicians are now firmly in control, you can choose to extract yourself from the mess or follow the herd into the pit.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Anyone Care to Explain This?

  It is very simple, the Savior was nailed to a pole on Passover. It is just as Scripture said it would be, the fulfillment of the foreshadowing. So how can it be? How can what be? How can Passover be on April, 22, 2016 when Christians call for Easter to be on March 27, 2016? What is Christianity actually celebrating? Look, by all upbringing and appearances I am a Christian. I am a believer. I believe Yahushua Ha Mashiach/Jesus the Messiah came to be my Savior and the Savior of all who ask. So why, if Scripture tells us the Messiah came to die in Jerusalem on Passover would Christians not celebrate Easter on Passover.
       Actually, why would Christians celebrate Easter at all and not just celebrate Passover, I mean it is the representative Feast and Festival dedicated to the sacrifice of the Lamb, represented by the blood of the Lamb. Right? As a young man I looked at the Easter bunny and Easter eggs and such and wondered what it had to do with the sacrifice our Savior made. At that time I had only read through Scripture once, but I guess it was enough to make my rebellious wheels begin to turn. So I studied and read. I studied religious dogma, religion relative to history. I read interesting books, I read rubbish. You have to look at all sides in order to make a determination on things yourself, yes, a judgement, my my how awful, anyway. The Easter path took me down a history that was, well troubling and disturbing at best. Your going to hate me for this. I apologize but I am not sorry.
      Here is the definition of Easter:
      Easter [nb 1] also called Pasch [nb 2] or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD.

So what about this seems incorrect? Why would Christianity choose a different day for the Saviors resurrection? Why wouldn't it be Passover? Whats up?!!! The history of Easter is not good. It took me down the historical path of Nimrod and his wife Semi-Ramis , and yes that is the Biblical Nimrod. In Scripture there is very little said about Nimrod, but what is said is a lot. See Genesis 10:8-10:10
 10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before : wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before .
10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

To be a great hunter before Yahweh is not a compliment. It speaks of a mans willingness to rely on his own hands and even worse, seeing the work of his hands believing his hands are the hands of God. He becomes a "God on earth". Nimrod was the first of many despotic rulers. Historically Nimrod married Semi-Ramis, a woman with a colorful history. Here is an exert from something I read by Bryce Self about Semi-Ramis:
In the midst of the tumult of war Nimrod and Semiramis met--and in none too savory circumstances, for tradition states that she was an inn/brothel keeper in the city of Erech---leading one to speculate upon the nature of their initial acquaintance. Semiramis was a native of Erech, which as evidenced by it's name seems to have been built by a Hamitic family (Ham's wife was said to have been descended from Cain who built the first Erech in honor of his son). The name Semiramis is a later, Hellenized form of the Sumerian name "Sammur-amat", or "gift of the sea."
The initial element "sammur" when translated into Hebrew becomes "Shinar" (the biblical name for lower Mesopotamia), and is the word from which we derive "Sumeria". This one tarnished woman then, had such a lasting impact upon world history that not only do we call by her name the land from which civilization flowed, but God himself through the sacred writer has let us know that its distinguishing characteristic was that it was "the Land of Shinar," or Semiramis. Very little has come down to us through the millennia concerning Semiramis' rise to power, but it is safe to assume that it was initially upon Nimrod's coattails that she rode, although later in life as well as throughout history her influence overwhelmingly obscured that of her husband. Of course, it would not do to have an ex-harlot upon the throne, so the "polite fiction" was invented that she was a virgin sprung from the sea at Nimrod's landing, and hence a suitable bride for the emperor(thus the title Semiramis which has totally obscured her original name).
Semiramis was the instigator in forming the false religion aimed at supporting their rule, and of course her suggestion fell upon open ears. The religion she invented was based primarily upon a corruption of the primeval astronomy formulated by Noah's righteous ancestors before the flood. In the original this system depicted by means of constellations the story of Satan's rebellion and the war in the heavens, his subversion of mankind, the fall of Adam and Eve, the promise of One to come who would suffer and die to relieve man from the curse of sin then be installed as Lord of Creation, and the final re-subjugation of the cosmos to God through Him.
These eternal truths were corrupted by her (rather, quite obviously, by the evil one controlling her) into a mythic cycle wherein the great dragon is depicted as the rightful lord of the universe whose throne has been temporarily usurped by One whom we can recognize as the God of the Bible. The serpent creates man in his present miserable state, but promises that a child would one day born of a divine mother---which child would supplant God, become a god himself, and return rulership of the Earth to the serpent. These fables were based upon the then widely-known story of the constellations, and were introduced under the guise of revealing the hidden esoteric knowledge concealed in them (regardless of the fact that the original was quite straightforward).
Although this esotericism was the second element in Semiramis' cult, it only masked the actual goal which was the worship of the "heavenly host," which the Bible equates with Satan's army of fallen angels. Satan was quite willing to receive worship "by proxy", hence the third major element of the mystery religion was emperor-worship. This religion was propagated by a hierarchy of priests and priestesses, to whom were assigned the task of initiating the populace at large into it's ascending degrees of revelation, culminating at the highest level in both direct worship of Satan and demon-possession.
Although Nimrod was a brilliant strategist, he made a fatal blunder when he allowed Semiramis to retain full control over this religious hierarchy, and through it the minds and hearts of the people; for when a schism occurred between them she was able to turn it from a tool of support into a deadly weapon. The rift between husband and wife occurred when the queen bore an illegitimate son, and the king threatened her with both dethronement and exposure of her true origin. Semiramis, of course would not allow this to take place, and devised a plot to overthrow Nimrod.

