Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Random Thoughts; Our Progressive World

  The enemy holds rank here in this world, he is the "prince of the Earth", and all that happens here currently is his game. The enemy has set up the rules that people currently operate under, these rules are passed off as laws and statutes of the land. Many of the laws appear fair, as they would have to in order to convince people the laws take the "moral high ground", in order to poison people you have to spoon in healthy portion of good to mask the poison. Then you slowly remove the good and add more poison until there is no good left.

   The progressives of the world are looking to remove as much good, and there is not much, from the statutes as they can in the face of people who actually have morals, people who know right from wrong. People who know laws are not always fair to everyone but are willing to work within( sometimes skirting) the laws. The progressives have the upper hand. First of all what they are peddling is akin to pampering the flesh, something our Father does not do. So in offering all the earthly, fleshly fun "free phones, free food, free money, free love, free time, free, free, free" progressives lead people to their demise, they enslave them. When the freeloaders hear hard working God fearing people telling them there is nothing for free, guess who becomes the evil in society?Progressives would have you think that good and bad are relative, they don't want you to judge while at the same time there are groups they routinely demonize because it furthers their agenda. And who exactly would progressives want to thoroughly destroy? Why good people of course. Yahshua( Jesus) taught Kepha(Peter)
to become a fisher of men, don't be fooled, Lucifers nets are full, he is a fisher of men as well. This is Ha Satans' realm, he is the earthly prince. The game is rigged, he rigged it. Progressives, not all mind you, but many are the army of the adversary. They may not want to believe it. In WWII many Germans in the Wehrmacht were Nazis and didn't know it. All it takes is human slight of hand, some psychology and study of the human condition, some pop culture audio visual tools and voila, your in control. No one knows how?

   Look at Buraq Obama, a community organizer, a state senator, a US senator for four months and decides to become president and does, where did he come from. What kind of money from who put this man in the seat of the US presidency? Think about it. This man came out of nowhere. Who has that kind of money, who could muster that type of an army? Who has that type of power? The power to elevate Buraq Obama to the presidency. Very scary on one hand. When I look at the world through Scriptural eyes all I can say is, "everything is on schedule and going as planned and called out".
    I really don't believe things will get better, if you look at history, even just recent history, once humanity steps across certain lines in time it never goes back, when the genie is out of the bottle you can't put the genie back in. Things may or may not get better in the short term, I honestly don't care, I have come to terms with what I am seeing. The only thing that still hurts is watching people be misled by evil people, whether political or religious, for wealth and power. Sadly progressives actually embrace groups that espouse murder, violence and terror then turn around and swear they are advocates for those being persecuted by the very evil they embrace. How could so many people be blind to this? Lulled to sleep by a false sense of security blown onto the people like a drug. Who could do that? Here is a good one, How can the Democrat party be the party of minorities? They fought to keep blacks out of the party into the 1920s. How? That is so in your face. Like I said, slight of hand, keep telling the same lie and it becomes true. I keep staring at my guns waiting for them to jump up and just start shooting me. No person would shoot me, but an inanimate object with a mind of its own.....
  Like I said, I really don't care if things get better or not, I am in it for the long haul and I am willing to fight for what is right. Progressives want to destroy Christianity, they want to destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of doing what you men using the womens restroom.
 Let me be clear on what is going on here, while everyone is worried about who is using what bathroom, while everyone is worried about marijuana laws, while everyone is worried about fracking, while everyone is worried about the spotted owl something else is brewing. Leaders of this nation are on a non stop mission to steal your freedom and rights. Imagine having no guns to defend yourself with from our current government. We would have armed federal agents in our neighborhood strong arming us so Obama can use Air Force 1 to fly to Hawaii and golf. Sadly I do see this in our future, being unarmed and raped by a political military entity, sort of like Iran. Again, I will give up everything to be free, there is no life without freedom. That is what progressives have planned for us, a nation like Iran where they can imprison anyone with impunity, torture and murder with impunity, get rid of undesirables, like those with morals, those who will not embrace evil. Like Nazi Germany.

      Progressives believe you can thread two screws together because they are nuts, this is the type of nonsensical logic they are using to build the world we live in. The progressives embrace evil violent ideologies so they can terrorize and murder those the progressives deem undesirable. They are willing to allow cancer into the body to spite the soul, absolute evil. They don't even think about their own offspring, its all about power, control and greed. You could include all politicians under that umbrella, but only the progressives send out "code pink", "black lives matter", etc. Only progressives interrupt opposing party rallies and conventions using violence, yet they scream the loudest about too much violence. They incite problems, get arrested and sue the city. I don't see that behavior from the "other side". Don't tread on me.

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