Saturday, July 29, 2017

Who Is Responsible for Social Order?

  Lets just start here. Do you break the law? This is more for the conservative leaning folks who portray themselves as law abiding upstanding citizens. I know liberals don't believe in laws or rules or free speech or the rule of law, I could go on. No, I am interested in those who portray themselves as loving America, standing for the rule of law, hot dogs, baseball and apple pie. It is a good question for everyone pursuing life, liberty and happiness to ask themselves.

  I am an American. I break the law. Scripture teaches me to obey the law of the land. I try, I fail. There are so many laws that we are bound to fail. I am not interested in the "degree" of the crime, you either obey the law or you don't. 56 mph in a 55mph zone is breaking the law. Rushing because you are late or you "just don't like driving slow" is not an excuse. Not using your signal? Law breaker. Rolling through stop signs. When did the definition of stop magically change? Drink and drive? Thats just one arena, how many legal statutes and codes are people breaking in their neighborhood without knowing it because no one has complained......yet. Is a lemonade stand legal? Has it cleared FDA, Homeland security and gotten all the required permits?

  What I am getting at is before you condemn others look at your own front door to make sure you are not being hypocritical. Illegal immigration is bad, it hurts the nation, it proves we are not a sovereign nation. Speeding through a neighborhood may seem innocent, until you hit an animal, car or person. Laws are rules that all have agreed are needed to maintain a safe society. When an individual or group of individuals decide not to obey the law they actually put themselves above the law, as though that particular law really doesn't apply to them. So the truth is you either are a law abiding citizen or you are part of the criminal sect. The degree of your crime doesn't matter, the fact that you put yourself above the law does.

  As you can tell I have been a bit flip here, of course illegal immigration is worse than speeding, of course murder is worse than speeding. The degree of crime does matter.....when punishment is meted out. It also matters that people not condemn others for the very thing they do themselves, irregardless of the semantics. In a free society it matters that people follow the rules. The people are responsible for their own well being and safety in a truly free society.

     How about the ethical end of this problem. There are written laws and rules and then there is the "spirit of the law". Is it enough to obey the law when people are looking and then not obey when no one is looking? Would that be like lying to yourself? Are there laws that just "don't apply to you"? Are you required to follow the laws in your own home? Is our home a "sovereign nation"? It is ok to be annoyed at serious law breakers and then give the people who break minor laws a break? Do you follow the book and letter of the law or do you apply the spirit of the law? Is there a difference?
    So this is my opinion of what the founding fathers wanted when they drafted the Constitution. I believe they wanted to afford the people with as much freedom as possible, with very few restrictions outside of accepted social norms. They wanted people who want and love freedom to engage in freedom. It all starts at home. A successful free society requires people discipline themselves in order to practice freedom. In a free society we have to be good neighbors. In a free society we share ideas and beliefs, we don't impose them.

  If you truly believe in freedom and a free society allow your neighbors to pursue life on their own terms as long as they are not being a danger, nuisance or a blight on the neighborhood. Why do they have to conform to your values? As long as they are peaceful and not a blight what does it matter what they do? As long as nobody is being hurt we should keep our noses focused on our front door making sure we are not a nuisance or blight. There are groups of people in the world who should never be afforded a place in a free society until they fully relinquish their ideology of hatred, they would never be good neighbors just a constant threat.
   We are all Americans or immigrants who love America. Yes we do have enemy within the borders. Enemy aside, we need to allow our friends and neighbors to pursue life, liberty, justice and the American way on their own terms as long as they are not violent or anti-America. We the people need to manage our society and social freedom, politicians are irrelevant. The people are responsible for maintaining our social order, politicians do the misappropriation and mismanagement of money.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Legacy of a Loser

 It certainly keeps the mind busy when flip comments are made about President Trump when he has only been in office 6 months. Many of the devout adherents to the Democrat party will never see or recognize Trumps accomplishments, ever. Not any different than many of the adherents to the Republican party, they will never recognize any of Obamas accomplishments, ever. I am independent and have no love for either party, politicians or politics, I am not blind and no amount of pretzel logic gets past the gate.
     I could put a laundry list of "bad" together for every President I have been alive to see. Right now the congregation of Obama is the problem in this nation. Obamas congregation is willfully blind to the truth of their "savior"so I will address them. They don't understand why Trump is disassembling Obamas work. Obamas "legacy" is why Trump was elected, no one wants it.
   First of all President Trump has only been in office 6 months, not much of a track record other than he actually appears to be working.
   Second you need to disregard what he may have been before he became President and hope and pray he does what is right for the country now, he is your President.
   Thirdly before you condemn President Trump be sure your "enlightened messiah"(Obama) has a track record you agree with and stand with. So lets look at Obamas accomplishments.

 Obama increased government dependence to 47%, in other words 47% of Americans receive some form of welfare
  Obama increased the Federal debt to 67% of the GDP, the highest since WWII, he condemned Bush for increasing the debt from $4 trillion to $9 trillion and then as President proceeded to increase the debt from $9 trillion to $19 trillion.
 Obama presided over an overall employment rate of 58%, lowest numbers in 30 years
 Obama presided over long term unemployment of 46%, the highest since the 1930s
 Under Obama the percentage of taxpayers paying Federal Income tax was the lowest in the modern era, only 49% of the nation paid income tax.
  Home ownership under Obama was the lowest in over 50 years, 59%.
  Obama is the first President to bring a lawsuit against states( Az, Wi, Oh, In) he swore to protect .
  Obama presided over the first credit rating downgrade in US history.
  Obama is the first President to force all Americans to purchase a product from a third party, he also warned the insurance companies not to publicly speak out about rate increases.
  I am sure Obama violated the "War Powers Act".
  Obama liked to remind us that we were not founded on Christian principles and that we are not a "Christian" nation, he was the first President to cancel National Prayer Day. I guess Obama never read the Mayflower Compact.

