I believe in the freedom given all of us by the Father, we are given the freedom to choose. We are able to make choices and decisions all the time of our own free will, right or wrong.
I believe in the freedom of speech, as long as what you are saying is true. When I see pictures like this one that I found on a social media site I am reminded how information is manipulated to make the victims look like perpetrators
The picture above has a little truth with a lot of poison, in other words, there is just enough truth to make it seem legitimate. Yes, religion is the problem. As far as Christians being terrorists for 300 years someone is going to have to explain to me how that conclusion was drawn and on what history.
Before I go on let me be clear that I recognize the wanton carnage the Christian armies brought to the Middle East, war is ugly. I could go into a list of massacres and "mistakes" the Christian armies made, that is not my point here.
My point here is that the Crusades were a defensive action taken against the muslim hoards who had terrorized their way throughout the Middle East, Persia, North Africa lopping off heads of Christians and Jewish people who dared defend themselves. The muslim offensive went on from the 7th to the 11th century with no Christian army once rearing its head in defense of Christianity or Judaism. Yet todays narrative is still that the Crusades were somehow an unprovoked assault on a peaceful religion in an area of the world at peace. Not true. Religion is the problem, right now the biggest problem religion happens to be islam, as it has been for 1400 years. Check your facts before you post.
waooo nice post about "The Crusades Misconception"
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