Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fear is Sin

 Fear is Sin. Only a Well Armed Man takes the Day. The Father tells us not to fear over 100 times in Scripture. If you have the Father with you, you will take the day. Having said that and being practical, it takes more than a lack of fear to take the day. Being fearless can be very foolish to the point of death, it may be a cool moniker but without courage it amounts to nothing. There is a difference between fearless and courageous, a big difference. I find it fascinating how many vehicles have stickers of " No Fear" on them, I just make sure not to follow them too closely. No fear leaves you in a foxhole with mortars raining down on you, courage charges those firing the mortars. Courage requires you to persevere. Courage requires unending energy. If you don't find energy from some other source then physical sustenance you won't have the mental or emotional strength and discipline to deal with lean times, which will bring on fear.
      Combating fear is a tricky thing as well, just like everything else in life there is a good reason to have a healthy dose of fear. Just like using your good judgement, using fear in a measured fashion( easier said then done) will keep you safe and alive. Using good judgement will trump fear every time though.  Good judgement typically uses learned or "book" knowledge combining history, social studies including current affairs with practical knowledge, social skills and Faith to draw a conclusion, yes a judgement. Life is not always pretty, we have to judge. Judgment is how you fight fear, a healthy dose of logic doesn't hurt but chaos has its own order, so logic can be flawed.
     Intelligence and logic are how current science tries to explain everything. Scientists attempt to put everything into an order and suborder and so on and when something just won't fit they discard and discount. Science believes Fear can be combatted through hypnosis, counseling, drugs and therapy. Science and medicine create their own fear through medicine and medication, use , misuse and abuse. Everything can be cured through medicine. You need more medications to offset other medications and so on and so on. The medicines being produced are toxic, period.
    Scientists believe they are the only ones with the answers based on order, an order they created. Anything outside of their neatly packaged order is not real and need not be considered, and people have fallen for this. No wonder fear prevails, everyone has seen something inexplicable or been a part of something inexplicable. Those things fall outside of sciences ability to explain, people rely on science to explain, there is no answer. This is where fear sets in.
  Intelligence, science, logic all fail. What do you do? Well you could remain in your foxhole and allow death to continue to rain down on you. Maybe charging the Intelligencia with real knowledge and facts would do it. No, if it hasn't worked by now I am afraid they have their thumbs firmly pressed over their eyes. Lets face it, there is money in fear. No you won't see the word fear used to advertise. There are words that encourage fear, trojan horse words used by advertisers, words and phrases like "safety" "healthy", "germ free" "green" "recycle""natural" "organic""no artificial colors or flavors" etc.  Fear everything. We have to make them afraid so they will protect themselves with our product. Medicine, cleaners, food, cars, guns, insurance, you will feel much safer when you have our product in your hands. So the people fear and buy.
   I have been looking and watching our culture and society. I watch for trends and patterns. I am objective basing my conclusions on the facts in front of me. In order to conquer people you must install discord into the social fabric, this brings about anxiety and fear. Once you have installed fear into society you offer cures for what ails society. The power brokers of society have this game down to a science, literally. Politicians, actors and advertisers and all of those who finance these industries are the ones directing this "game". Are people evil enough to come up with a scheme to use fear for advantage against others? I believe we are gullible enough to play a game that someone else has set up. Using greed, lust, pride and vanity to set up a game of fear. Who would come up with a game like that? Someone who wants to divide and conquer, and he has succeeded at his game. He has lured enough weak and feeble minded people to his side that he can now let people run the system that ruins peoples lives. He loves discord he loves evil, he hates the Fathers creation, he is the adversary, the accuser. If he can get you to buy into the fear game he has won. Fear is the tool of Ha Satan, Lucifer. Choosing discord over fellowship, choosing fear over love that is sin. Choose courage even if you must stand alone, fear is sin.

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