So why is Trump undoing all of Obamas "work"? Because Obama did not have the USAs best interest in mind. There is so much more, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I can honestly state that Obamas track record is not one I can particularly stand with, in my opinion it is poor at best. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Freeloaders

Apparently I have not been paying attention. There has been a paradigm shift that I overlooked. Now it is the people who work and pay taxes that are considered freeloaders. The fact that people with jobs work more and more for less and less escapes those who are entitled to elite welfare or even regular welfare. Those in charge who collect elite welfare sit around all day figuring ways to relieve us of the burden of money.
   Kalifornia politicians are so out of touch with reality I wonder if we shouldn't drug test them before they take office. They don't fix the infrastructure of the state with the money they are given, they coddle illegal aliens and criminals while punishing the people who pay. They have at least three road repair taxes in our gas prices and yet none of that money goes to road repair. You will see road repair going on in the big metropolitan areas, this is done to give people the impression that tax dollars are actually used for what they are intended, but the reality is money for the "road repair" is already being siphoned away for "special projects". Code for "the sanctuary state". Kalifornia is a state where the politicians do double duty, politician and criminal.
   So now our wonderful Governor calls those of us who are employed and pay taxes "freeloaders" because we complain about being financially raped. The governor wants to believe raiding the people financially is a victimless crime. He believes that somehow we will not miss eating or having a roof over our heads. No wonder Kalifornias politicians want to secede from the union, they cannot continue their activity without scrutiny from the Feds, who see something is obviously wrong with the state of Kalifornia.
  I get up every morning to go to work. I pay taxes everywhere I spend money. These taxes pay the states bills and keep the states government working. These taxes pay the wages of all the state employees including the governors.

    I am not a freeloader, state employees are, the truth hurts but it is the truth. Jerry by definition is a freeloader.....

  1. a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Not Only the Worst....

....but the dumbest. I honestly try to find middle ground in order to understand and compromise. Barack Obama proves time and time again that the educational system he went through failed. Obama's world view and moral equivalences are born from that education, very disturbing.

"Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ. So it is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a simple tendency that can pervert and distort our faith." 
                             Barack Obama.

I find it interesting that Obama has never drawn back from chastising Christianity yet never has a bad thing to say to islam. The Crusades were a defensive response to 400 years of unchecked imperialism by islam. I have stated before that there were many disturbing events during the Crusades, those events don't change what the Crusades actually were.      The Inquisition was a response from the clergy to the public, the clergy was afraid their "gig" was about to be up. Scripture was being translated for the common man, marginalizing the clergy. The clergy responded by instilling fear into the people by violence and threat of violence. 
  Slavery and Jim Crow. Again Obama chooses to muddy the waters by avoiding the truth. Slavery in the USA was an industry run by Christians. Slavery in the USA was an institution that the Democrat party defended and fought for. Christians fought against slavery as well, but Barack conveniently omits this. Jim Crow laws, yes, a law devised by the Democrat party to continue to make life difficult for Black people in the USA, and I am sure those Democrats were Christian much like members of the KKK.
  The notable thing about all of Obamas speeches is that he happily chastises Christianity and never addresses the slavery in the islamic world that goes on today. Obama never addresses the laws marginalizing women and minorities in the islamic world. Obama compares the building of apartments to terrorism yet calls real terrorism "work place violence". So is Obama trying to justify islamic violence by pointing out Christianity has problems. Christianity and its' history are to blame for islam and its' inability to get along peacefully? Obama is a divider, along racial and religious lines, which leads me to the conclusion that he perverts and distorts the truth. Racist, supremacist. Worst and dumbest in history. 

           I am so happy that this man is no longer President.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Kalifornia, The Socialist State

 So Jerry Brown is proud to be a democrat. He says" the democrat party is the party of doing things", he just doesn't qualify that statement well. Doing things, doing things as the elected Governor should for the people of the state or doing things to cover his absolute mismanagement of the the state? To tell the people we need a tax to fix and repair our infrastructure deserves some explanation. What has happened to the money already being taken at the pump and the DMV that is SPECIFICALLY slated for roads and infrastructure? To the tune of $25 billion a year our tax money has not been going to maintain the state for the citizens, it has been used by the politicians to show their kindness and tolerance of law breakers whom they feel are oppressed. Do they ask the people who send the money if they are ok with this. Of course not. This is the socialist state of Kalifornia, anything that has to do with money from the citizens is done behind closed doors out of sight and earshot of the people. Just like socialist Europe.

   In Europe the politicians go behind closed doors , make decisions and come and tell the people what they are going to deal with, like the islamic waste entering Europe. Kalifornia is no different, politicians so arrogant and distant from the people they serve that they only see their own personal agenda and legacy. This goes beyond the ivory tower. Sick and twisted beyond help and they see no problem with their behavior towards the people who pay for everything. Actually Kalifornia is worse then Europe, at least the European politicians don't try to play the Democracy card anymore, Kalifornia politicians want you to believe we are still part of the Free Republic. If conducting the peoples business were the criteria for politicians, Kalifornia politicians would be in prison( I recommend reopening Alcatraz).

   It is hard to want to leave a state as beautiful as California, with the perfect weather, but the thought is becoming more and more appealing. Why would I want to fund the KaliNazi agenda? Why would I want to support politicians so lofty( as in Amadeus) they shit marble, like gods? Politicians who have no respect for the people who put them in office. Politicians so selfish and far removed from reality that they can justify stealing childrens' future in order to "appear tolerant and better then the rest". Politicians who reward people for purposely not becoming citizens. Politicians who steal from and punish the people who work and pay for everything.
   Now Kalifornia must begin looking for revenue to cover the forecast loss of funding from the Federal government, tax and fee time. Oh it will be for the roads( general fund) and infrastructure( general fund) and to help the people ( general fund illegal criminals). Our law enforcement will become revenue collectors in the guise of enforcing the law, which means a crime increase. Our teachers will have to have more bake sales and help from parents to cover needs in the classroom, tax payers who fall through the cracks can expect nothing, theirs will go to illegals. Jerry Brown and the Kalifornia politicians are a criminal gang who should be prosecuted, not rewarded. Sadly there are people who actually support this nonsense out of political affiliation. They believe in the kindness the state is showing illegal criminals while at the same time they berate the very people paying and asking questions, as though we don't deserve proper explanation for the use of our money. I am 100% correct when I call the liberal progressives by the title totalitarians. In my opinion they deserve a one way ride to the 200 mile marker.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Passover starts tonight. This is a called out feast/festival in Scripture. As gentiles we are taught by the clergy that this is a Holy day we are not obliged to, we are taught Easter is our "holiday". I beg to differ. Everyone who believes in the Father should partake in this feast, if you believe in Yahushua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus the Messiah) , if he is your Savior you should be celebrating Passover.