 Quite a gal, actually quite a pair. What Semi-Ramis devised was the system of mystery religions, hers being the first and morphing into the ones present today. I know I am dragging this out so here is an exert from a book called "A Future History" by Ken Power:

 “Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another… ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.’ But Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And Yahweh said, ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.’ So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there Yahweh confused the language of all the earth; and from there Yahweh scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” (Genesis 11:1-9)
A cursory reading of this passage might lead you to think that Yahweh was a petty and vindictive God, afraid that people would get so smart they would accomplish great things. So in a jealous fit, He used his magical powers to squash their dreams like a bug, changing their language comprehension so they couldn’t communicate with each other. That picture couldn’t be farther from the truth. What actually happened was that Noah’s great grandson Nimrod, along with his wife, Semiramis, began a secret cult that deified its founders. It came to be called a “mystery religion” because its hidden doctrines were revealed little by little to its followers—the really nasty stuff remaining a secret until the devotee was too compromised to back out. Yahweh chose to divide the populace to slow this insidious false doctrine’s spread among men.
Though the details have been muddled by time and a plethora of conflicting traditions, the religion seems to have been based upon the aggressive personality of Nimrod and the insatiable ambition of Semiramis. Nimrod was known as “a mighty hunter before the Lord,” that is, a warrior, a conqueror, a despot—the first of his breed (after the flood, at least). His ruthlessness led to his being worshiped as a demi-god during his lifetime.
Semiramis may have been born of humble stock, but her beauty elevated her to the position of Nimrod’s queen. Being the wife of a demi-god had its perks, as you might imagine. But Nimrod died unexpectedly. Faced with seeing her position of power evaporate for want of a male sitting on the throne beside her, Semiramis became pregnant—long after Nimrod’s untimely demise (oops)—and bore a son, Tammuz, at the winter solstice. The boy, of course, was claimed to have been miraculously conceived, and he was marketed as the fulfillment of the Messiah prophecy of Genesis 3:15—the seed of the woman who would crush the head of Satan. Semiramis was positioned as the holy (if not quite virgin) mother, the queen of heaven, having been impregnated by her now-fully-deified late husband. This made Semiramis the prototype for the goddess of fertility. Because he was born near the winter solstice, on December 24th or 25th, Tammuz was worshiped as the Sun God, the conqueror of winter’s darkness, celebrated by the burning of the “log of the son,” or “yule” as it’s called in the Chaldean tongue.
Alas, no good scam lasts forever. According to the legend, Tammuz was killed in his fortieth year by a wild boar. (By some accounts, it was Nimrod who was boared to death, but the legend stuck to Tammuz, who was supposedly the reincarnated Nimrod. Other accounts state that Nimrod was slain by Shem (Noah’s son) for his idolatry and cut in pieces as a warning.) Satan needed a rebirth or resurrection miracle if he hoped to pass his boy off as the Messiah (remember, the Genesis 3 prophecy had said the serpent would only “bruise his heel”), so Tammuz was said to have been brought back to life as a miraculous egg that descended from heaven into the Euphrates River, from which hatched a rabbit. Tammuz’ birth was celebrated every December 25th by hanging silver and gold-covered balls upon an evergreen tree. The phallic inference was lost on no one. It was a fertility cult, after all.
Every spring, the faithful would feign sorrow, “weeping for Tammuz,” for forty days (cf. Ezekiel 8:14), one day for every year of his life. At the end of the mourning period, though, there was a day of great rejoicing for the reincarnated “son of god.” That day they would ritually slay and eat the boar that had killed Tammuz. There was also a ritual in which the high priest of Babylon would impregnate a lucky “volunteer,” whose child could be expected to be born the following winter. Here’s where the thing got really demonic. The highlight of this annual spring festival of Semiramis (who was also known as Astarte by the Assyrians, Inanna by the Sumerians, Asthoreth by the Caananites, and Ishtar by the Akkadians) was when the priest would ritually kill the three-month-old baby who had been conceived during the previous year’s celebration, dyeing Ishtar eggs red in the innocent child’s blood.
I don’t know how to break it to you, but your “Christian” holiday traditions are a lie, right out of the pit of hell. It was not Yahshua who was born on the 25th of December; it was Tammuz and every subsequent permutation of the “sun god.” Evergreen trees hung with festive balls, holiday candles, mistletoe, yule logs—even the Christmas goose—all have pagan origins, and they’re all an abomination to Yahweh. (All of the historical evidence points to a birthday for Yahshua at the Feast of Tabernacles, in the autumn of 2 B.C.) And Easter? Forty-day Lenten fasts preceding the big day (and lascivious carnivals preceding Lent), colored eggs, and the traditional Easter ham were all instituted to honor not Christ, but Satan’s false redeemer, Tammuz. It’s no wonder Yahweh declared swine’s flesh unclean in the Torah.
All of this was Satan’s counterfeit of Yahweh’s plan for the redemption of mankind. The center of worship for Nimrod’s mystery religion was Babel, or Babylon, one of four cities he founded on the plain of Shinar, in the Euphrates river valley. Yahweh, of course, could have wiped out Nimrod’s little scheme on day one. But as we have seen time and again, God is (if you’ll pardon the expression) pro-choice. He won’t force anyone to love him, but rather lets us choose, for good or ill, and then usually gives us time to repent of our bad choices. That’s exactly what He did here. The earth’s languages were divided in the days of Peleg, who was six generations removed from Noah—two generations past the time of Nimrod (though on a different branch of the family tree). And why did Yahweh choose to split up the families of the world like this? It was primarily to separate—to keep holy—the people through whom He would someday provide the Messiah. We see this pattern of separation and isolation recurring in scripture, first here, then with Abraham, then with Moses at the Exodus, then with Joshua at the time of the conquest of Canaan. And what were the Canaanites doing that was so horrible they had to be wiped out? They were following the mystery religion of Babylon!

