Saturday, May 14, 2016

Don't Panic, We Are Already a Socialist Nation

 As sad as it sounds, the title to this writing is true. Europe is Socialist in the guise of democracy, our politicians have wanted to revert the USA back to Europe for a long time. They have succeeded. In Europe the leaders tell the people, they don't let them vote. European leaders go behind closed doors and set policy with no input from the people, and when they come out from behind closed doors the people are told what they will be dealing with, like it or not. Right now in Europe people are being evicted from homes they have lived in, sometimes for decades, to give the home to refugees. Refugees who openly tell the people that are helping them that they hate them and will destroy them given the chance.
    The leaders know this. There is a reason for this. It is no longer just a global economy, politicians are now playing their politics on a global scale. No longer do politicians of their land care about their people, now the equation includes anyone who will listen, so the attempt to appeal to the masses worldwide has begun. It is like being a worldwide pop culture icon, if you can do something to make a multitude of nations react you are a superstar. "To Represent" is just a nice slogan. The truth is that all is driven by profit.
  We like to think this won't happen is the USA, land of the free, but it has begun. I would love to blame Obama for this, all I can say about our shiftless president is he fully took advantage of a situation clearly laid out by his three immediate predecessors. I can say Obama is a disgusting traitor not just to the USA, but to humanity. We have situations in the USA where islam is not just being given a pass by our leaders, they have actually taken to ruling the roost in areas. Now we have "leaders" who are negotiating with our "representative government" behind closed doors about the future of the communities they "represent" without the input of the people. Sounds like Socialist Europe. Why are we giving islam this exceptional accommodation? Of all people to give this exception to, why a people that have vowed to destroy us from within using our own political processes against us? Satan has the throttle to his train cruising full speed ahead. To even try to logically explain this behavior by our leaders there really is only one explanation, our taxes are now being used to bribe our leaders into relinquishing our rights to others. Death for profit. Evil leaders.
As long as we the people choose to sleep behind the wheel politicians, will rob us with our eyes opened. They are sick twisted morally perverted human beings who see things from only one vantage point, personal gain and profit. The only good men in politics get out. The ones that remain, well they are bought and paid for,  just like the news.
   Politicians have created an industry, much like insurance, where we send the money but never really realize anything from it. They have processed, canned and bottled the product, freedom and democracy, so well that it really only exists on the label, the ingredients are either poison or artificial. I see them leading us into a time more like tribalism and feudalism then a free progressive society. Yes I used the word progressive, I didn't poison it they did.
    Look at society around you. Here comes my "judgmental"self. In my opinion people of today , in appearance and behavior, smack more of individual serfdoms, kingdoms and tribes rather then a cohesive society. I blame this on weak leadership and weak parenting. Leaders no longer lead. Parents no longer parent. No one is taught to respect elders or authority, they are shown by example to be selfish, self centered greedy, shallow and both helpless and violent.
   To those who revere freedom, never give up, there is a fight coming and it will be ugly. My plan is to die a free man. To those who revere their politicians and leaders, you have already given up. Anymore politics for those who vote has become an "us and them" game, much like having a favorite sports franchise. Unfortunately the stakes are much higher here, but the people don't care as long as they have backed a "winner". Well the game has led to this, we have become a socialist nation, and I don't see it getting any better. Our educational system is really a glorified babysitting service, people are no longer taught to learn, they are taught that there is no value in learning. People no longer educate themselves at anything, why educate yourself on politics, go  vote based on emotion, bye bye freedom. With our eyes wide open we have had freedom taken right out of our hands.

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