Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black Lives Matter.....


....and no other lives matter. According to this group because I feel all lives matter I am part of the problem. I am sorry, as forgiving and as understanding as I try to be this is just beyond any madness or stupidity one could imagine. A planet of 7 billion people and only 1/3 matter. Let me be clear, if this truly is a stance you take, not only do you NOT matter, you have now become an enemy of humanity. Any kindness, forgiveness or understanding should not be wasted on people who purposely choose to be lost. I have tried in my mind to play devils advocate and see this from their perspective, but I can't because the stance is so selfish and self serving as though these people were royalty and we should pay them homage. Now they have taken to open warfare against our society, our law enforcement.

  By definition law enforcement enforces the laws to keep society safe. By their own definition black lives matter adherents say they want to kill white people, law enforcement etc. This means they are enemies of the state and society. I didn't choose this, they did. They have chosen to hate. Of course president Obama has had a huge hand in this, sowing a divisive environment. This president has done more to hurt more people then any leader I have witnessed. He was given the presidency to make positive change. He has destroyed, to the best of his ability , all this nation was attempting to correct. And let me be clear, he has done absolutely nothing to help the black community in the USA. Obama loves islam and the quran, you might want to look and see what those muslim haters have to say about black people in their un"holy" text. It is an eye opener and Obama loves it.

   I say let the black panthers and black lives matter take over some states, then we nuke their sorry inhumane carcasses and send them to judgement. If war is what they want all I can say is be careful what you ask for. Black people account for about 13% of our population. They deserve every right that every other citizen deserves, nothing more, nothing less. Yes there is still racism in this country and in this world. I wonder why the "black lives matter" idiots did not acknowledge the murder of 6 black children in Illinois, oh thats right they were murdered by....blacks, that doesn't count. I wonder why they don't scream about all of the Africans who are enslaved today in muslim countries, literally they are slaves, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Qatar all practice slavery and have for 1400 years , the cost to Africa, more than 130,000,000 black lives but don't look there.
   I believe in Scripture. I believe all are equal before our Father. I believe in forgiveness,  I don't believe in murder. There is a big difference between murder and killing. We kill for food and for self defense. Murder is a selfish act. What black lives matter and the black panthers want is to murder, they are basing their victims on the color of their skin, they are 100% haters....of themselves, they are the racists that they fear.. When you voluntarily give up your humanity so you can legitimize murder you should not be surprised when you are met with force. That force should show you what you show others, no mercy. Mercy is for the weak.

   I blame our leaders for what I see in society. They set the tone by openly lying with no remorse, they commit crimes without accountability. They come out with divisive speeches and divisive tones in order to divide and collect votes. Let me be clear, Buraq Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders deserve to move in with black lives matter and the black panthers. Don't let me forget the republicans, they claim to be "Christian" and moral,  yet they are as much of a problem as the people I named, they lie to the people and cheat the people just as badly as the democrat party, their hypocritical behavior is only out done by the democrat party.

  If anyone thinks this is going to get better my best wishes to you, I hope you are right. What I see coming is not unexpected, people seem to think they have time, maybe it will just "go away". All of these evil groups, the latest being black lives matter, are a direct result of greedy, grasping covetous politicians who don't even care about their own offspring. Profit and votes, the only thing that matters. What we are living in now is Obamas dream for this nation, he hates America, he hates white people and black people see that in his emotional language and in his body language and because he is the leader and black.....they follow. Lemmings. I shouldn't insult lemmings.  I have said this before, these politicians deserve a ride down the Potomac on a garbage barge out to the Atlantic with the people on the shoreline launching dirty diapers at them with catapults. We can put black lives matter and the black panthers on the next garbage barge......
                                 How about "Know Justice Know Peace read Scripture , find God....

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