First of all, horrifying. Second you can see the "discrepancies" historically. The histories are relatively similar yet don't quite agree, they don't disagree, it is just our history and information are fragmentary. The point is what is it we are celebrating. I understand intent and I understand good intentions, again what are we celebrating? These are just two sources, the libraries have a plethora of information if you are willing to hunt as I had to before the internet. Of course the internet is a good source as long as you check your sources. I am not saying that these stories are even true, what I am saying is there is a discrepancy in what we are celebrating and in that there is no doubt. How can Passover be on April, 22, 2016 when Christians celebrate the "same holiday" as Easter on March 27, 2016? What is Christianity actually celebrating? Anyone care to explain this?


Monday, February 22, 2016

islam and its scripture

What is islam about? Well it is not a religion of peace. That would be a lie. Look at the 1400 years of its existence and you see imperialistic conquest, oppression, murder, rape and worse. The definition of islam is "to submit". A muslim is one who submits. They submit to their book the quran and their god allah. Their god allah is a very angry god, he tells his believers to treat non believers harshly. I know the president and media like to try to quote positive lines out of the quran, but they typically leave a portion out, that would be the portion that tells the actual truth and context of the phrase being quoted. One thing to remember about the quran and the muslim god, no where in their holy book is there talk of relationship with the creator, no place is found in the book for the creation to get right with the creator other then murder and mayhem.
   Muhammed was an angry illiterate man who bought phrases and sayings from Jewish and Christian people in order to invent his religion. Those selling him the "texts" knew he was illiterate and sold him phrases and sayings they made up, how would he know. He married Aisha when she was 6 years old, consummated the marriage when she was nine. Muhammed took part in the murder of many tribes, beheading the men and enslaving the women and children.This is islams prophet, islams perfect example of a man. He was a murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, an all around evil man. This is islams perfect example.
   Their god allah, he is so angry he actually goes down to hell to turn the spits himself, he tells Muhammed that hell is filled with women and non believers. He tells Muhammed it is ok to lie to non believers, it is ok to rape non believers, it is ok to murder non believers. These are directives in the religion of peaces holy book.
     Politicians in the world have conceded their nations to the blight and horror of islam. Not unlike any other mystery religion, islam draws you in before you know what it really is. They, muslims, like to say it is a religion of peace. If one took an objective look at world news you would, unless you were in denial, conclude otherwise.
  The "religion of peace" is actually a cult of murder and rape by directive, subjugation and intolerance per islam's holy book, lying and hatred as virtues, a murderous pedophile as a prophet. That is the truth, my personal opinion would be a much longer dissertation. I know it is hard to believe there could be an evil religion, but there is. It is islam, here are some of the fine things their book teaches, remember the quran has no context, it is not in chronological order, there is no order at all, it is the longest saying to the shortest. Here you go, how about we start with tolerance:
    Qur’an 8:12 “I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.”
Qur’an 8:13 “This because they rejected Allah and defied His Messenger. If anyone opposes Allah and His Messenger, Allah shall be severe in punishment. That is the torment: ‘So taste the punishment. For those infidels who resist there is the torment of Hell.’”
Qur’an 8:20 “Those who do not obey are the worst of beasts, the vilest of animals in the sight of Allah. They are deaf and dumb. Those who do not understand are senseless.”
Qur’an 8:36 “The unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder (man) from the Way of Allah, and so will they continue to spend; but in the end they will have intense regrets and sighs. It will become an anguish for them, then they will be subdued. The unbelievers shall be driven into hell in order that Allah may distinguish the bad from the good and separate them. Allah wants to heap the wicked one over the other and cast them into Hell. They are the losers.”
Qur’an 8:39 “So fight them until there is no more disbelief [non-Muslims] and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
Qur’an 8:40 “If people are obstinate, and refuse to surrender, know Allah is your Supporter.”
Qur’an 8:50 “If you could have seen the infidels when the angels drew away their souls, striking their faces and smiting their backs. The angels said: ‘Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire.’”
Qur’an 8:52 “They denied and rejected the revelations of Allah, and Allah destroyed them, punishing them for their crimes: for Allah is strict, severe in punishment.”
Qur’an 8:59 “The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them.”
Qur’an 9:2 “You cannot weaken Allah or escape. Allah will disgrace the unbelievers and put those who reject Him to shame.”
Qur’an 9:4 “You cannot escape Allah, weaken or frustrate Him. And proclaim a grievous penalty of a painful doom to those who reject [Islamic] Faith.”
Qur’an 9:17 “The disbelievers have no right to visit the mosques of Allah while bearing witness against their own souls to infidelity. These it is whose doings are in vain, and in the fire shall they abide. Only he shall visit the mosques of Allah who believes in Allah and the latter day, and keeps up devotional obligations, pays the zakat, and fears none but Allah.”
Qur’an 9:28 “Believers, truly the pagan disbelievers are unclean.”
Qur’an 9:30 “The Jews call Uzair (Ezra) the son of Allah, and the Christians say that the Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying from their mouths; they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s (Himself) fights against them, cursing them, damning and destroying them. How perverse are they!”
Qur’an 9:33 “He has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam) to make it superior over all religions, even though the disbelievers detest (it).”