  Yes the Holy Days called out in the Old Covenant were specific to the Jewish people, these Holidays are what the Father needed to lay the ground work for His coming, this is how he set apart the Jewish people, the control group in the experiment so to speak. Gentiles were always welcomed to participate. We Gentiles should participate in this festival because it pertains to us as much as it does to the Jewish people. We Believers should participate in all of the Fathers called out Miqra( meetings)
  Here is a fact that is difficult to overlook. Yahushua( Jesus) was crucified on Passover, it says so in the New Covenant. Christians celebrating Easter are making a very big mistake. The history of Ishtar is not good, it is related to mystery religions, counterfeits of Yahweh and his relationship with us. I have written about the history of Easter/Ishtar and I will continue to challenge those who say they love our Savior yet continue to celebrate counterfeits. Notice that Easter never falls on Passover, sometimes close like this year, sometimes weeks apart. If the Savior was put to death on Passover and rose three days later, what is Easter. I understand intentions, intentions are fickle.

  As Christians/Believers we should both acknowledge and celebrate Passover. We should relieve ourselves of Easter and its' associated holidays. Ishtar involves murdering a child born in December, using the blood to paint eggs and an orgy in the temple. Fertility cult plain and simple. The first mystery religion was initiated by SemmiRamis and Nimrod. There is not much written in Scripture about Nimrod, enough to know he trusted his own hands and not God, hence he was a great warrior in Gods sight. That is our Fathers way of saying Nimrod was bad.
   I would ask everyone to give this thought, the Savior was nailed to a pole on Passover. It says so in Scripture. There is no reference in Scripture anywhere about Easter, none. Everyone should be suspicious of who and why this holiday was installed into Christianity. The Adversary, Ha Satan, is evil and envious, that does not mean stupid. Over and over he has counterfeited the Fathers relationship with us, he has been very successful because people are incurious. We trust the clergy, but just like politicians they are in this for profit not for God or His people.
  I am not telling Christians to go out and prepare a Seder dinner, but as Believers we should acknowledge the Holiday by treating it as a Holy meeting with the Father. It is a Sabbath and as with any Sabbath we should rest and reflect on all the good we have been given. I for one plan on BarB Queing up a nice Tri Tip dinner, sitting outside with a fire and resting and reflecting. Peace to you Brothers and Sisters and Happy Passover.


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Top 5%

  How does this happen? The people selected to "represent" the people, the individuals voted for by the people are all non representative of their constituency. Every last representative at the federal and state level are abundantly wealthy. The people they represent make an average of $50,000 a year per household, they have to manage food, housing, fuel, electricity, child care, companies that demand more for less, taxes, taxes and more taxes. So how can a politician who deals with none of these issues, because those are the perks that come with the job of politics, represent people who have no choice but to deal with this mess? They don't.
  In theory our government should work well, we the people send them tax money and they maintain the infrastructure for business and national security. That is all government should be. Governance requires honest people, ethical people. Apparently honest and ethical people don't get into politics.      Sadly we have people who actually believe you should take hard earned wealth away from hard workers and give it to people who have no desire to get out of bed. The people who want the hard workers to pay are the people we have elected, they see no value in work to succeed. They want to enslave everyone. You enslave the hard workers by stealing their hard earned wealth, you enslave the poor by giving them just enough to make them beholden to you.
    It bothers me to see people so absorbed by politicians. Politicians trash each other and the people. In 2009 Obama got trashed over and over again without being in office long. He lost me at the Cairo speech, he flinched and showed his hand. I gave Obama a chance. Obama turned out to be a politician. Hillary Clinton is a politician. Bernie Sanders is a politician. Trump still has to prove to me that he will not become a politician. Politicians do not represent you and I. Notice how all politicians oppose President Trump, in my opinion that speaks well of Trump and poorly of our government representatives. Politicians represent themselves and the industry of politics which we are entitled to vote for and pay for. For anyone to believe a politician cares about their welfare or the overall welfare of the nation is beyond belief. They are in the business of enrichment, themselves and the "special interests" they are beholden to. Yes politicians have to stoop down and speak to us deplorables every election cycle, it must be odious to them to have to actually address us. The rules of the game dictate that politicians must engage the people occasionally, so our reward is to have politicians ask us for money so they can win our vote so  they can then legally fleece the people of their wealth. Politicians of this nation have taken to not abiding in or by the laws on the books. It is obvious by the nations condition. Politicians appear to be above the law, the same laws that you and I have to abide by and pay for, over and over and over and.......
   Wake up people, your representatives don't really represent you. They couldn't prove it if they wanted to.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The New Nazis

    It is funny explaining how I think and feel about the world I live in. When I was young I was overly tolerant, it had a lot to do with my upbringing. As I grew up I realized much of what I had been taught was done to make sure I err on the side of good, safety. I have found out on my own that the world is far from being a safe place, that does not mean I bow to fear. There is no reason to fear when you belong to the Father and if you have accepted his Son as your Savior in the end you will be fine. 

   Explaining to others that I am an “independent” voter immediately brings them to the conclusion that I am somehow hiding my “true affiliation” to one or another political parties or philosophies. I am always clear that I do not have tolerance for politicians, regardless of their party. I vote based on the facts in front of me, not some imaginary philosophical psycho-babble run together to make me believe that any politician is going to change things profoundly. 

   I also vote based on history, yes history. The very subject humans seem to fail in, usually in spectacular fashion. The old expression ”those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it” is so, so true. 

   The history I have studied tells me islam has been an imperialistic, subjugating, sexist , racist, murdering, marauding society based on the ideology created by at best a very selfish human being. Yes they have a deity that they worship. Had hitler decided to name Woden his national god and told everyone Woden gave him directions on what to do, when to do it how to do it etc. hitler would have been a prophet as well. He would have created a “religion” just like muhammed did. So why is anyone in the West desiring to help this evil hoard? Why do idiots rule nations? How can anyone, based on known history, willingly want to invite this evil into their land?
  It is because the “left” hates God and His believers as much, if not more than, muslims do. The left believes they can tame the beast, islam, and mesh the two hatreds together, stupid heaped upon stupid.The enemy of my enemy.....

