Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cowardly Leaders

   How do the weakest, mentally anyway, people become leaders of people. How is it that the mental midgets lead the good people. Well when you have so much weakness to hide you become adept at misleading people, you have to in order to keep people off the trail of your weakness. They put their nose to the grindstone and get themselves into positions where they are in control. Now think about that, a person educates and works themselves for selfish reasons, to run and hide. When you are in control nobody can question you because you have the power to affect their lives profoundly. These "leaders" learn a script which is honed and polished for the rest of their lives, it sounds educated, its just rehearsed. Beautifully worded empty speeches, speaking in colorful entertaining circles, no hard truths because those would have to be backed up which requires work and courage.

    Its much easier to just speak to each group in their own venue, tell them what they want to hear and move on. Its not like to have to back up what you say right away, there is a time factor. People understand that change requires time and we are willing to give leaders a chance. A chance most leaders take full advantage of, unfortunately it becomes their personal vehicle to wealth and more power. As the "leaders" spread their word more people believe. There is a drop off as the people initially engaged begin to realize that even given time this leader is not going to change a thing. In order to prevent the drop off  the leader needs to modify his story, come up with a new one, create a crisis, do and say anything to buy more time in power. If you watch and listen long enough they will counter their very own points and opinions, that is because they don't take account of what they say. They don't think they have to. You see, somewhere along the way to the top, hiding their weakness all the way, they forget they have a weakness and become omnipotent in their own minds. That is why they know best what is good for you and what is not.

   Eventually though the word game does fully does run its course and the leader needs to come up with new and colorful ways to maintain power. One is have a coup d'etat. One is to legally usurp the law. One is to introduce a new demographic and promise them more then the working population get after a fruitful days work. Pander to these people and if anyone stands up to question this, now you have a target. That is when the words hatred, sexism, racism, everyism, are introduced into the mix, just to keep the good people off balance. Those words stop debate because nobody wants to be labeled as a hater, sexist or racist. Eventually the demographic change becomes enough of a problem to create tensions leading to civil strife, possibly even civil war.

      Now the leader is fully in his game, he can now disarm the people and then begin the purge. Hitler was responsible for 56,000,000 deaths in Europe, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 50,000,000 of his own people, Mao Tse Tung who knows, we didnt find out about a mass starvation until 40 years after it happened, probably hundreds of millions of his own people. Look at the leaders of the world now, they are just as mentally unfit as the mass murderers I just named. Merckel, Obama, Erogan, Putin, all put their peoples needs on the back burner in order to further their own selfish desire, more power. Given the opportunity, in my opinion, these people would murder their own people if they thought they could get away with it and remain in power.

     Look at the world today, the mess we are in is a direct result of our leaders cowardice. They want to be everyones friend so they can garner votes so they can maintain power, but as we all know you cannot be friends to and with everyone. They may draw lines in the sand showing conviction but when it comes time to stand they buckle. Taking a risk could put them out of power and then their weakness is again exposed, cowardice, selfish gutless shameful fear of their own people. I believe Erogan has begun his reign, who will be next, apparently the people are ok with these leaders so we have what we ordered. I will not resign myself to this insanity. I will keep my faith and my hand on the pulse, I will remain nimble and prepared. Our leaders fear us, that is very very dangerous, Liberty is not free......

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