Qur’an 9:63 “Know they not that for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger is the Fire of Hell wherein they shall dwell? That is the supreme disgrace.”
 Qur’an 9:66 “Make no excuses: you have rejected Faith after you had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for they are disbelievers.”
Qur’an 9:71 “O Prophet, strive hard [fighting] against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be harsh with them. Their abode is Hell, an evil refuge indeed.”
Qur’an 9:113 “It is not fitting for the Prophet and those who believe, that they should pray for the forgiveness for disbelievers, even though they be close relatives, after it is clear to them that they are the inmates of the Flaming Hell Fire.”
Qur’an 5:10 “Those who disbelieve and deny Our signs, proofs and verses will be companions of Hell-Fire.”
Qur’an 5:51 “Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends.”
Qur’an 5:78 “Curses were pronounced on the unbelievers, the Children of Israel who rejected Islam, by the tongues of David and of Jesus because they disobeyed and rebelled.”
Qur’an 5:80 “You see many of them allying themselves with the Unbelievers [other translations read: “Infidels”]. Vile indeed are their souls. Allah’s wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide.” Qur’an 5:82 “You will find the Jews and disbelievers [defined as Christians in 5:73] the most vehement in hatred for the Muslims.”
Qur’an 5:86 “Those who reject Islam and are disbelievers, denying our Signs and Revelations —they shall be the owners of the Hell Fire.”
Qur’an 4:168 “Those who reject [Islamic] Faith, Allah will not forgive them nor guide them to any path except the way to Hell, to dwell therein forever. And this to Allah is easy.”
 Qur’an 4:114 “He who disobeys the Apostle after guidance has been revealed will burn in Hell.” Ishaq:344 “We smote them and they scattered. The impious met death. They became fuel for Hell. All who aren’t Muslims must go there. It will consume them while the Stoker [Allah] increases the heat. They had called Allah’s Apostle a liar. They claimed, ‘You are nothing but a sorcerer.’ So Allah destroyed them.”
Qur’an 33:60 “Truly, if the Hypocrites stir up sedition, if the agitators in the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy—a fierce slaughter—murdered, a horrible murdering.”
Qur’an 33:64 “Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers [whom he defines as Christians in the 5th surah] and has prepared for them a Blazing Fire to dwell in forever. No protector will they find, nor savior. That Day their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire. ‘Our Lord! Give them double torment and curse them with a very great Curse!’”
Qur’an 88:1 “Has the narration reached you of the overwhelming (calamity)? Some faces (all disbelievers, Jews and Christians) that Day, will be humiliated, downcast, scorched by the burning fire, while they are made to drink from a boiling hot spring.”
Bukhari:V1B11N617 “Muhammad would order someone to collect firewood and another to lead prayer. Then he would burn the houses of men who did not present themselves at the compulsory prayer and prostration.”
Bukhari:V1B11N626 “The Prophet said, ‘No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr. If they knew the reward they would come to (the mosque) even if they had to crawl. Certainly I decided to order a man to lead the prayer and then take a flame to burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes.’”
Bukhari:V4B52N260 “The Prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.’”
Qur’an 74:31 “We have appointed nineteen angels to be the wardens of the Hell Fire. We made a stumbling-block for those who disbelieve and We have fixed their number as a trial for unbelievers in order that the People of the Book may arrive with certainty, and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book, those in whose hearts is a disease.”
Bukhari:V4B54N487 “The Prophet said, ‘The Hell Fire is 69 times hotter than ordinary worldly fires.’ So someone said, ‘Allah’s Apostle, wouldn’t this ordinary fire have been sufficient to torture the unbelievers?’”
Qur’an 72:15 “The disbelievers are the firewood of hell.”
Qur’an 72:17 “If any turns away from the reminder of his Lord (the Qur’an), He will thrust him into an ever growing torment, and cause for him a severe penalty.”
Qur’an 72:25 “Whoever disobeys the Lord and His Messenger then there is for him the fire of Hell where they shall abide forever.”
Qur’an 88:21 “You are not a warden over them; except for those who turn away and disbelieve, in which case, he will be punished with the severest punishment. Verily to Us they will return.”
Qur’an 90:19 “But those who reject Our Signs, Proofs, and Verses, they are the unhappy Companions of the Left Hand. Fire will be their awning, vaulting over them.”
Qur’an 95:4 “We have created man in the best molds. Then do We abase him, reducing him to be the lowest of the low, except such as believe.”
 Tabari VIII:130 “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.”
Qur’an 2:64 “But you [Jews] went back on your word and were lost losers. So become apes, despised and hated. We made an example out of you.”
Qur’an 66:9 “O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelieving Infidels and the Hypocrites; be severe against them. Their abode is Hell, an evil resort.”
Qur’an 60:5 “We reject you. Hostility and hate have come between us forever, unless you believe in Allah only.’”
Qur’an 48:13 “If any believe not in Allah and His Messenger, We have prepared a Blazing Fire for them!”
Qur’an 48:28 “It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam), that he may make it superior to every other religion, exalting it over them. Allah is a sufficient Witness. Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Those who are with him are severe with Infidel unbelievers.”
Tabari IX:78 “No polytheist shall come near the Holy Mosque, and no one shall circumambulate Allah’s House naked.”
Ishaq:246 “Hypocrites used to assemble in the mosque and listen to the stories of the Muslims and laugh and scoff at their religion. So Muhammad ordered that they should be ejected. They were thrown out with great violence. Khalid went to Amr, took his foot and dragged him out of the mosque. Another Muslim slapped a man’s face while dragging him forcefully, knocking him down. One was pulled violently by his hair. ‘Don’t come near the Apostle’s mosque again, for you are unclean.’ The first hundred verses of the Cow surah came down in reference to these Jewish rabbis and Hypocrites.”
