Saturday, September 17, 2016

This IS War

I get tired of blathering the same thing over and over, but the truth must get out. The media, our politicians and even religious leaders would have you believe we are not at war. There is no war on Christianity. We are not in a religious war. This is not an age old war. Etc ad nauseam.
  We ARE at war. This war has been going on since man has existed. It is a war over the soul. For the past 1400 years it has manifested itself as a religious war. The war between Christianity and islam. The initial war was won by islam in its imperial conquests of the middle east, north Africa, and even islams venture into Europe. Eventually good always prevails and at least the Europeans were able to mount armies that were courageous enough to stand and fight armies that outnumbered them every time. The lesson islam has learned is that no muslim army ever wants to stand before an army of Believers, they truly understand who is backing their army and who is backing ours. Lets face it evil is no genius but it is not stupid either, so after getting smacked down by real men islams approach changed the fight. It doesn't look like a war really, but it is. We think of war in conventional fashion, multiple large armies blowing each other up. Islam now takes us out a few at a time, they are waging a guerrilla war and actually doing quite well.

  Having our media and politicians on their side makes the war easy to hide and victims easy to find. So having small groups of roving thugs is now normal in our communities so why not allow small bands of jihadists to roam our land( they already do, there are many militarized muslim camps around the USA) and kill us a few at a time, especially those who can identify the enemy and do.

   If muslims need help they should look to their holy land, saudi arabia, that is where all muslim refugees should be sent, they have money and land. Our leaders wouldn't get wealthy if that happened, saudi arabia is probably paying them to dump refugees on us. Every western nation is being invaded by the enemy, and the enemy is not only getting help from our leaders, but they are winning without the loss of life you would expect in a conventional war. Small groups of jihadists swarm individuals or use stealth tactics to murder groups of people. Yes this is a war, a very serious one, souls are at stake.

   Let me be clear to all who believe in the true Father in Heaven, right now you are either a soldier or you are a victim. Open your eyes to the truth. There are those who don't believe in fighting I respect that, find Brothers and Sisters who are willing and help one another. The Father did not give us good judgement so we could fall prey to evil, he wants us to stand.

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