Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Legacy of a Loser

 It certainly keeps the mind busy when flip comments are made about President Trump when he has only been in office 6 months. Many of the devout adherents to the Democrat party will never see or recognize Trumps accomplishments, ever. Not any different than many of the adherents to the Republican party, they will never recognize any of Obamas accomplishments, ever. I am independent and have no love for either party, politicians or politics, I am not blind and no amount of pretzel logic gets past the gate.
     I could put a laundry list of "bad" together for every President I have been alive to see. Right now the congregation of Obama is the problem in this nation. Obamas congregation is willfully blind to the truth of their "savior"so I will address them. They don't understand why Trump is disassembling Obamas work. Obamas "legacy" is why Trump was elected, no one wants it.
   First of all President Trump has only been in office 6 months, not much of a track record other than he actually appears to be working.
   Second you need to disregard what he may have been before he became President and hope and pray he does what is right for the country now, he is your President.
   Thirdly before you condemn President Trump be sure your "enlightened messiah"(Obama) has a track record you agree with and stand with. So lets look at Obamas accomplishments.

 Obama increased government dependence to 47%, in other words 47% of Americans receive some form of welfare
  Obama increased the Federal debt to 67% of the GDP, the highest since WWII, he condemned Bush for increasing the debt from $4 trillion to $9 trillion and then as President proceeded to increase the debt from $9 trillion to $19 trillion.
 Obama presided over an overall employment rate of 58%, lowest numbers in 30 years
 Obama presided over long term unemployment of 46%, the highest since the 1930s
 Under Obama the percentage of taxpayers paying Federal Income tax was the lowest in the modern era, only 49% of the nation paid income tax.
  Home ownership under Obama was the lowest in over 50 years, 59%.
  Obama is the first President to bring a lawsuit against states( Az, Wi, Oh, In) he swore to protect .
  Obama presided over the first credit rating downgrade in US history.
  Obama is the first President to force all Americans to purchase a product from a third party, he also warned the insurance companies not to publicly speak out about rate increases.
  I am sure Obama violated the "War Powers Act".
  Obama liked to remind us that we were not founded on Christian principles and that we are not a "Christian" nation, he was the first President to cancel National Prayer Day. I guess Obama never read the Mayflower Compact.

So why is Trump undoing all of Obamas "work"? Because Obama did not have the USAs best interest in mind. There is so much more, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I can honestly state that Obamas track record is not one I can particularly stand with, in my opinion it is poor at best. 

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