Sunday, January 15, 2017


   I would like anyone reading this and anything else I write to understand that I am a registered independent and don’t draw a line in the political/philosophical sand, in other words for me this is not a game. I vote based on the facts in front of me not some us and them scenario. I rarely agree with any politician because politics is a self serving industry and we are it's bank account. For the past 8 years I have written and talked about how bad Obama has been, I did give him a chance, before that I spoke and wrote about my dislike of George W. Bush. I don’t care what party is in charge, if you are weak, incompetent, out of touch and have put yourself in the public spotlight you are fair game. My opinions are fair game. Next week the Republicans and Trump are on the hook. so.....

  In life everything is a process, we do things in procession, mostly. Sometimes we deviate from a known process with some expected and unexpected results, sometimes some surprising results. Selecting leaders is a process. 
  When we are alone we are the leader( if you believe in God you are never alone). When there are 2 people someone will lead and that process will work itself out quickly. The more people added to the process the more complicated the process becomes simply because of the differing opinions and views. I would say in groups of 100 or less leaders usually step up and take over and most people recognize and accept them. When there are more than 100 people the process has to be agreed upon by all( unless you are part of some warrior tribe where one person is ruthless and has the best weapon), a very tough job.
  During the inception of our democracy our leaders saw fit to put a process in place that would be fair to the entire nation. The electoral college was put in place to cover the people in rural areas so that their voice was not marginalized by the large metropolitan populations. At the time it was fair. Do I think it is fair now? On one hand we have a large rural population today that should not be marginalized by metropolitan populations, on the other hand we can't just say that the popular vote doesn’t count. 

  We have had several election outcomes that were won based on the electoral college, the popular vote would have put someone else into the White House. Yet we have had most elections where the winner took both the electoral college and the popular vote. Based on that assessment I would say the process functions as intended, but is it still a viable process in our time. 
   I believe for right now, unless someone figures out another way to ensure that rural America has a voice, the process is viable. I admit it is ugly when someone wins the presidency in this fashion. Some processes just are not perfect, but they are intended to bring about certain results, our current election process brings results. Perfect or not it works. 
     I find it very funny listening to people prior to elections, this particular election the Republican voters were concerned about Trump losing the electoral college and winning the popular vote, it turned out this time the Democrats should have been worrying. At a personal level my gut instinct says there is something not quite right with the popular vote results, in the world of the Democrat party and progressives zombie votes count. The dead vote.

  I would ask anyone reading this to think to themselves would it be fair for one state or city to swing the vote of an entire nation. I say no, that is my opinion. California brings the most votes of any state and has the largest number of electoral delegates. If California secedes as the progressive totalitarian douche’ bag leaders of this state want, the Democrats would probably have serious difficulty winning any national election, that is a mathematical fact. I can assure you California is not reflective of the rest of the nation and that is why the electoral process needs to remain in place, whether a Democrat or Republican win. 


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