   Yes the world has become a smaller place, peoples don’t change over night and as well fed as a man-eating shark is I am still not going to jump into and share a pool with it. The left will however, in order to prove that they are more tolerant than Believers, will allow their own death and the deaths of everyone else. The point behind suicide is?  And to be clear, The Father does not necessarily teach tolerance, the book of Joshua proves his intolerance of human blood sacrifice.
   More simple history that should concern everyone. How on Earth did the democrat party become the party of minorities when its members were the first and most prominent persecutors and slave owners of......The democrat party created Jim Crowe laws, the democrat party started the KKK, the democrat party fought for slavery, segregation and disenfranchisement. Abraham Lincoln was a republican for crying out loud. 

  People forget history so guess where we are headed. Maybe some are “nostalgic” for the “good ole’ days” but I can assure you it won’t be so quaint. When the progressive new nazis take over those who don’t adhere to their evil will get to live out a new Holocaust. If you believe in God the progressive new nazis will have you in their cross hairs. The liberal new nazis will make the first Holocaust look like walk in the park.
   Here is a good one. The constant drone of Free Palestine from the Israeli occupation. The truth is Arabs claiming to be Philistines are occupying Israel and Israeli territory. Now that is a spin. Truth is inconvenient for the left, just as it was for hitler, just as it is for islam.

  I am not particularly against liberals or liberal ideals, socially I am quite liberal. Do as you please and don’t be a bad neighbor, don’t be a nuisance, don’t attempt to impose yourself on others, worship as you please as long as it does not involve or encourage, allow and excuse violence and evil. Alas it will never be. Human nature and the human condition dictate. Pride, greed, avarice, sloth, ignorance, self righteousness with no introspection are all the things people seem to be focused on. Selfish and insecure. So the left and islam will eventually succeed in destroying freedom. It is inevitable. They are winning in Europe now, they are here on US soil.
  Am I surprised the world is headed this way. Nope, fully expecting whats coming. What is painful is seeing people buy into politics to the degree that they don't see what is being done to them. The people fully trust the wrong people, the media, the clergy and politicians. Once the entire population buys into the new ideology, that ideology will change into something different. It will look a lot like nazi Germany with better technology, weapons and control. Extermination will be very efficient. The people who will be leading society will make deviants look normal and be accepting of all and every evil. If you even flinch at their ideas and ideals you will be eliminated, it will be a police state led by the new nazis.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Conditioning the People Part 1

  I enjoy hearing and debating different opinions. Right now Facebook has become a political forum, it is unbelievable how many political posts I see. Most of these posts are just to get an emotional response from people on the "other side". I am going to address two posts directly to show they are posted not for information but for emotional mudslinging, I don't believe any of the posts are done to be malicious, just as retaliation for non agreement of the issue. I believe this is actually normal behavior when considering the "human condition". Let me be clear, in my opinion all politicians are corrupt, politicians have divided the populace very successfully using lies and innuendo. Perfectly normal behavior for politicians. Let me be clear, I dislike ALL politicians because they all lie.
   So lets start with the first post:

  Bernie Sanders is a lifelong politician. He has never held a private sector job. He has lived on what I call luxury welfare. Does this mean he cannot relate to the common American worker? No, I am sure Bernie gets up every day to go to work just like the rest of us. Beyond that I would have to think he is like any other politician who believes his position in life and the world makes him deserving of "better things" then the rest of the "commoners". For any politician to rip open their mouths about other peoples taxes is offensive, they are the ones levying the taxes and exempting themselves just like they did with Obamacare. Bernie Sanders opened his mouth and got caught being hypocritical, big deal he is a politician. A very good politician. Should he be singled out like this? Maybe, maybe not but Bernie put himself in a position for people to scrutinize him and unfortunately for Bernie he got "screwtinized".

So here is a good post. One side is blaming the other side for loss of protection and freedom. Specifically Donald Trump is being blamed for the loss of all of these subjects. Interestingly Trump is being blamed for all of these bad things because the "beauty is in the eye of the poster". I am going to break down each claim to show how inane this post really is:

    Healthcare: Obama ruined health care, he was lazy and incurious. The only thing he did was rehash Hillary Clintons 1990s version of health care, it required no work, no curiosity and he was rewarded with a "legacy". In 2008 I paid $144 dollars a month for health care for a family of four, last year I spent $600 a month for two. Who gave anyone the right to levy me with expensive healthcare so illegal immigrants could have healthcare and politicians could have better care than my family, how is it right to do this to the people. Ruin the job market, give Wall street relief and saddle the people with outrageous bills to pay for it all. Healthcare was not ruined by Trump, it has been ruined by greedy pharmaceutical companies colluding with greedy politicians. Period.
     The EPA was established to protect the environment. Have they ever done that? Or have they just been a tool in the politicians pocket to be pulled out during election times. Politicians wield this department and ruin industries. If you have a problem with coal as a source of energy, unplug your house, sell your car and all of your electronics or you can just shut up. Technology has made coal much cleaner as a source of energy and almost everyone who reads this has been a beneficiary. The EPA singles out industries based on what politicians are trying to accomplish for themselves not what is good and right for the people. Politicians will lie about entire industries to accomplish this.

   Public education: Now there is a joke of epic proportions. We don't educate our youth, we use schools to warehouse them. Most teachers are indifferent and hold to indoctrination as an alternative to education. It is difficult to alter certain forms of learning like math. Every other subject can be manipulated to serve as a means to indoctrinate. Proper english is no longer taught judging by the lack of communication skills exhibited by our youth, science is incomplete and fallible yet still used to "prove and convince"  about the talking points needed by politicians, social studies and history are distorted and used to lie to our children who "trust" teachers, how sad. The education system has been a joke for a long long time. Trump had nothing to do with it, politically correct politicians did.

Wall street regulations: Really? Politicians from both sides are responsible for this joke. If politicians actually gave a flying rats rear about the people and really believed in "right and wrong" they would have used the "bailout" money by giving it to the people with directions to pay off their mortgages or any other debt they had, the banks would have gotten the money, the people would have been in a strong position. The only ones who got bailed out were the rich bankers and investors, thank politicians.

The press: Again, REALLY? The press is bought and paid for. The press has been in the pocket of the liberal progressive totalitarians for a long time. They cherry pick the news in order to "guide" hearts and minds. Sick and twisted. Trump didn't do this, good politicians with a lot of taxpayer money did.