Ishaq:262 “Some Muslims remained friends with the Jews, so Allah sent down a Qur’an forbidding them to take Jews as friends. From their mouths hatred has already shown itself and what they conceal is worse.”
Qur’an 5:51 “Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other.”
Ishaq:245 “The Apostle used to say, ‘Their religion will never march with ours.’” Bukhari:V4B52N288 “Expel disbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula.’”
Qur’an 2:191 “Slay them wherever you find and catch them, and drive them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution and oppression are worse than slaughter.”
Qur’an 33:25 “Allah drove the disbelievers back...and helped the believers in battle.... He terrorized the People of the Book so that you killed some and made many captive.”
Tabari IX:167 “Muhammad waged war against the false prophets by sending messengers with instructions to get rid of them by artful contrivance [plot or machination].”
Bukhari:V5B59N727 “When Allah’s Apostle became seriously sick, he started covering his face with a woolen sheet. When he felt short of breath, he removed it, and said, ‘That is so! Allah’s curse be on Jews and Christians.’”
Qur’an 21:98 “Verily you (disbelieving Infidels), and the gods that you worship besides Allah, are the fuel for Hell, faggots for the fire! Certainly you will enter it! Had their (idols) been lxvi INTOLERANCE (real) alihah (gods), they would have kept them out of Hell. Therein, sobbing will be your lot. Breathing with deep sighs, roaring. You will hear nothing but wailing and groaning.” Qur’an 18:103 “Say: ‘Shall we inform you of who will be the greatest losers? …Those who reject my Revelations… Hell is their reward, because they rejected Islam, and took My proofs, verses, and lessons, and those of My Messengers by way of jest in mockery.’”
Qur’an 52:9 “Woe to those who reject [me], that play in shallow trifles and sport in vain discourses. That Day they will be pushed down by force, thrust with a horrible thrust into the Fire of Hell. Unable to resist, they shall be driven to the fire with violence.”
Qur’an 40:10 “Lo, those who disbelieve will be informed by proclamation: ‘Verily Allah’s abhorrence is more terrible than your aversion to yourselves. Allah’s hatred of you is terrible, seeing that you were called to the Faith [of submission] and you refused.’”
Qur’an 40:35 “Those who dispute the Signs and Verses of Allah without any authority, grievous and odious, hateful and disgusting, is it in the sight of Allah and the Believers.’”
Ishaq:185 “Adam reviewed the spirits of his offspring. The infidels excited his disgust. I saw men with lips like camels. In their hands were pieces of fire like stones which they thrust into their mouths. They came out their posteriors.”
Qur’an 20:48 “Verily it has been revealed to us that the Penalty of Doom awaits those who reject and deny.” Qur’an 20:101 “Grievous evil will the load on them. We shall gather the Mujrimun (disbeliever) blue or blind-eyed with thirst.... My Lord will blast them and scatter them as dust.” Qur’an 21:06 “We saved whom We pleased, and We destroyed the disbelievers.”
Qur’an 21:10 “Verily, We have sent down for you a Book in which is your reminder. Have you then no sense? How many towns have We utterly destroyed because of their wrongs, exchanging them for other people? When they (felt) Our Torment, behold, they (began to) fly. Fly not, but return to that which emasculated you so that you may be interrogated. They cried: ‘Woe to us!’ Their crying did not cease till We mowed them down as ashes silent and quenched.”
 Qur’an 21:98 “Verily you (unbelievers), and that which you worship besides Allah, are faggots for the Hell Fire! And come to it you will! There, sobbing and groaning will be your lot.”
Qur’an 46:20 “On that Day the unbelievers will be placed before the Fire...but today shall you be rewarded with a penalty of humiliation.”
Qur’an 59:4 “If any one resists Allah, verily Allah is severe in Punishment, stern in reprisal.” Ishaq:249 “Fear Hell, whose fuel is men and stones prepared for the infidels.’”
Qur’an 2:39 “Those who reject and deny Our Signs will be inmates of the Hell Fire and will abide there forever.”
Qur’an 2:99 “We have sent down to you Manifest Signs; and none reject them but those who are perverse.”
Qur’an 2:71 “The semblance of the infidels is one who shouts to one who cannot hear. They are deaf, dumb, and blind. They make no sense.”
Qur’an 2:174 “Those who conceal Allah’s revelations in the [Bible] Scripture Book, and thus make a miserable profit thereby [selling it to Muhammad], swallow Fire into themselves; Allah will not address them. Grievous will be their doom.”
Qur’an 2:175 “They are the ones MUHAMMAD’S OWN WORDS lxvii who bartered away guidance for error and Torment in place of Forgiveness. Ah, what boldness (they show) for the Fire! (Their doom is) because Allah sent down the Book in truth but those who seek causes of dispute in the Book are in a schism of great opposition.”
Qur’an 2:256 “There is no compulsion in religion.”
Qur’an 4:90 “If they turn back from Islam, becoming renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.”
Bukhari:V5B59N572 “O Muslims, take not My enemies as friends, offering them kindness when they reject Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, and his Qur’an. And whoever does that, then indeed he has gone astray. You have come out to fight in My Cause, seeking My acceptance so do not be friendly with them, even in secret.” [
60:1] Ishaq:231 “Muslims are one ummah (community) to the exclusion of all men. Believers are friends of one another to the exclusion of all outsiders.”
