Thursday, August 4, 2016

Wake Up USA

 I have been accused of being "judgmental", "racist", "intolerant" etc. I do use my judgement, often. My judgement is not politically correct, it is real and focused. I make judgements about people and situations everyday. Those judgements are personal, I rarely condemn people or peoples. Having said that if people are evil I don't have an issue judging them, openly. I judge by showing the truth, I rarely openly condemn, the truth is usually enough to open eyes. Usually. In todays world people have this ideal that if we are just nice to everyone and give them money and stuff they will like us. Nope. How much money does the USA send to Pakistan? How is that working out? They hate us and openly condemn the USA and its people. How about Egypt, how much money do they get from us every year? How is that working? They hate us and openly condemn the American people. How about the palestinians( Philistines)? How much money do we send them? Do they love us yet? No they kill our people, celebrate and demand more money, they brag about ripping us off. How about Saudi Arabia? Obama is so scared to offend them and loves them so much he bows to their king. Our president should bow to no one, especially imperialistic pigs. We just sent 1.7 billion dollars worth of other currency to Iran, have they rolled out the red carpet? No they openly and continuously condemn the USA and the American people.

   Yes I call a spade a spade. Islam is evil. Its only purpose is to conquer and destroy. They are the original "brownshirts". I will not condemn any individual muslim that wants to live peacefully. I just don't know who is peaceful. Their unholy quran gives directives to lie to infidels if it suits the moment, lie until you have numbers then smite them. That is islam. How can one have a fruitful, meaningful conversation with someone who has the idea he or she can lie to us as a standard. There is no reason to have dialogue with people that don't respect us, who would be happy to put us to the sword. Muslims like to say unless you read the quran in Arabic you can't really understand it, so we infidels could never really understand. The truth is the original quran was written in classical Arabic, only about 5% of Arabs can read classical Arabic. 90% of muslims don't read or speak Arabic. So are they "misunderstanders".
    My last word on this. If someone understands what the quran states and still holds onto the ideals within its' covers, they are evil. If someone hangs onto islam but does not know what is in the quran, they are fools if not evil.
   I have condemned no one, I have condemned an evil ideology. I condemn Nazis and any other supremacist ideology. I will continue to use my judgement to keep myself and my loved ones safe.

You gotta love those Kurdish women, real warriors compared to isis

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