Democracy: How funny. After 8 years of obvious socialistic tendencies by our then president, to say that Trump is going to take away democracy requires a leap of epic proportions. Democracy has been eroding for a long time, Obama was the first president the wealthy, manipulating financial monsters could actually use to wield at the people, he was the first president to actually fit seamlessly into their tool box, he was lazy and incurious and hated the USA. Obama tried to destroy democracy, he was dumb and oblivious enough to not recognize it was already broken and all he did was pile on. Again it was not Trump.

It takes a long time to really ruin something permanently, we have had politicians working on ruining our freedom for a long time. Not one politician is really responsible, it has taken many from both sides over a long period of time to accomplish this. Presidents either stand in the way or go with the flow. Sadly we have had quite a few go with the flow. Wake up people the politicians are winning, they are stealing freedom and making us pay for it. Divide and conquer and they have.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recipe For Disaster in 1 Hour

So here are the directions for creating a wonderful disaster in your nation.

1) Add 3 cups of "ability to abuse the truth"
2) Add 2 tablespoons of "denial", be careful not too much, very potent
3) Add 1 pound of "desire to look better than others"
4) Add 2 tablespoons each , greed , avarice, lust for power, sloth,
5) Add 1 cup of "lack of curiosity", this recipe does not require "due diligence" to hold the mix together

   Take the first five ingredients and mix with blender on high for 2 minutes, once the mix has an even brown appearance and smells like the bog of eternal stench you have your "politically correct" sauce.

 Now we add the disaster, typically in the past the disasters chosen were one ingredient, but the "cooks of the world" now seem to enjoy multiple disaster recipes. I will give the recipe for my favorite disaster.

1) I always add a large number of politicians lining the bottom of the pan with them, pour a layer of "political correctness" over them so they can absorb the sauce. The number of politicians depends on the size of your pan.
2) I like to add teachers and University professors here the number again dictated by the size of the pan, add more of the "politically correct" sauce, you may have to add more sauce on this layer, professors and teachers absorb the sauce really well.
3) To ensure a thoroughly wonderful disaster I add lying , twisted clergy here, 1 layer the size of the pan. No sauce yet.
4) To complete the disaster add 1 cup of "our fractional knowledge", if you don't have that a half cup of "science " is a good substitute

 Now add the "politically correct"sauce to the layers of "clergy" and "our fractional knowledge"
Now pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees and we will prepare the topping. The topping is what makes the dish worth the time)))

1) Add 1 teaspoon each racism and false racism
2) Add 1 teaspoon cowardice
3) Add 1 teaspoon false education
4) Add 1 teaspoon indoctrination
5) Add 1 teaspoon false religion( I use islam it is the greatest for disasters)
6) Add 1 teaspoon entitlement
7) Add 1 teaspoon capitulation
8) Add 1 teaspoon no moral compass
9) Add 1 teaspoon self righteousness
Mix these ingredients together using a hand whip, whip until smooth and creamy, then pour onto the main ingredients in the pan.

Sprinkle with hatred, blind ignorance, wanton stupidity then put the pan in the oven for 60 minutes. You will know when your disaster is about done by the stench emitting from your oven, don't worry that is normal and your disaster will be thorough. After 60 minutes pull your disaster out of oven and slice into circles, serve with strong liquor and potent drugs and you will be the talk of the neighborhood. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Prayers For the President?

  I get it, pray for the President so he has success. Not a bad thing on the surface. It can be a problem though if people waste their time praying for leaders and not participating in a relationship with the Father. We have to have faith in the Father not our leaders. Israel got in trouble in the Old Covenant when the people got jealous of other nations for having a king, they did not realize or accept the fact that they already had the ultimate leader. They wanted to be like everyone else not seeing that they had been set apart for a reason. Sadly Gods chosen people are not unique when it comes to human nature and the human condition, we are all weak.

  The lesson, when you read the history of Israels leaders during the time of the Prophets, is that leaders are human, fallible. There were very good leaders and very evil leaders, a mix which is a direct reflection of humanity. Yahweh wants us to trust him, but because we are obstinate, unfaithful and untrusting children he has time and time again shown his love for us by conceding to our childish demands. He allowed the children of Israel to choose a leader.
  When I read post after post on social media about "we need to pray for our President" I cringe, pray for yourselves, pray for God. People absolutely do not read Scripture and if they do they are not understanding what they are reading. Look, I am glad Trump was elected but that could change. In my opinion he will probably be the last President who is not a liberal progressive totalitarian. There are too many people who want everything without having to work for it and right now that is what these political piles of feces are offering. It is very obvious that I feel politicians are barely a notch above hollywood, they are trash.

   When the politicians who are offering everything for nothing get to lead this land in a more permanent fashion all that free stuff will change. The upper echelon will be entitled to all the free stuff. The middle class will be destroyed because you cannot have a slave caste if there is an honest hard working middle class in this day and age. Those societies that cling to caste systems have either imploded or are in the process of imploding. The liberal progressive totalitarians will use the police and military to subjugate the people, enslave them, abuse them so they can live a lavish liberal progressive lifestyle. The only people that will need real pay are the upper class and law enforcement. The new slave caste will live a lot like the Jewish Holocaust victims had to live in nazi death camps, only that will be the "societal norm". Most people reading this will find it hard to believe, this is some lunatic fantasy, I accept. If I can reach just one person with the truth though, I have doubled His treasure. The truth is the time is short. People think things, events and people of significance "telegraph" their arrival. Take an objective look at the events of say the last 100 years. Look at the advances humanity has made in that time relative to the previous 2000 years. There is a serious logarithmic change. It is a timing thing. Everything has a reason and a purpose. The Fathers schedule is perfect, his process is on schedule.

   Prayers for the President. Fair enough. Remember when things really turn bad those leaders we pray for can do nothing for us, they are flesh and blood like you and I. When things are out of control they will be doing the same thing the rest of us are doing, trying to survive, The elite just get a first class ride to the end, they are guaranteed nothing more than you or I. We would all do well to pray to the Father for our souls and the lives of those who are in our immediate circle, then those outside our circle, then think about praying for leaders. There are people and groups of people who are into "social engineering", the Bilderberger Society, the wealthy and elite class of the planet believe they set world policy. They are as much in control of things as you or I.  I have nothing against praying for the President. Praying is a good thing. Praying for others is also a good thing.  Prayers are worship. Worshipping leaders is, in my opinion based on my understanding of what I read,  not good and it is not something our Father has a great appreciation for. Be careful with your prayers. Be careful what you ask for.