 Ishaq:363 “Say to those who do not believe you: ‘You will be vanquished and gathered into Hell, an evil resting place.’”
Qur’an 61:7 “Who does greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being summoned to Submission? And Allah guides not the disbelievers. Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete His Light, even though the Unbelievers detest (it). It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam), that he may make it conquer all religion, even though the disbelievers hate (it).”
Qur’an 2:104 “To those who don’t submit there is a grievous punishment.”
Qur’an 3:4 “As a guidance to mankind, He sent down the criterion (to judge between right and wrong). Truly, for those who deny the proofs and signs of Allah, the torture will be severe; Allah is powerful, the Lord of Retribution.”
Qur’an 3:10 “As for those who deny [Islam], neither their wealth nor their children will help them in the least against Allah. They shall be faggots for the fire of Hell.”
Qur’an 3:11 “The punishment of Allah is severe. So tell the unbelieving infidels: ‘You will surely be vanquished, seized by Allah, and driven to Hell. How bad a preparation.’”
Qur’an 3:26 “You [Allah] exalt whom You please and debase and humiliate whom You will. Those who believe should not take unbelievers as their friends…guard yourselves from them.… Allah commands you to beware of Him.”
Qur’an 3:32 “Say: ‘Obey Allah and His Messenger;’ If they refuse, remember Allah does not like unbelieving infidels.”
Qur’an 3:55 “Allah said, ‘Jesus, I will take you and raise you to Myself and rid you of the infidels (who have forged the lie that you are My son).… Those who are infidels will surely receive severe torment both in this world and the next; and none will they have as a savior for them.”
Qur’an 3:61 “If anyone disputes with you about Jesus being divine, flee them and pray that Allah will curse them.”
Qur’an 3:62 “This is the true account, the true narrative, the true explanation: There is no Ilah (God) except Allah; and Allah—He is the Mighty. And if they turn away, then lo! Allah is aware of the corrupters, the mischief-makers. Say: ‘People of the Book, come to common terms as an agreement between us and you: That we all shall worship none but Allah.’”
  Qur’an 3:84 “Say (Muhammad): ‘We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes [of Israel], and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered, bowing our will (in Islam).’”
Qur’an 3:85 “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Surrender), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who are losers.”
Qur’an 3:87 “Of such, the reward is the curse of Allah, of His angels, and of all men, all together. Their penalty of doom will not be lightened.”
Qur’an 3:118 “Believers! Take not into your intimacy those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, and Christians). They will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin. Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths. What their hearts conceal is far worse. When they are alone, they bite off the very tips of their fingers at you in their rage. Say unto them: ‘Perish in your rage.’”
Qur’an 3:141 “This is so that Allah may test the faithful and destroy the unbelieving infidels.” [Another translation:] “Allah’s object is to purge those that are true in Faith and blight the disbelievers. This is so that Allah may test the faithful and destroy the unbelieving infidels.”
Qur’an 3:150 “Soon We shall strike terror into the hearts of the Infidels, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be in the Fire!”
Qur’an 33:8 “He has prepared for the Unbelievers a grievous Penalty.”
Qur’an 33:58 “And those who annoy or malign Muslims bear a crime of calumny and glaring sin.” Qur’an 24:39 “For those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in the desert. There is no water for the thirsty. He only finds Allah, who will pay him his due in Hell.”
Qur’an 23:40 “Soon they will regret. Torment and an awful cry will overtake them. We have made such men rubbish, like rotting plants. So away with the people.”
Qur’an 24:57 “Never think that the unbelievers can escape in the land. Their abode is Fire!”
Qur’an 4:12 “Those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His limits will be admitted to a Fire, to abide therein: And they shall have a humiliating punishment.”

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fear is Sin

 Fear is Sin. Only a Well Armed Man takes the Day. The Father tells us not to fear over 100 times in Scripture. If you have the Father with you, you will take the day. Having said that and being practical, it takes more than a lack of fear to take the day. Being fearless can be very foolish to the point of death, it may be a cool moniker but without courage it amounts to nothing. There is a difference between fearless and courageous, a big difference. I find it fascinating how many vehicles have stickers of " No Fear" on them, I just make sure not to follow them too closely. No fear leaves you in a foxhole with mortars raining down on you, courage charges those firing the mortars. Courage requires you to persevere. Courage requires unending energy. If you don't find energy from some other source then physical sustenance you won't have the mental or emotional strength and discipline to deal with lean times, which will bring on fear.
      Combating fear is a tricky thing as well, just like everything else in life there is a good reason to have a healthy dose of fear. Just like using your good judgement, using fear in a measured fashion( easier said then done) will keep you safe and alive. Using good judgement will trump fear every time though.  Good judgement typically uses learned or "book" knowledge combining history, social studies including current affairs with practical knowledge, social skills and Faith to draw a conclusion, yes a judgement. Life is not always pretty, we have to judge. Judgment is how you fight fear, a healthy dose of logic doesn't hurt but chaos has its own order, so logic can be flawed.
     Intelligence and logic are how current science tries to explain everything. Scientists attempt to put everything into an order and suborder and so on and when something just won't fit they discard and discount. Science believes Fear can be combatted through hypnosis, counseling, drugs and therapy. Science and medicine create their own fear through medicine and medication, use , misuse and abuse. Everything can be cured through medicine. You need more medications to offset other medications and so on and so on. The medicines being produced are toxic, period.
    Scientists believe they are the only ones with the answers based on order, an order they created. Anything outside of their neatly packaged order is not real and need not be considered, and people have fallen for this. No wonder fear prevails, everyone has seen something inexplicable or been a part of something inexplicable. Those things fall outside of sciences ability to explain, people rely on science to explain, there is no answer. This is where fear sets in.
