Sunday, February 28, 2016

Modern Media Social FX

   Sorcerers and magicians of the past, just like modern media and pop culture of today, had to control people through their "magic". They convinced people to believe what they were saying was true or believe what they were doing was real using whatever tool available. Back in the day fire, smoke, slight of hand and guile were the tools of the trade. Back in the day you actually had to be talented to be evil, or good for that matter. You had to be able to speak and perform all at once to get your illusion to be effective. There were no special effects or gadgets, like we have today, you had to be on your game.                                          

 In todays world things are different. We have in many ways leveled the playing field with the advent of electronic technology. You don't have to play guitar or piano to create music. You don't have to be able to sing, electronics can correct for a bad voice. You don't have to look good, software can "fix" your appearance. You don't have to go to Paris, we can green or blue screen you and make it appear you are in Paris. The electronics, computers and software are all available at the consumer level. You don't have to be talented. You don't have to have a specific education. You can "create right out of the box". You have to be able to learn, but you don't have to have talent. This is the world we live in. I guess the thought is maybe everyone is a Mozart or Beethoven, maybe everyone is an Einstein or Edison. My opinion: I don't believe that machines trump talent.
   The magicians and sorcerers of old were talented and evil, they could mislead people sometimes by the hundreds at one time. Depending on the size of the audience and the talent displayed, word of mouth could make a person very popular and powerful. Get enough followers and you can do many things including take power of a community, state  or nation.

 Move forward to today. Look at what we can do with technology. Look at how you can influence people with sight and sound. With computers you have all the tools you need. You don't particularly need talent to operate a computer and it allows one to do many things. The easiest way to influence people is through sight and sound. As humans we are heavily influenced by what we see and hear, it is not hard to plant a seed into a human mind using audio video technology. You can see how profoundly audio video influences people by examining the gaming industry, they have the psychology down to a science, a scary science. Todays violence has all to do with the mind and nothing to do with any particular weapon. What we are allowing our children to be taught in school.  What we are tolerating in our society. Does the Disney Channel really have to teach children about transgender issues? Yes now you have untalented evil people reaching out to "teach" people.
    There resides my issue. The blatant and wanton destruction of young people. Young people being misled by people with money and control over communication. Young people are easily impressed because of their idealistic nature. Media corporations "create" talking points that "appear" truthful. A dash of truth with a healthy dose of poison. Oh but that little taste of truth is so sweet we gobble down the poison with it, no questions asked. Left is right up is down good is evil killing police officers is good killing bad guys is bad etc. Humans are so desperately searching for truth and love we grasp for anything that appears to be the answer, anything that appears to be the anecdote. We look for anything we can put our hands on for acceptance.
If it "appears" to be good it must be, we don't use our critical thinking, our judgement.  Apathy and  misguided trust that is exactly what the modern magicians and sorcerers need. They need to have a landscape with no critical thought that will tolerate and accept anything. A landscape of no faith. Voila! Television and modern media, the evil octopus.....
Television, the internet and all media in general have been laying out and are laying out the landscape needed for total control. The dumbing down of society begins with the media and what people will support. Watch some of the so called educational shows or documentaries, so full of non sense as to make one want to vomit but people see it on TV or on the internet and it must be true. Get a pop culture icon to push your agenda, true or not, and you receive power through the media. Pander to the media and you become their darling, more power. Funny thing about the media, truth and character don't matter. When you can take a racist like Queen Latifah and make her a cosmetics spokesperson your good, or you make a racist like Mark Fuehrman an analyst on crime for your news service you are good, when you can , in 2016 , have representatives of a group that supports the murder of police officers come out and perform the halftime show at the Superbowl you are good. Heaven forbid we judge though, we must allow the magicians and sorcerers to destroy us in order to prove our tolerance.
      Children see this disrespect being taught and laughed at on TV or at the movies and they become desensitized. They see bloodshed, they see rape, they see robbery, they see poor grammar, they see disrespect of all institutions. The games they play teach violence and anti social behavior. If you say anything about this you are intolerant and judgmental all around evil. I would never impede anyones right to creative license and freedom of expression, what I question is what society deems good, acceptable and tolerable. I question what society values. I question what people support and what they don't support. Thugs and gangsters are put on a pedestal even by our president while the very people tasked with keeping us safe , to keep order in society are vilified. This strange dynamic is clearly a media/political driven phenomenon. Right is wrong, wrong is right. Hollywood and Washington.
     I was young once :) I would never deny someone their right to youthful exuberance their right to rebel. I have a rebellious and dark streak through me, total disrespect was never part of either. I know how to deal with things in an intelligent manner, so does pop culture, but obviously it doesn't pay well. I am glad I am not young, to watch people, including my children, going through this soul grinder is tough. Just as the Nazis were remorseless, pop culture will not stop until all submit, bow down before the media you serve. The sorcerers and magicians are now firmly in control, you can choose to extract yourself from the mess or follow the herd into the pit.

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