   What I read and how I understand it tells me that things will change very, very quickly and profoundly. Prayers for the President? Keep focused on the reality coming......

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lucky Sports Fan

    I have been a sports fan for a good portion of my life. As in life with God, family, friends and country I am fiercely loyal to my favorite teams. My teams don't change much unless something profound happens.

  As a young man I was a Baltimore Bullets/Washington Bullets fan. I was lucky enough to get to see the Washington Bullets make it to the finals two years in a row, winning once. The Bullets were led by "Big E" Elvin Hayes, Phil Chenier and Wes Unseld. Obviously they were not as great a dynasty as the Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers, but I was lucky enough to get to see them win it all once. When they changed their name they lost my loyalty, I became a Sacramento Kings fan, go Kings!!

  I was not much of a baseball fan as a young man, I did not get into baseball until I moved to California, I became an Oakland A's fan because some of my neighbors on Travis AFB were A's fans and watched the games, so I joined and got hooked. I chose on a National league team later based on some friends in Fairfield who watched Dodgers games, so I like the A's and the Dodgers.

I have been fortunate enough to see the A's win multiple times. For a small market team they are very competitive every year and fun to watch. What do you expect from a $150,000,000 budget?

  Anyone who knows me knows I have been a die hard Redskins fan for ever, since 1969 when Vince Lombardi coached them. They really got exciting when Coach George Allen took over, he was a character. Allen was really the one who made the Dallas/Washington rivalry a big thing, I lived in Temple Hills Maryland just outside of Washington DC at the time so was thoroughly exposed to Redskins fever. My music teacher at J Frank Dent elementary school taught the entire school "Hail to the Redskins"!! My heart was broken in Superbowl VII I must admit(( I was fortunate enough to get to see Joe Gibbs lead them to 3 Superbowls wins, in spectacular fashion. My favorite to watch is XXII where Doug Williams leads the Redskins to the greatest post season quarter ever. 35 points, 357 offensive yards, all in less then 18 plays, that was the game. That was when football was still a team sport, free agency ended the pure sport of football teams, real teams.

  I am an American citizen now, I would lay my life down for the USA. I was born in Germany, even if they offered me a lavish life I would not lay down my life for that nation now. However, when it comes to Soccer I am still very very German. I was fortunate enough to live in Germany in 1974 when they hosted and won the World Cup tournament, of course back then all of the players had German names. Anyway, the Germans beat the heavily favored Netherlands led by Johann Kruyff, boy howdy the nation went wild and I was there to witness it))) Of course Germansoccer is nothing like Brazilian soccer which I must admit is really spectacular when they are on their game. As a kid and growing up I would get very upset when someone who was not from Brazil said they were a Brazil fan, I thought you had to be loyal to your country. I still do. I want the USA to win, this is the greatest nation on Earth, why shouldn't we field the greatest soccer side every tournament. Back to Brazil, I now have witnessed Germany win 3 tournaments in my lifetime, one in Germany, but for me the greatest day of soccer was July 8th 2014. I could care less about anything that happens now in the World Cup now, I was fortunate enough to witness Germany boot Brazil out of the Brazil!!!!))) The Germans not only won, they destroyed the Brazilian side 7-1, the first 5 goals in the first 30 minutes, 4 in a 9 minute span. It was like watching the Redskins blow up Denver.

  In summary as a fan I have been lucky enough to witness something many people still have not witnessed as sports fans. I have been able to see my favorite teams win it all, more than once. Yes my football team is not 5-0 in Superbowls, no my team does not have 5 World Cup wins only 4, yes I have seen my baseball teams lose the World Series, I am still waiting and hoping on the Kings.
   Really I love all my teams just like everyone who enjoys sports. You tube and the internet are wonderful, we can relive those wonderful moments again whenever we want. I guess I am just a lucky sports fan)))

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Upside Down Flag...Dam

  I have been seeing people fly the upside down flag recently, they are protesting the election results. The upside down flag is a distress signal. I know we are a nation in distress, but the people flying the flag in this way are not seeing what I am seeing. They are flying the flag in distress for an entirely different reason than I am, Donald Trump will do well and he is not the problem.

   Since the election the people who voted for Hillary have been unable to grasp the fact that she lost, period. Yes the system for voting, in particular the electoral college, needs to be looked at.  So now I have done my part in acknowledging the voting system has some issues, nevertheless Trump won under the established system. My ire is with these people who refuse to look and see the reality of their behavior. The whiners seem to think they are accomplishing something. They ARE  accomplishing something, they are making themselves and their cause look very pathetic, feeble, weak, unable to withstand debate and scrutiny.
   The funny thing about these people is that they scream and shout about tolerance, then they show no tolerance themselves. Instead of a strong, intellectual thoughtful and measured approach to the problem as "the opposition", they act like children throwing a fit. The whiners can only tolerate those who think exactly like themselves. The whiners remind me of islam or the Inquisition. When the whiners take over, this country will see what the Inquisition was like, we will experience nazi America, we will live Stalinist America where descent will be answered with bullets and bombs.
    I do not tolerate everything, I am up front about that. I do not have any tolerance for islam or it's adherents, I understand islams directives, statutes and history. I have no tolerance for evil. I have very little tolerance for politicians. Seeing my fellow Americans so misled and confused by politicians is horrifying. Until the American people can look at an election in an objective manner this country and our people will suffer. We the People need to understand what government is there for, we the People don't seem to understand. In a free society We Are The Government.
  Government exists for several specific reasons. To provide an infrastructure for business to be conducted successfully. To provide military strength to keep the nation safe and sovereign. To provide a means for diplomatic contact with other nations. To provide representation to the People in all arenas. There are people who believe government should do more then that, they are wrong, my opinion. Government should establish a sociopolitical climate that affords everyone an opportunity to make a living, government should not provide a living, my opinion. I can tolerate others opinion and engage them on it. Right now my community is living out the reality of governance gone very wrong. Not my opinion, sad fact.