  Intelligence, science, logic all fail. What do you do? Well you could remain in your foxhole and allow death to continue to rain down on you. Maybe charging the Intelligencia with real knowledge and facts would do it. No, if it hasn't worked by now I am afraid they have their thumbs firmly pressed over their eyes. Lets face it, there is money in fear. No you won't see the word fear used to advertise. There are words that encourage fear, trojan horse words used by advertisers, words and phrases like "safety" "healthy", "germ free" "green" "recycle""natural" "organic""no artificial colors or flavors" etc.  Fear everything. We have to make them afraid so they will protect themselves with our product. Medicine, cleaners, food, cars, guns, insurance, you will feel much safer when you have our product in your hands. So the people fear and buy.
   I have been looking and watching our culture and society. I watch for trends and patterns. I am objective basing my conclusions on the facts in front of me. In order to conquer people you must install discord into the social fabric, this brings about anxiety and fear. Once you have installed fear into society you offer cures for what ails society. The power brokers of society have this game down to a science, literally. Politicians, actors and advertisers and all of those who finance these industries are the ones directing this "game". Are people evil enough to come up with a scheme to use fear for advantage against others? I believe we are gullible enough to play a game that someone else has set up. Using greed, lust, pride and vanity to set up a game of fear. Who would come up with a game like that? Someone who wants to divide and conquer, and he has succeeded at his game. He has lured enough weak and feeble minded people to his side that he can now let people run the system that ruins peoples lives. He loves discord he loves evil, he hates the Fathers creation, he is the adversary, the accuser. If he can get you to buy into the fear game he has won. Fear is the tool of Ha Satan, Lucifer. Choosing discord over fellowship, choosing fear over love that is sin. Choose courage even if you must stand alone, fear is sin.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Human Waste

  Human waste. Politicians and Actors. Hollywood and Washington. I could stop there and it would be understood, but I like going in depth or as I like to put it "in rant".
   Let me be clear all people bring value to the world at some point in their lives, most people try to bring upon positive change to help all. History shows that it only takes a small group of malcontents to ruin things for everyone. It is amazing how large groups of healthy, intelligent, productive and generally kind people can be oppressed by small groups of useless, lazy, violent, fork tongued and greedy people. There are times when good people have struck at their oppressors and won their freedom, but freedom requires vigilance and often the freedom is not long lived. Freedom requires the good hard working people live their lives as they wish with a continual eye on the state of freedom in their society. The people must have a willingness to engage any entity attempting to destroy the harmony and freedom of their society to the point of fighting and spilling blood. If you don't have the willingness you capitulate and become a slave.
   The forefathers of the USA fought for their freedom and then allowed the following generations to inherit the responsibility for maintaining their freedom and that of following generations. The truth about free societies is there are things that come along with the inheritance of freedom. There are some things that a free society needs to be able to tolerate. Freedom of expression. Freedom of belief. Freedom to reasonably protect oneself. Freedom to pursue joy, love , happiness, good health and prosperity. There are bad things that a free society cannot tolerate. Murder. Rape. Pedophilia. Intolerance of others right to freedom of expression and belief. There are rare circumstances where expression can test a society, as long as it does not incite violence it should be tolerated. There are rare instances where belief can test a society, as long as lying, murdering, raping and enslaving are not directives it should be tolerated. I know it is hard to believe there are evil "religions, but there are, sorry islam.
   When Americans go to work everyday we believe our taxes, the taxes taken from our wages and from our purchases are going to maintain a certain aspect of our lives. Roads. Military. Police. Firefighters. Infrastructure. Freedom of expression and belief. A social net for those who have fallen on hard times. That is not what our money is used for. Our money is used to fund an industry. An industry that produces nothing. In the real world this industry would fold within days. It continues however, with the good hard working honest people funding it. We continue to fund this industry as it gives the very money intended to maintain our free society, to the very people who tell us how they are going to destroy our free society. So now politics is an industry that not only produces nothing, but it introduces wolves to the ranch stating wolves have been misunderstood for centuries.
   History shows that the people who attain power are typically the ones who want to do the least and get the most. They are willing to murder and destroy, lie and cheat, anything in order to maintain their life of ease and luxury. A life funded by those they oppress. There has to be a willingness to use violence, but if you can achieve control without better yet. The forefathers fought, following generations lost sight of what it took to lead, they gained control in a bloodless handover. The people handed over power to shiftless conmen because it was easier to live life and not have to worry about the responsibility of freedom. That was easy to do when there were 30,000,000 people. Not so easy with 350,000,000 people. We the people allowed the conmen to set up a system to fleece us of our money to support their lives and make decisions about our lives. The system has become so elaborate and steals so much money it cannot even tell us where the money all went, hence the need for more of our money. Hence the state of this nation and the world.
    If you had ten men and gave each man 10 acres to feed himself and his family you would end up with 2 families that watched the others work and maintain their fields. The two families doing nothing would tell the working families what a great job they are doing, even giving them tips on how to be better and more efficient. Come harvest  time while the eight families work and harvest the two other families party and enjoy life. Come winter the two families who have done nothing all year other then to pursue their own fun now come to the working families and ask them if they could only spare a percentage of their goods they would make it through winter so they can plant and harvest next year. They go to all of the working families playing on the workers sympathy, at the end of the day the lazy families have more than the people who worked for everything. Sound familiar?
