Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Short Reprieve From the Progressive Onslaught

    The election of 2016 was a repudiation of Obama and his Progressivism, the fact that Donald Trump won should be a reprieve from the onslaught of progressivism, the truth is it is just a matter of time before progressives have the vote, they almost did it this time with THE most corrupt political candidate ever. An election is a competition, in a competition there are winners and losers, in the real world the losers don't get a trophy, they go home, period. In a strictly competitive sense I will tell those who voted for Hillary, good game good try but she lost. Period. On the political side all I can say is thank you America for not allowing this pandering murderous indignity into the White House. Of course Obama gave her a resounding thumbs up during her 2016 campaign, unlike the things he stated about her in his 2008 campaign, stark difference, interesting?

  Anyway the e-mails from Wiki-Leaks show Hildog and her cohorts are responsible for the deaths of Americans, not in a peripheral sense, directly, she broadcast all of Ambassador Stevens moves and locations on an unsecured server and denied requests for more security and better security measures by Hillarys State Department. Why she was even in the election is baffling, what is worse is her followers. I wonder if these people have a moral compass in them, to think that our President could have been a corrupt pile of dung like Hillary is scary, to know there are people in this country who are ok with her behavior and activities scares me. I believe Hillarys backers would have voted for her even if video had come out of her personally pulling the trigger on Stevens and his hero helpers. To me this defies reality and defines progressives.
  Progressives don't debate, they shout down, when the shout down doesn't work they make accusations of "racism" , "sexism" and any other ism they can muster up to shut up those spouting the truth. Progressives apparently don't have the truth on their side so they resort to ending the discussion or debate by insult and innuendo, if truth were on their side they could debate. Funny thing is Progressives are just like islam, there can be no questioning, no debating, no dissent, no other opinions, progressives are totalitarians.
  My advice to the "progressives "is find an argument based on truth and maybe you won't have to resort to lies, innuendo, smear campaigns and other immoral tactics. Look at the state of the nation, you progressives have had 8 years, you have produced no real jobs, the economy is still flat on its face, we are a laughing stock around the world, we have imported islam into this country without properly vetting these people, we will be like France, Germany, Belgium.......terror in the malls, our infrastructure has not been addressed, Progressives bailed out the banks instead of the people and then screamed about how corrupt Wall Street is.
   Progressives are the new totalitarians, they will want to argue that I am sure, but they can't argue the past 8 years away, they can't argue Hillarys corruption away, they can't argue away their failure to the nation. At some point progressives will take over this nation, when they do you will witness the next ISIS, they will not tolerate anyone who does not walk lock step with them, they will create laws to legally murder those who don't agree with them or re-educate those unfortunate enough not to see eye to eye with them. They will create laws to take our weapons , then laws to shut us up and laws to incarcerate and murder. I have 0 faith in progressives or their filthy agenda. Progressives trust Iran. They trust Hamas and Fatah and Hezbollah order to appear inclusive the elite progressives sacrifice the working class tax paying citizens. We are very fortunate this election went this way, but this is not the end, it is the beginning, now comes the battle.
  Again on the competitive side I feel for your loss, it is never easy to lose. On the health of our nation side we just bought four years of hope, let those who love this country support Donald Trump and do what we can to better this nation. When Obama won in 2008 I heard a lot of "he is not my president" and all I told those people is this" I did not vote for Obama but he is the president, give the man a chance"....unfortunately we did now look at our nation. Thank you Donald Trump, even if you do nothing it will be better than anything Obama and Clinton could have ever done. Lets make the most of this reprieve from the progressive onslaught.

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