  The dam in my community has a damaged spillway and the emergency spillway has been compromised to the point where almost 200,000 people had to be evacuated from throughout the flood plain. The dam has been in need of repair for years, the state government has known of problems for as long 16 years. Yet year after year they chose to give money to people who are here illegally and ignore the very people providing the politicians the money they are squandering. Instead of protecting the people that pay the bills, they took the money to win hearts and minds, sick. If you tolerate stupid this is what happens, the people of California elect these twits. As long as the people will tolerate this, the criminal state government will continue and they will get worse. They will take all we give and demand more.
   The dam repair and fix will amount to the money California has spent on illegal immigrants over the past 20 years. If I had been Donald Trump I would have told Jerry Brown "no ask your constituents for the money, the USA is not going to pay for your states unconstitutional behavior" and I would have been within my rights, if I were Trump. One day Jerry Brown is #notmypresident the next he is asking "not his President" for help. Trump loves the USA so he is not going to let Americans who voted for him down, even those of us in California, thank you Mr. President. So now the entire USA will pay for what the politicians in California have been doing for years, creating a "long term man made human disaster". If you cannot see the irony, how pathetic politicians are, you have bought into the narrative, hence my upside down flag. Help.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Palestinians /Philistines

So for me to have to hear or read anything about the plight of the Palestinians gets annoying. Lets start with basic history. Philistines were a seafaring people who arrived in the middle east as "outlanders", they fought with the Israelites from about 1150 BCE to about 900 BCE when they disappeared from history. There have been Philistine graveyards found that show these were seafaring people, probably from Crete.

  So the people claiming to be Philistines/Palestinians are Arabs. The land of Israel was renamed by the Romans, they named it after the Israelites mortal enemies as an insult and as a way to remove Israel from the history books. They named it Palestine after the Philistines. I am sure there were Arabs living in Israel, but it was not their land. Arabs in the region did not use the term "Palestinian" until after 1948, obviously for political reasons.
  The truth is before WWI Jewish people were returning to their promised land, Israel. The Arabs of the region were more then happy to sell their useless desert land to the Jewish immigrants, they thought they were getting over on the buyers. Those who purchased the land worked it and made Israel a modern, productive and dynamic land. The Arabs then realized if they had made any effort at all they could have had this paradise, too late they sold it. Now they want a do over. This is who the new Palestinians are, Arabs, muslim Arabs.

  In Scripture Joshua was told to clear the land of Israel of all of the peoples residing there, he was told to destroy them. Our Father does not like human blood sacrifice and that is why Joshua was sent into the land of Israel. Destroy the people who "walk their children into the fire". Joshua was given specific orders on what region to clear of these people, sadly he did not finish the job. The new Palestinians strap bombs to their children and then celebrate death, just like the peoples Joshua was told to destroy.
   So if the real Palestinians were actually the Philistines from Crete and the Aegean sea region, what is the motivation for the these Arabs claiming to be "Philistines". I believe that the "Palestinian identity" is just a political attempt to counter "Zionism". They are a weapon being used to disrupt Israels inherent right to its land. Lets be real, the new Palestinians are Arabs so they are not Palestinians at all, they are Arabs. They sold their land to Jewish settlers who worked to make their land into something. Now the Arabs want the land back since all the work has been done. The new Palestinians are a direct reflection of islam, lazy, useless, violent and evil.
  My last word on the subject, for now. When you try to make moral equivalences like the following, building a settlement for people to reside in is the same as a person strapping a bomb to their body and blowing themselves and many innocent people up, you are lost. What is worse there are actually people in this world who agree with this rubbish. Anyone defending the "modern Palestinians" is either not curious about history and the truth or they are part of the modern " we create and believe our lies movement". This type of movement is something that liberal progressive totalitarians are good at.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Not Really a Challenge

I am always up to being engaged in dialogue about most things. Typically when we as people talk we exchange ideas so we can relate to one another. Once we relate we enjoy exchanging information, ideas and of course gossip. I enjoy learning so I am kind of an information junky, even when it is useless, spurious and irrelevant information. So when my curiosity dials in on something I go for it in an overkill type way.
  I was raised by socially liberal German parents, they basically allowed my sister and I to run our own program as we were growing up as long as our school grades were good and our rooms were clean. So as a child and adolescent I was learning all kinds of things on my own. My extended socially liberal German family and parents taught peace and tolerance, it was very important to them, be tolerant of those who are different. I was taught color was just that and nothing else. I was taught that all religions are good and that we were to be very tolerant of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism islam and Christianity as well as Hindus, Buddhists etc.
   At the time as a child I took it as "that is how things are", we tolerate. I must say as a boy I was fascinated with war so I read a lot about it. War had nothing to do with tolerance, I could see that. So something was not correlating with what my family was teaching. As I studied and read I learned that my family was missing half of the point, peace and tolerance takes two parties. Peace only comes when both parties agree to it. Tolerance is a gesture of kindness and acceptance.
   Sometimes you have to fight for what is right. I don't mean like the sorry small minded immoral totalitarian cowards burning down the USAs inner cities because they don't like who got elected as President. I mean fight evil, true evil, to the death because what you are facing is not to be tolerated. If there were a menace that openly threatened your freedom, your right to exist, living and believing as you do, what would you do?  Would you fight for your freedom or would you cower in fear? Would you allow the menace to rape your women? Would you allow the menace to rape and abuse your children? Would allow the menace to indoctrinate your children into the evil? Would you allow the menace to strap bombs to your children and walk them into the fire? Would you allow people to be killed because they don't hold the same opinion, belief or moral code? Would you fight to stop evil??
  I believe in general most people would stand up for their rights and freedom. I believe their would be conscientious objectors, I absolutely respect that. No one really wants to have to fight. Many believe there are alternatives and sometimes there are. Not always. What would have been the outcome of Europe if Charles Martell(832 AD), Jan Sobieski (1682AD)or the United States (1941AD)had not intervened when evil raised its head. I chose those three purposely because islam and nazi Germany are very much alike. Totalitarian, restrictive, intolerant, and of course supremacism run wild.
   Europe would look a lot like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey or Somalia if Charles Martell or Jan Sobieski had decided not to fight for their freedom. Europe would be a corrupt, unproductive wasteland like any number of islamic nations, yes the oil rich states "appear" to be productive but really remove the oil and they fail. If the USA had not intervened in WWII we would all be speaking German and that would not have been a good thing. During WWII the nazis and islam were already co-mingling, can you imagine the outcome of that. And despite all we know, all the history and all of the current events, our elected officials would bring islam into our nation and roll out the red carpet.
   What is worse is that the media actually backs these politicians and their view. Then the worst of all, human nature and the human condition, everyone believes what the media delivers without any due diligence at all. Picking up a history book would be too much, it's not trust it is lazy when you don't fact check obvious nonsense and of course the media wouldn't lie.
    I understand what the liberal progressive totalitarians in this nation are trying to say, they are saying we are a nation of immigrants and we should be open to all oppressed peoples. I fully agree. The reason islamic nations fail is due to the ideology they have elevated to a religion. So they are oppressed by their own beliefs, cultural norms and social order. Funny thing about that is, they are both running from it and have full intentions of forcing it upon all who invite them in. So my dear liberal progressive totalitarians have some psychobabble to unravel and rebuild. No one person or nation can help individuals or groups running from themselves. They need to fix what is broken back where they are from, not unroll and  implement the very travesty they left behind. Many islamic groups in this nation have vowed to do just that, using our freedom and laws to steal our freedom and our rights. Many muslims agree that is what should happen. If you need a good example of politicians working with islamic groups to steal peoples freedom and security look at Europe, soon to be an islamic continent.
   So from here on in I would encourage any liberal progressive to engage me on the subject of islam based on established facts. Please don't confront me with emotional "can't we all just get along" "we are all the same" etc. nonsense. Please don't confront me on how the "Palestinians" are oppressed. Palestinian is actually Philistine and history records that Philistines were not Arabs, hijacking a name does not make you legitimate. The Arabs in Israel are not oppressed by Judaism or Israelis, they are oppressed by islam. Please don't confront me on the Crusades unless you have done your homework. Islam was destroying Persia, the Middle East and North Africa killing Christian and Jewish people for 400 years before the defensive action of the Crusades was approved by any pope. I agree the Crusaders made some very bad and evil choices at times, I do not excuse those actions in any way. Please don't confront me on what islam has contributed to the world, be rest assured that most good that has come from islam was either stolen or coerced out of other conquered peoples, not to say that islam has not made contributions. I ask please to not confront me with emotion, but if you do I am up for it, it is just not really a challenge.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hollywood Strike?