  This is the game Washington is now playing, no shame, right in our face. Their attitude:"What are YOU going to do about it?" They are banking on us, yes We The People, to drop the ball and allow them to rob us of everything we work for. The industry is now promising "free" everything in order to maintain power and control. If you can get the people to believe we have enough for everyone to get everything free of course they will vote for it. The government is standing on our farm, taking our produce, produce we worked hard for, telling us it will help our people and nation and then giving our produce to the enemy. IN YOUR FACE!
    So here is my intolerant take on this industry I call politics. Politicians spend years in schools learning how to speak around the truth. They spend years learning yet not applying their intelligence to the good of all, they see politics as a vessel for setting themselves up at the peoples expense. Instead of bettering our nation and applying their intelligence in a practical and pragmatic way they set up systems within systems using legalese to ward off any scrutiny. They are pigs at the trough.
    I believe we need "practical people" in positions of representation. People who would appreciate a hand in fostering a free nation. People who understand freedom is a responsibility. People who understand they represent their constituents. People who can succeed at simple arithmetic. The people in positions of representation and leadership in this nation now should be relegated to a garbage barge, tarred and feathered and pushed off to sea stripped of their citizenship. Human waste.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tolerance and Intolerance. Balance

    This is to clear the air about my personal take on tolerance and intolerance in relationship to society and politics, I distinguish this because I deal with "tolerances" all day every work day. I am not a "progressive democrat" nor am I a "conservative republican", I am a registered "independent". I make decisions based on the facts in front of me, not some emotionally charged "us and them" game. I see how people handle politics and the opinions that go with the political realm, it is as though it were some game on TV and no one wants to be the "loser". Everyone wants to be correct. Everyone wants to be a winner. 
  The truth; not everyone is going to be correct and not everyone is going to be a winner. That leaves a good portion of the people feeling deflated about their own opinion and their future. Why? Because they did not win. That is when the mud slinging begins, winners are usually lacking in grace just as much as the losers. That is the political realm and the people who play in it are, in my opinion, not worried about the wants and needs of the peoples they say they represent. Pop culture politics.
   I personally pick on progressives because they mimic European leaders in word and deed. If you are not lock step with the leaders you are intolerant, they have no real argument, they won't allow debate, facts that can't be countered are shouted down. If you see what a mess Europe is you would understand my disgust for progressive liberals, political correctness and too much tolerance without the balance of intolerance. Progressives see intolerance as the enemy, as evil. I do understand that intolerance can lead to worse things, look at any muslim nation that has Christians in it, there is NO tolerance for anyone outside of islam. Look at Nazi Germany.
  So as a man what should be tolerated and what should not be tolerated? A progressive would see this question as provocative because intolerance has NO place in the world. They would have you think that because you are unwilling to accept the views, beliefs and behavior of obviously evil people that you are evil. Progressives hit the intolerance button over and over without a thought of the consequences. Do I really have to tolerate a pedophile as a kindergarten teacher? Do I really have to accept and tolerate the government imposing murderers, rapists and pedophiles who hate me just because I exist into the society I live in? When nations allow their women to be raped so as not to offend certain groups do I really have to keep silent and show tolerance? I have the right in this nation to point out the weaknesses of our leadership and the potential consequences of their actions, I don't have to tolerate cowardice, this is not Europe.  People who tolerate everything are cowards and would allow the innocent to suffer and die in order to make their point.
   In the progressive mind tolerance is the key to control. If you can berate and castigate people for not tolerating everything you impose on them you can sway public opinion. Progressives paint the people as "intolerant " as though it were evil. It is quite the opposite. Tolerance is used as much as racism. Both are used to try to squelch debate and open discourse by painting people as evil for having an opinion that differs,  progressives are unwilling to tolerate views, beliefs and behavior of others, but  they are perfectly fine pointing out your intolerance.
  Kind of funny when you realize the ones accusing others of intolerance are as guilty, if not more so, as the ones they take to task for that very thing. There is good and evil. Balance. There is right and wrong. Balance. There is correct and incorrect. Balance. Fat , skinny, short , small, black , white, up, down, left, right, pleasant, unpleasant, sick , healthy, peace , war, there is an offset for everything. It is a good thing.     So why do progressives obsess over doing away with intolerance. Because they know that their ideas and plans are intolerable and they don't care. Just like European leaders they are going to impose their world view on everyone, regardless of the consequences. The people don't know whats best for them, only the politicians know what we need and apparently we need to tolerate everything including our own demise.
    Charles Martell fought for France because he could not tolerate having evil imposed on himself or his people. Jan Sobieski, a polish king leading an army of German, Polish and Austrian soldiers and mercenaries fought  at the Gates of Vienna because they could not tolerate being subjugated by evil. Those were real leaders with their peoples interest in mind. They did not tolerate evil. Todays leaders want to force you to tolerate whatever they say to tolerate. Politicians have capitulated to evil, misery loves company, hence the state of our planet. Time to take a stand for what is good and correct.
   This is where I plant my flag. Politicians are evil, I don't need to prove that, just look at the state of the world, islam is evil look at their imperialistic history and what they have and do contribute. Hollywood is evil, they coddle politicians and their sick and twisted agenda, yes they even further the agenda. People who cannot allow others their opinions are evil, the only reason you would not allow others their opinion is to impose your own. 
   I am a very tolerant man, but I will never tolerate what has a proven track record of evil. This is where facts and truth get obliterated by progressives. Facts and truths are "relative" and "subjective". What IS evil? What IS good? I guess that depends on what "is" is. History has to be revised, truths have to be revised, good and evil have to be revised. A turd with confectioners sugar sprinkled over it is now a brownie. No religion could be evil, right? I am also a very intolerant man. Balance