Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Equality Thoughts

  I can remember as a child how the world preached equality, we are all equal, we are all the same, no one is better than anyone else. I have come to the reality that we are not all equal or the same. In my opinion teaching equality is detrimental to mankind. You see what we are pretending to teach and what we are really teaching are not the same. We are pretending to teach a "colorful" way, what we are really teaching is much more drab and gray. Like the people who hijack the rainbow in the guise of  acceptance, tolerance and equality,  we use the rainbow to cover something unpleasant and dysfunctional. Equality was the first shot across the bow by the progressives 50 years ago and was used to lay the groundwork for the modern "political correctness" movement. Words matter.
   The truth is we are not all equal and teaching that to children is unjust. Every person is unique and brings unique and special skills and intelligence to the table. Having said that, there are genetic misfires, they become criminals, typically people who have some sort of sociopathic tendencies due to physical injuries, emotional injuries or biological injuries. Often these people can be helped and put on an acceptable path of independence. Some cannot and those have to be dealt with legally, often with reasonable force due to unreasonable behavior.  People are not equal.
    What goes on in the heart and mind of people is not equal, never was and never will be. What people think, believe, do, accomplish and fail at are not the same. If by equal I am being told I don't have the right to publicly berate someone for no reason, I already know that, If by telling me I am equal to others to keep me from thinking I have the right to kill them, I know I don't have that right. This "we are all equal" thing is a conditioning, don't ask me what for, but it is conditioning mankind for something. I , for one, don't need conditioning.
    We are not equal. I am not saying I am better than everyone, I am saying I recognize people who are more and less creative, more mathematical, better artists, better singers, better musicians, better drivers , better hunters, bigger, stronger, better looking, more assertive, kinder, gentler, etc. I would have to say if you don't recognize these things in others you are already in the fold of the "brainwashed", sorry.
   As I go through my day to day life I come across people who are more educated than I am, people who are less educated than I am etc. Do I see them as more or less than myself? No. Are they my equal? No. Equality is nice, sort of like uniformity, everything looks the same , moves the same, sounds the same. Robots are equals to each other, televisions and cars are equals to one another, or are they? If something that we have designed to be equal is not, what does that say about the ones doing the designing and building?
     I know many would like to argue the point that we are equal and to those I say; "Prove it". I don't have to prove anything, it is as obvious as day and night are different that we are not equal. Not even twins are equal. Yet society continues to drone on and on about equality, if you don't believe in equality you are evil. People who tell the truth in this day and age are set on fire by politicians and the media, and those two groups have more groups beneath them. It appears to be easier just to conform to society as opposed to stand up against it, just the vast quantity of people who adhere to what society prescribes makes it catastrophic to stand up against it. To stand up for what is good and right puts us in danger. To make blanket statements to children like "you are all equal" is dangerous, it allows them to stop trying, to stop dreaming, stop competing.
    What we need to stop teaching is arrogance and selfishness and self centered behavior. It appears we cannot do this because the younger generations have already fully bought into the filth, why not? Politicians the media and Hollywood working in synergy have indoctrinated at least portions of 4 generations, and I have very little hope for the younger generations. We should teach selflessness, kindness, courage, perseverance, honesty, dignity, respect. Look at what is on your television some time. Look at what people think is funny. Look at what is popular. See any selflessness being taught? How about kindness? People can't think about those things when they are constantly trying to keep up with what Hollywood and pop culture are telling them they need to have and look like to be accepted. So how can we all be equal?
   Believe it or not there are still people who have not been swallowed by the beast, they live independently, not bothering anyone, not subscribing to societies rules per say. They may follow the law of the land, or not. How can these people be equals in society? I would say anyone attempting to fit into society is probably the equal to others either attempting to get into society or already part of it. I would further say that all of those "in society" , the civilized ones, would ridicule those not "in society" as though they were not equals. There will come a time when those civilized folks from society will become so detached and misguided that they will fear all outside their group. Fear and greed will lead to the destruction of those who are"not equal".
   Equality sounds real nice, just like tolerance. It doesn't take much sugar to hide poison. It doesn't take much poison to kill. We have many thoughtless people at the helm, people who have influence on many others through politics, the media and of course Hollywood. I believe in freedom. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in freedom of conscience. I believe in freedom of religion. I believe I have the right to fight to defend those rights. I believe I will pay my taxes and listen to "One Tin Soldier". Peace.

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