Really? Honestly?! They are "the base for the entire modern American culture"? They speak for humanity?  Ok I would get it if they produced our food or electricity or oil or anything practical or useful. They are entertainers. Not farmers, not manufacturers, not police officers, not doctors. So I would say by preponderance of the evidence they have nothing to make a strike effective. Who cares if some overpaid underworked ivory tower living hypocrite doesn’t “work”? These people are not part of the real world. How does their opinion mean any more than that of a common worker? Do I really need the tripe that they produce to make it through the day? The funniest thing about this is that they are serious, like somehow the world will stop if there were no new movies, tv shows etc. I am sure the advertisers might complain but I could care less about advertisers, they are as bad as actors.
 Advertisers use psychology, imagery and sound to manipulate, in particular children which offends me. 
 Back to the Hollywood strike. Please do, honestly pop culture is one of the biggest corrupters of human beings. Hollywood plays a very big part in pop culture. Everyone wants to belong and we all can relate to music and movies, so pop culture helps us relate to one another in "pop cultures'" way. Hollywood believes they are dictating, they have forgotten that they are actually portraying, copying, imitating, counterfeiting not leading. Let them strike and feel what the weight of a feather does on a scale.

Compromise No, All Free Yes

 "Who gets the free stuff now?" This is a question that was posed me, rhetorically, but I will address it anyway because it brings up valid points to consider. Let me be clear on my "political" stance, politics is a self serving industry and politicians are pigs eating our lunch because they make up the rules. Very simple. Politicians are bad.
  So let me approach the first point like this, the human condition is our visible blind spot. I know there is much good in the human condition, it just doesn't play out well in politics, religion, sports or war. When it comes to politics I have yet to run into anyone that doesn't draw a line in the sand regarding their leaning and philosophy, not a very objective or open minded approach. Even worse they refuse to waiver from that stance at all, no debate, no discussion, no dialogue, no means of reaching a compromise. Compromise to these people is the opposition seeing everything their way.  It is much like the loyalty people show for their favorite sports franchise.

 Politics is not a game where there is a winner after 3 hours and then everyone goes home drunk. Sadly us and them is how we vote. If the system were fair it would begin with voters being non affiliated and objective. Never going to happen, the human condition dictates point one. There are few pragmatic voters. As long as people refuse to vote based on objectivity the system is broken. As long as the people refuse to see, the system will remain broken. Its not the politicians, lobbyists, industrialists, political parties, laws, police, military or nefarious groups. Its We the People.

   Good leaders know the value of listening to all the facts and then proposing the answer. Politicians listen, create talking points(misdirection) which they have no intention of addressing. Politicians prey on apathy and trust. Good leaders motivate their people and build trust. The tone is set by what the people will allow or tolerate. In a democracy we the People are the employer, we decide who gets the job at all levels of governance. Our country is a mess because of decisions we the People have made over and over again, as well as decisions we refuse to make. People decide with their favorite team in mind, they cant get past the idea of maybe having to compromise with other people. Compromise is me seeing it your way period. I guess point two is the same as point one, We the People.

   Money. If this really were a democracy we would all have a real chance at becoming a politician. Oh sure you can start at the community organizer level and somehow find yourself the leader of the free world, but generally that does not happen anymore, it used to. That is how the system is laid out today. Really money should not dictate our choice for a leader. Unless we the people look over candidates objectively and not based on what they spend on their campaign, politics will continue as usual. Point three comes right down to We the People again. I guess I have only made one point so far.

  Who gets the free stuff? Why the politicians do. Whether conservative or liberal they are all on the take, their talking points are just mirror images of each other. This is how politicians divide the people and the money. Its all about power and wealth, its about taking wealth from people who work to line their political pockets. Rock stars don't get their money for nothing, politicians do. Who gets the money and free stuff? The political industrial complex. Who is at fault? It's We The People. I guess thats the point.